These Quick Snacks Are Proven To Be Healthy and Cheap
A video from John Hopkins University shows us that healthy food doesn't have to be a burden on your bank account or your watch. These easy and affordable snacks can help keep you moving.
This Performer's Balance Is Legendary!
They say you must have balance in life. Well this performer took balance, made it his slave, and now goes on showing off his incredible control of balance wherever he goes!
Incredible Balancing Acts!
Life is about balance, and it's always fun to see when people pull off amazing acts of balance that take a lot of patience, time and a VERY steady hand. Enjoy these phenomenal examples of balancing acts!
Mastering the Art of Extreme Balance - Incredible!
Eskil's goal is to inspire people that anything's possible!
This Acrobat Takes Balancing Acts To New Heights!
Erik Ivarsson is a unique performer and acrobat. Watch him combine two difficult performances into a unique and entertaining one!
This Great Exercise Guide Will Improve Your Balance
Practicing these exercises will help maintain your balance and keep you from falling over.
This Performance Combines Balance, Art and Skill!
Alla Klishta from Odessa astounds judges with her terrific performance.
In Tough Times These Quotes Will Help You Find Balance
It's easy to get caught up in a chaotic lifestyle, but these 10 inspiring quotes will help you find your balance.
Balance Your Body's pH Level with These Great Tips
If your body is too acidic, it can increase your chances of contracting a dangerous disease. Here are some tips on how to balance your body's pH levels.
Sometimesm, the Right Words Can Return Our Balance
Learn to achieve balance in your life and get the inspiration you need from these quotes.
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips
A hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on your health. Here are 10 natural ways to heal your hormones.
What an Incredible Balancing Act of Beauty, Poise & Grace!
I've never seen such a time-freezing performance of delicate grace as this amazing, incredible balancing act from Japanese artist, Miyoko Shida.
How to Balance the Damage from Eating Refined Carbs
Refined carbs can cause some serious health effects. This is what you should do to balance the damage.
Improve Balance & Avert Falls in 5 Minutes With These Tips
These 5 easy exercises strengthen the lower body and improve your mobility and balance. Best of all, this exercise routine only takes 5-7 minutes!
6 Signs of a Zinc Deficiency and How to Balance it Out
Zinc deficiency can cause a number of problems in the body. Find out if you're deficient and what foods can help balance it out.
Senior Health: Walk Backwards for Better Balance
Walking backwards boosts senior health in surprising ways.
This Performer Really Knows How to Keep Her Balance!
Anastasia Tyurina shows her balancing skills with the Dalian Acrobatic Troupe, performing a number from The Nutcracker.
Why We Need to Keep a Balanced pH Level!
I never think about my body's pH levels - Turns out it pays to know the foods and causes of unbalanced pH levels!
TEST: Pick the Colors to See Your Brain Balance
This test was developed decades ago, as a way to test color perception and mental acuity. It also gives us an idea of which side of your brain is most dominant!
8 Seated Exercises For Improved Balance and Joint Mobility
These seated exercises are perfect for strengthening core muscles and improving mobility in the joints for those who have difficulty standing up for a long time.
4 Beginners Exercises to Improve Your Balance in 5 Minutes
This video tutorial will help you maintain a sense of balance and strength in just 5 minutes a day
Let's Play: This Game Requires True Balance and Skill!
Play pinball with Santa in this hilarious and fun game.
5 Rare & Unique Balance Beam Mounts You Need to See
Enjoy this compilation of rare and crazy gymnastic moves that will take you by surprise.
Modern Parenting – How to Balance Work and Family Life
Many Parents today spend long hours away from their children, now you no longer have to feel bad - these tips will help you find the balance!
This Artist Uses Gravity to Create Unique and Fantastic Art
This artist creates unbelievable works of balance.
These Acrobats Are On a New Level!
These women will give you a show you'll never forget! I never knew people could be so graceful.
Could a Bad Night’s Sleep Cause You to Fall More?
Have you ever found it difficult to keep your balance after a poor night’s sleep? New research could explain why...
3 Easy Exercises to Alleviate Light-Headedness
If you're feeling dizzy or out of balance, these three exercises will help alleviate your symptoms.
I've Never Seen a Show Like This, But I'm Glad I Got To.
This man is a true master of balancing, and his act is like nothing you've seen before.
This Man Tests the Limits of What People are Capable of
This is one acrobatic performance you won't want to miss, featuring an absolutely mind-blowing and multifaceted balancing act.
The Most Patient Dog in the World!
This photo series of Scout balancing objects on his head had me in stitches, while also making me rethinking my outlook on pit bulls.
How Is It Possible for So Many Acrobats Ride ONE Bicycle?
What a performance! Watch this impressive balancing bicycle act.
