These Cold-War Military Jets Are Amazing Pieces of Work
These airplanes saw action during the extremely tense cold war. Looking at how big and powerful they are, it's a god send things didn't spiral out of control!
Joke: Why the Army Sucks at Communication
The reason the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines bicker amongst themselves is that they don’t speak the same language.
A Moment in History: The Ghost Army that Scared the Nazis!
One of the most fascinating army units during World War II was constantly at the front lines, but never did any fighting...
Joke: The Outback Army Recruit...
An Army Recruit from the Australian outback sends a letter home...
The Terracotta Army: 7,000 Warriors Strong
A Chinese emperor left a standing army behind him upon his death, both to protect him and for the world to admire. Welcome to the terracotta army.
A Grease Lightning Army Base - Superb!
Well, once again we see that soldiers on break get very very bored, and this Swedish soldiers decided to create their own version of the popular 'Grease Lightning' song
Invisible Warfare: The History of Stealth Planes
The most advanced stealth airplanes around the world are a technological marvel.
This Joke Begins With a General Visiting an Army Hospital...
This brave man had only one favor to ask...
The Incredible History of China's Terracotta Army
China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di, had built a platoon of clay soldiers to accompany him in the afterlife. Find out more about this unusual piece of history.
Joke: The Australian Outback Army Recruit
This joke begins with an Australian soldier writing home to the farm...
This Is the LOUDEST Plane Ever Manufactured!
This Cold War-era plane was so loud that it is known to give people seizures!
Paul Allen's Collection of WWII Planes Is Staggering!
This amazing group of planes was amassed by billionaire Paul Allen. These incredibly rare WWII fighters can be enjoyed by the general public. Take a look.
Classic Comedy: When Laurel & Hardy Joined the Army
Laurel & Hardy never fail to make us laugh! Enjoy this classic clip of the time when the iconic duo joined the army...
Joke: A Quick Plane Ride
A photographer from a well know national magazine was assigned to cover the fires at Yellowstone National Park. The magazine wanted to show the heroic work of the fire fighters as they battled the blaze.
What's the Dirtiest Place on the Plane?
If you were asked what the dirtiest place on the plane was, what would you answer? The next study is going to surprise you and change your mind about dirty places.
The Primary Threat to Planes Worldwide Is Surprising
You’ve probably heard that being on a plane is safer than being in a car, and it may be true, but even planes are not invincible...
All These People Were the Sole Survivors of Plane Crashes
It's incredible to think that there are some people in this world lucky enough to be the sole survivors of horrific plane crashed. Here are 6 of them.
7 of the DIRTIEST Places at the Airport and Plane
Stay safe as you travel by plane this year. Beware of these 7 germ-ridden places at the airport and on the airplane.
This Is NASA's Weirdest Plane Design Yet!
With one part of the wing pointing forward and another one backward, the AD-1 looks quite bizarre, but it actually has some interesting science behind it.
Joke: The Plane, the Crash and the Emergency Plan
Shamus and Johnny were riding a flight on Philippine Airlines, everything was going smoothly, and then something went wrong with the engine!
Why the Army Ant is the Most Terrifying Animal in Nature
Many species of ant are larger than the army ant, but none are as fierce. Why is that?
The Caproni Transaereo - the Plane That Turned Heads
The Transaereo had eight powerful engines and 9 wings, and it was conceived to be the first passenger plane to do commercial flights across the Atlantic
The Most Expensive Plane Ticket in the World...
This plane ride is so fancy you will probably never want to get off.
What Went Wrong with the U.S. Army's Universal Camouflage?
The U.S. Army Universal Camouflage Pattern uniform was introduced in 2004 but didn't work. Let's understand why.
From Crash to Luxury - A Plane Hotel!
Some dark endings lead to bright new beginnings...
Step Inside the Cockpits of These Amazing Planes
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get behind the controls of some of the most exciting planes and helicopters ever built? Well wonder no more!
Attention Passengers! These Are the Best Planes For Travel
If you travel a lot, then stay abreast of the best planes in the biz, like these 7 aircrafts that are among the most commercially successful
Funny: This Old Man Sent a Great Letter to the Army...
A pensioner tries to join the army but gets rejected. He believes that pensioners make better soldiers than 18-year-olds, and his reasons will crack you up!
