The Beautiful American Birds We'll Never See
Get to know the extinct birds of North America you'll probably never see...
Discover More About the World With These Fascinating Maps
Learn new and fascinating things about the world with these fun and unusual maps!
Reviving Mammoths? Yes, It's Possible.
Scientists are currently working on a plan to revive the extinct mammoth. Yes, you hear right. But how is possible and would it impact our world?
What's the Biggest Canyon on Earth?
The Grand Canyon is clearly the most popular canyon on Earth, but it's not even close to being the biggest. So, which canyon is the largest, then?
Venice Is a Major Port, But That’s Not Why It Was Built
Venice is a stunning city and an important trade center, but it began as something very different, a refuge for the local population...
What's The Shortest Border In The World?
Turns out, the answer to the question “What’s the shortest border in the world?” isn’t as simple as it sounds.
These Maps Reveal Interesting Facts About the World
Take a look at these unique maps that show us the world like never before...
The Fascinating History of the Extinct Barbary Lions
The Barbary lions once roamed North Africa. They were supposedly the largest of all lion species. But what happened to them?
Why Do People Think These Countries Are FAKE?
Some places in our world are actual function countries but for have only limited international recognition. Why is it so?
There’s a Map for Literally EVERYTHING in the World!
These rare and unusual maps provide some unique information!
Fascinating Maps of China You Really Need to See
Learn everything about China with these fascinating maps.
Meet The FASTEST Animal on the Planet
This tiny ant goes from zero to 200 mph in a fraction of a second - which makes it the fastest animal on the planet!
The Bizarre Way Utah ‘Restocks’ Its Lakes with Fish
Every summer, hundreds of thousands of fish are dropped out of planes into Utah's mountain lakes. Why is this strange practice so vital?
16 Unique and Unusual Maps That Will Surprise You
Check out these unusual maps that provide a wealth of unique information.
Expand Your Knowledge with These Intriguing Facts
They say those who keep learning stay young. So if you're a keen learner, check out these fascinating facts about history, nature, and a variety of other topics!
Immortal Animals: The Creatures That Can Live Forever
Plenty of creatures on planet Earth can live almost forever. Let's meet a few of them...
Have You Heard of These Unusual Types of Lions?
Lions a re a much more diverse species than most people know. Here are the 8 most unique and rare lion types.
Pigeons Have Played a Massive Role in World History
Pigeons are one of the most common birds in the world, but they're utterly underrated. In fact, they have played a huge role in world history. Find out more...
Hammerhead Sharks - Eevolution's Strangest Turn
Around 20 million years ago evolution introduced hammerhead sharks. Why did evolution make such a surprising turn and what makes these sharks so uniqe?
These Fascinating Maps Might Change Your Worldview
Who says maps are boring? These wonderfully unique maps will change the way you see the world!
The Real Reasons For the Extinction of Dodo Birds
Were dodo birds really hunted to extinction? this video, which offers some fresh insights into the reason for the species’ demise.
Are These Extremely Rare Natural Phenomena Even Real?
Have you ever seen the physical edge of a rainstorm? What about a fire tornado? There is a reason why these natural phenomena are so rare...
These Bizarre Historical Heists Almost Sound Made Up
Did you know that an entire church was once stolen brick by brick? Learn about some unbelievable historical heists here.
These Man Made Pools Provide Support to Millions of People
The Potash Ponds are not only a striking sight but also an extremely important resource. What's their story? Find out here.
Meet the Most Amazing Architects of the Animal Kingdom
Take a look at some of the weirdest and most wonderful bird nests from the animal kingdom.
Meet the Giant Cassowary – The Modern-Day Dinosaur
Meet the most dangerous bird on Earth, the giant cassowary, that is also regarded as a modern-day dinosaur.
What Species Is the Oldest on Earth? You’ll Be Surprised
You'd be surprised to find out how far back some species go, including humans...
The Biggest Frog Ever: The Origins of Beelzebufo
Learn about the fascinating origins of Beelzebufo ampinga, an enormously large species of prehistoric frog that lived with the dinosaurs.
You Won't See These Massive Reptiles in Any Zoo
Your mind will be figuratively blown by the monumental size of these incredible dinosaurs and other reptiles that once roamed the Earth.
Learn the Stories of These Magnificent Abandoned Castles
These abandoned castles are definitely worth a visit.
This Fascinating Video Explores the Origins of Mankind
This video will explain exactly what our prehistoric ancestors used to get up to. Fascinating!
You Won't Believe How Long These Animals Can Live For!
What do you think the longest-living life-form on Earth is? This video has all the answers!
Witness the Might of the World's Greatest Empires
The world's greatest civilizations and empires had a marked effect on history and shaped the world as we know it today. Watch these informative videos.
These Unique Maps Show the World in a Whole New Light
This collection celebrates maps and their endless possibilities.