50+? Try This Exercise for Stronger Legs!
Improve your balance and leg strength with this one simple exercise.
This Impressive Juggling Act Will Leave You Breathless...
Watch Michael Chirrick can carry out an incredible juggling and balancing act the likes of which have never been seen before!
Meet ATLAS, the Mountain Climbing Robot!
Meet a robot that can cross streams, go over obstacles and even climb mountains to save you.
I've Never Seen a Dog Do This. I'm Very Impressed!
Nana is one of the most talented dogs you'll ever see...
These Insane Motorbike Stunts Will Make You Doubt Your Eyes
Motorbike stunts that completely defy the laws of gravity!
4 EASY Dizziness Exercises for Home Vestibular Rehab
Treat dizziness, vertigo, and motion sensitivity at home with these exercises.
The Reverse Pick-Pocket!
Some people are addicted to stealing. Some balance out that equation by giving back...
11 Common Cookie Baking Mistakes And Their Results
Every baker knows there is a delicate balance to be kept in chocolate chip cookies. This is how the 11 most common mistakes will affect your final batch.
Will the Micro-Cycle Become the Ultimate Urban Vehicle?
After more than three years in the business, Vancouver-based start-up Ryno Motors has nearly finished its third and final design for a one-wheel self-balancing motor bike, It's a sleek and sporty machine
7 Common Sofa Arranging Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Make sure you don’t make these common sofa arranging mistakes in your living room.
This Unbelievably Talented Fifteen Year Old Will Amaze
Fifteen year old contortionist, Sofie Dossi will absolutely blow you away with her beautiful act.
Grace and Precision: Mesmerizing Artistic Cycling Duo
Watch these two girls perform the most graceful and artistic bike stunts!
Use These Ear Tips to Recharge Your Body Naturally
This simple action can help to boost blood flow and balance hormones.
10 Life-Changing Hacks for Better Glucose Levels
Transform your health with genius glucose tips.
These 5 Tips Will Help You Build a Healthy Vegetarian Diet
In this video, you'll find 5 ways that'll ensure your vegetarian eating plan is as balanced and nutritious as possible.
These Monks Have Overcome Human Limitations.
Shaolin Monks Are the most disciplined people on the planet
Why Moving Your Body Will Help Save Your Memory
New studies show that dancing may be what you need to reverse aging.
Ayurveda - the 5,000-year-old Medicinal Tradition
A light introduction to Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian medicinal tradition, and a self massage protocol based on this ancient knowledge.
An Incredibly Powerful Message About Stereotypes at Home
This video passes on a strong message, encouraging more balance in today's family dynamic, encouraging each family member to #ShareTheLoad.
Guide: Fix Your Hips with These 10 Splendid Yoga Poses
Yoga can do wonder for your hips, so why not add these 10 poses to your daily routine?
The Easy Way to Tone Your Arms and Stomach
If you don't have the time or energy to invest in a full workout, this body toning 5-minute workout is just for you!
These 6 Yoga Poses Will Straighten Your Osteoporosis
Whether you have osteoporosis or simply want to protect your health, these 6 yoga poses could be absolutely vital. It's time to try yoga!
What on Earth is Baking Cocoa?!
Cocoa powder and baking cocoa are two entirely different things. Let's see how.
There are Supermen Among Us - Amazing!
Some people have abilities beyond explanation...
Walking Backward is Beneficial For Both the Body & Mind!
Incorporating backward-walking into your fitness routine can be highly beneficial for both your body and mind. Here's why you should give it a try.
Reverse Kegels Explained: A Key to Better Pelvic Health
While Kegel exercises, which involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, are widely known and practiced for strengthening these muscles, the lesser-known reverse Kegel exercises offer equally significant benefits.
How to Strengthen and Stabilize the Hips Through Exercises
These senior-friendly exercises will help you strengthen the hips and improve your sense of balance.
Study Shows Dancing May Improve Quality of Life of Seniors
A recent study, conducted by experts from different fields have noted that dancing can significantly improve the health of seniors.
Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented by The Right Exercises...
Here are 8 easy-to-do exercises you can start doing right away. Your bones are counting on you!
Have You Tried Qigong? You'll Want to After Reading This
Discover the benefits that qigong can bring to the body and the mind.
These Acrobats Are True Masters of Their Craft
Watch these acrobats put on a perfromance like no other.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide and Banish Fat!
Your hormones could be effecting your weight. This is how to reset your hormones.
Why Do We Pop Our Ears, and What if it Fails?
Dive into the mechanics of this necessary, yet often overlooked, bodily function of popping your ears.
8 Surprising Factors That Can Increase Your Blood Sugar
Many factors can increase our blood sugar levels. Read this article to find out what to avoid and how to keep your blood sugar in check.