A Fascinating History of the New Year’s Eve
Did you know that New Year's hasn’t always been celebrated on January 1?
How Did We Invent the Dollar? Learn Its Meandering History
In this video, we will learn a short history of the U.S. Dollar.
16 Intriguing Maps That Will Surprise You
These fascinating maps show the world in the most interesting ways.
This Rare Jellyfish Was Only Seen Twice
This rare jellyfish was only ever seen twice. Now we have it caught on video.
Same Country, Different Name - The Story of Exonyms
Ever wonder why we call Germany, well, 'Germany,' but they refer to themselves as 'Deutschland?
Was There a Time a Day Lasted 10 Hours?
Eons ago, before the dinosaurs ever evolved, there was primordial life on Earth. What did it look like?
This Self-Cooling Building Was Inspired By Termites
How do you cool a building without air conditioning? By mimicking termites…
Extinct Animals: Just What Was the Mysterious Ainiktozoon?
The Ainiktozoon was a curious ancient organism from the Silurian of Scotland. The precise origins of this odd animal continue to befuddle experts even today.
Explaining 12 Fascinating Maps of the United States
Let's look at 12 fascinating maps of the United States and see what information they can teach us.
There Are Surprising Stories Behind Every US State’s Name
Learn the fascinating history behind the origin of each US state's name.
History: The Swamp of Many Hidden Secrets
Find out the truth about the secret communities that lived in the Great Dismal Swamp in North America.
Beautiful Nature Moment: Puffin Goes Hunting For His Chick
Watch how one puffin flies 50km (30 miles) out to sea to find fish for his chick. On the way, he must evade other birds that could rob him...
The Surprising Origin of the Frozen TV Dinner
Frozen 'TV dinners' once dominated the American market. This is the surprising origins story of this popular food.
Car Designs Have Changed SO Much Over the Last Century
A classic car expert provides an in-depth analysis of the last 100 years of car design.
Why Were Masks SO Popular In Medieval Venice?
Venetian masks are one of the city's most iconic symbols. But what is the history of these unusual accessories? Find out the surprising answer in this video.
Smart Crow Forms a Special Bond With the Man Who Saved Him
Watch how a crow who lost his home in a storm found a helping hand through a human family.
10 Dog Breeds That Are As Huge As They Are Adorable
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and that includes ginormous. Get to know the world's 10 biggest dogs.
HD Video: Immerse Yourself in This Wildlife Experience
This 8K ultra HD video presents some beautiful wild animals as you have never seen them before.
This Physician's Map Helped Stop the 1854 Cholera Epidemic
Learn all about John Snow, the renowned physician who helped stop the 1854 cholera outbreak with a simple map.
Are Bananas On the Verge of Extinction?
A fungus called Panama Disease s currently ravaging banana farms across the globe...could bananas soon be extinct?
15 Unusual Flowers Across the Globe
Did you know that there are flowers that attract prey or those that look like insects? Learning about these unique flowers is a mind-boggling experience
15 Fascinating Construction Projects Around the World
Take a look at some of the biggest and most interesting buildings currently being constructed around the world.
Cicadas: Things You Need to Know About These Noisy Bugs
Cicadas can be quite annoying. But there’s a very interesting reason why these bugs are so noisy.
The PRICIEST Construction Mistakes in History
Even large-scale construction projects like those of bridges and skyscrapers are not safe from failure. These are the MOST expensive building fails in history!
Incredible Nature: Enjoy These Amazing Dolphin Moments
Dolphins are truly special creatures. Enjoy some magical moments with dolphins in this video.
A Walk Through the Destroyed City of Berlin in July 1945
In this absolutely fascinating restored footage, you get a glimpse of the partly destroyed streets of Berlin in July 1945, mere months after the German surrender.
These Are the Worst Parents in the Animal Kingdom
These animals certainly won't be winning any parenting awards!
Curious Nature - These Places Don't Fit Their Surroundings
From a mini desert in the middle of an alpine forest to a volcano that's actually a geyser, these four places are the outcasts of nature...
This Enchanting Austrian Farm is the Stuff of Dreams!
Just a look at this traditional alpine farm in Austria will make you feel like packing your bags and settling down here.
Do You Like the Smell of Rain? This Is Why
One of the best things about rain and thunderstorms is that clean fresh smell afterward. But what actually causes that distinct scent?
Animal Spies: Fascinating Stories of Non-Human Agents
Who raises less suspicion than innocent animals? Learn of the incredible cases in which animals were trained and used for espionage.
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Marvel at the 15 Biggest Flowers of the World
Take a look at 15 of the largest flowering plants on our planet.
This Species Could Save the Entire Amazon Ecosystem
Is it possible for a fish to breastfeed? Learn about the arapaima, the fish species which has been puzzling scientists for years...