I've Never Seen an Acrobat Do This. Wow.
This acrobat is nothing short of incredible...
8 Financial Terms We Should All Know!
If your 40th birthday is fast approaching (or long past) and you haven't really been thinking about retirement plans or your financial future, then read this!
Discover Which Hormone Imbalances Can Lead to Weight Gain
The body produces a number of different hormones to function optimally, but the 9 you're about to read about are among the most important of all. r
Why Is This Adorable Kitten Wearing a Helmet?
Today we introduce you to the inspirational story of Otter, a special needs cat who lives and thrives against all odds.
Do You Know Anyone With a Hobby as Weird as These?
These people’s talents are so unusual that they were picked as the Weirdest Talents of 2020!
These Yummy One-Bowl Breakfasts Are Both Easy & Healthy
If you need some tasty breakfast inspiration, consider making one of these delicious and nutritious one-bowl breakfasts!
Ditch the Omega-3 Supplements For This Instead
What's the difference between omega 3, 6, and 9, and is it possible you don't even need a supplement for those?
Better Sleep Starts Here: Feng Shui Bedroom Guide
Improve your sleep with these amazing Feng Shui bedroom hacks.
This Tribe Will Make You Appreciate the Hunt for Honey...
A tribe in Nepal that practices a unique art which is slowly disappearing...
Who Knew Brazil Nuts Were So Incredibly Good For You?
Brazil nuts have a whole host of health benefits to offer you. Learn all about them here.
5 Easy Tweaks To Make Your Takeout Food Healthier
There are several creative ways to increase the nutritional value of a takeout meals, and even adjust them to support your weight loss goals! Here are some tips.
How Detached Are You From Your Ego? This Test Reveals All
There's a constant battle going on in our heads between the ego and the self. Find out which dominates you in order to help you find balance.
Massage These 3 Points if You Have High Blood Pressure
While high blood pressure is caused by a variety of things, its most common cause is hypertension. Reduce your high blood pressure by using the ancient technique of acupressure.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide to Banish Fat!
The Levitating Cube Table - Incredible!
This table is actually made of wooden blocks that actuality levitate in mid air. How does this work?
The Incredible Athletics of the Quadcopter - Amazing!
Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes!
This Former Teacher Wows IGT Judges With His Aerial Stunts
Ronan Brady is one of Ireland’s got Talents most impressive participants with an incredible aerial acrobatic performance.
New Technology: The Robots Are Coming...
Atlas is part of the latest generation of robots. Find out its incredible abilities by watching this video.
Bananas Are Incredible. Here Are 14 Reasons Why!
We all know that bananas are full of potassium and vitamins, but did you know that this fruit can be used to treat our most common health problems?
Hormonal Mechanisms for Weight Loss
Learn the hormonal mechanisms behind weight loss and loose skin, and the natural measures to balance it out for a younger appearance.
You Won't BELIEVE What This 81 Year Old Can Do!
Incredible stunt by an 81 year old woman proves that age is becoming less and less relevant.
Everyone Needs a Recipe Like This in Their Life...
Here's a recipe to live by...
Meet Cute Dog Maymo, the New Internet Sensation
Maymo, a Lemon Beagle and a cute and naughty dog has become an internet sensation due to his antics!
These Guys Are Poetry In Motion. Wow.
A beautiful performance by the Peking Circus!
This 1 Minute Exercise Is All You Need to Do Each Day
If there's one form of exercise you should practice each day, the plank is it. Discover its benefits and alignment cues here.
Warning: Hilarious Reasons Men Die Younger
Men are always hell-bent on cutting corners, and this usually means having a total disregard for health and safety. Take a look at these 28 photos.
15 Quotes on Yoga That Will Bring You Some Inner Peace
Yoga is a practice through which you can attain inner peace and find balance in your life. Here are some inspiring yoga quotes to motivate you.
Watch a Talented Young Dancer Turn the World Upside Down!
Veronika Khistova is only 14 in this video, but she makes everyone laugh with her upside-down dancer routine!
The MOST Important Exercise to Practice For Seniors
This video will walk you through one simple exercise recommended daily for older adults.
These Stunning Chinese Acrobats are Pure Perfection...
Whether you're into acrobatics or not. this show will boggle your mind!
People of All Ages Can Benefit From This Yoga Routine
Here's a gentle yoga routine people of all ages and levels can do and benefit from!
A World in a Word: Wonderful Inspirational Quotes
The best inspirational quotes by celebrated thinkers from across the ages.
Easy Exercises to Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check
These gentle exercises may help bring balance to both body and mind.
Over 50? These 7 Key Muscles Keep You Moving & Strong
If you are over 50, you must watch this video for your health...