Fascinating Maps We Never Saw in Our School Books
Here are some cool and interesting maps that show some unique facets of the world you never new before.
This Super Smart Raven is Definitely No Birdbrain
We knew that ravens are smart. But this video proves that they are possibly the most intelligent birds on our planet.
This Precious Substance Is Like Nothing Else on Earth
Amber scientists discover the inner workings of the ancient world. This video reveals why this unique substance is so incredibly valuable.
Crying Is the Most Human Thing You Can Do, Here’s Why
Did you know that humans are the only animal in the world that produces tears due to emotion? Here are some fascinating facts about tears and crying.
Inside Airbus A380: The World's Biggest Passenger Plane
Do you know that Airbus A380 is the largest passenger plane ever built? Check out how it looks from inside.
The Most Unbelievable Land Boom in America’s History
Miami Beach started as a swampy island, and that is just one bit of Florida's fascinating history.
Hypnotism: Science or Forgery?
His contemporaries called him a charlatan, but in the late 1880s, Dr. Anton Mesmer was onto something we now know as hypnotism.
These Friendly Exotic Animals Make the Perfect Pets
Did you know that you could raise an Australian capybara or a Saharan fennec fox in your home? These are the 10 cutest exotic animals you could own as pets.
The Colors of Nature Are Truly Spectacular
Sometimes, those that differ from the crowd shine the brightest, as these unique brightly-colored animals prove.
Is It Possible For Humans To Ever Be As Fast As Cheetahs?
The average cheetah can run at a speed of 80 – 130 km/h (50-80 mph)! Why are humans so slow in comparison?
The Roman Emperor Aurelian: Restorer of the World
Learn more about the Roman emperor Aurelian, also known as the “Restorer of the World”.
The Tell Tale Signs That Nature is About to Strike
Every natural phenomenon has its signature calling card. Some are almost as strange as the phenomenon itself...
7 Fascinating Natural Phenomena Science Can’t Explain
From the Great Blue Hole in Belize to the Sailing Stones in CA, this video will introduce you to 7 natural phenomena science isn't fully able to explain.
Admire the Never Ending Beauty of the Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the most beautiful and awe-striking natural wonders of the USA - take a tour through this must-see location in this video.
7 Facts About Ancient Humans That May Surprise You
Our ancient forefathers displayed many moments of courage and even ingenuity. Here are 7 fascinating and surprising facts about prehistoric humans.
The Tram: London's Fascinating Lost Transportation Network
Trams were once a great part of London’s culture. But what happened to them and where are they now?
Uncover the Secrets of Pompeii’s Greatest Treasures
Take a drip through history and uncover some of the biggest treasures from the ancient city of Pompeii.
The Problem with Concrete and What Can Be Done About It
Concrete literally makes up the cities we live in, yet it also puts us in danger. What can be done about it? Find out in this video
Meet the Black Widow – Nature’s Amazing Killer Queen
Black widow spiders are one of the most fascinating creatures of nature but are also quite misunderstood. Find out more about them.
Discover the Weirdest Foods From Ancient Roman Cuisine
Take a look at the kind of food that was eaten in ancient Rome. It isn't as exotic as you think...
10 Ancient Animals That Have Survived for Centuries!
Take a look at some of the most ancient creatures that are still alive on earth.
15 Massive Airplanes That Are the Goliaths of the Skies
Hop aboard some of the biggest and abnormally large airplanes of the world that are ruling the skies at the moment.
Documentary: Explore the Exotic Wildlife of the Swiss Alps
Watch this documentary to discover some of the most breathtaking and incredible wild wonders from the Swiss Alps.
10 Overlooked Yet Fascinating US Landmarks
If you want to avoid the crowds and explore a new location, check out these lesser-known, underrated yet fascinating US landmarks
So this is How a Day as an Ancient Greek Architect Was!
Travel back in history and learn all about the life of an ancient Greek architect in this video.
7 Odd Moments in History That Sound Too Surreal Today
Learn about some truly unusual and bizarre events from history that would have probably broken the Internet if they happened today.
How Come Humans are The Only Species To Have Language?
Language allows us to express an unlimited number of things, and humans are the only species capable of it. How did all came to be?
Nature Lesson: Fun Hummingbird Facts You Never Knew Before
Learn some amazingly true and little-known facts about the insect-sized hummingbirds.
The Terrible and Unexpected Results of Prohibition
Delve into a fascinating chapter in American history with this video, which explains why prohibition failed and shouldn't be attempted ever again
These 5 Animals Can Survive Earth's Most Extreme Climates
Take a look at five animals from all over the world that manage to survive and thrive even in the most extreme climates.
10 of the Largest Living Birds in the World
Check out this list of the largest and heaviest birds that inhabit our planet today.
Take a Midday Stroll Through Ancient Rome!
This extremely detailed cinematic digital reconstruction offers a unique glimpse of everyday life in Ancient Rome