This is How You Can Survive a Plane Crash
Plane crashes are usually considered unsurvivable events. However, science says that you can survive it if you follow these tips.
Funny: This Joke Starts with Three Men in a Plane...
This joke starts with a Mexican, an American and a Russian chucking an item out a plane window...
Fascinating: How Does a Plane Wing Work?
If you've ever wondered how planes fly, this video will perform a little experiment to show you exactly that.
It's Incredible That These Weird Planes Ever Took Flight...
Some very clever men have created some extremely weird vehicles in the past century. In fact, these are probably the most bizarre aircraft ever. Take a look.
13 Craziest and Quirkiest Vintage Planes to Ever Take Off
Check out this collection of some of the most unusual aircraft in history to have ever taken off.
Why Planes Never Fly Over Tibet
it seems aircrafts will go out of their way to fly around Tibet rather than over it. But what makes flying over Tibet so dangerous?
NASA's new machine: helicopter and a plane combined
NASA's new flying machine
Avoid the Worst Seat on the Plane By Following This Advice
What can you do to avoid the middle seat on the plane? Read through this guide.
Making Fun of Gravity - Amazing Plane Stunts!
Sukhoi's Su-35 putting on a stunning performance...
These Private Jets and Planes Are the World's Most Lavish
Airport queues don't exist for people with hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank. Here are the world's most famous and lavish private planes.
Future Now: Are Zero Emission Planes the Future of Flight?
Airbus announced a new concept of zero-emission hydrogen-powered planes, and news outlets are already calling it the future of aircraft engineering
Read Pensioner's Priceless Response After Rejected by Army
Travel in Style With These 5 Luxurious Plane Cabins
Long-haul flights can be boring and miserable; however, this would all change if you had one these cabins to enjoy and relax in!
Amazing History: The Man Who Took Down a Plane With a Gun
Owen Baggett is the only man ever to live known to have shot down a fighter plane using nothing but a handgun. Read his incredible story right here.
We Might See Electric Planes as Soon as 2024!
Apparently, Elon Musk is working on an eVTOL, an electric zero-emission plane and he's not the only one. We might see the prototype as soon as 2024!
Planes Rarely Cross Over the Pacific Ocean, But Why?
Even planes flying directly to Japan from the western US fly all the way through Alaska. Have you even wondered why this is the case?
Inside Airbus A380: The World's Biggest Passenger Plane
Do you know that Airbus A380 is the largest passenger plane ever built? Check out how it looks from inside.
Is a Silent Supersonic Plane Possible? NASA Says YES!
The X-59 may reintroduce supersonic flight to the market. This new super-sonic plane is super-silent!
Man Gets 9 Years in Jail For Smoking on a Plane?
This man set fire to a bin on a plane with his cigarette, and he has now paid a hefty price.
How on Earth Did They Manage to Land in a Moving Plane?
Watch as Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet, better known as the Soul Flyers, jump off of Switzerland's Jungfrau mountain using only wingsuits!
10 Products You Should Never Consume on a Plane
Eating on a plane is fine, but there are actually certain food and drinks that you should avoid consuming while flying. Here are 10 of them!
Pilot Explains How Anyone Can Land a Plane in an Emergency
An airline pilot explains whether it’s possible for an ordinary passenger to land a plane during an emergency.
Amazing Places Where Abandoned Planes Now Rest
Take a look at some of the most incredible airplanes that have been left abandoned for years.
Crazy! Man Jumps From Plane with No Parachute
Kute Aikins fell into the record books when he jump out of a plane at 25,000 feet with no parachute.
Funny: 43 Jokes, puns and one liners about PLANES!
Planes are special vehicles we have to spend many hours in when we travel. This leads to quite a few funny situations. Enjoy 43 jokes and puns about planes!
History: When Napoleon Was Defeated By an Army of Bunnies
The greatest defeat of Napoleon wasn't Waterloo... It was against a bunch of bunnies.
How the Spitfire Became the Most Iconic Plane to Ever Fly
This full documentary will tell you all you need to know about the plane that saved Britain from invasion and defeat during the Second World War.
This Joke Starts With a Black-eyed Guy Boarding a Plane
Two men sit next to each other on a flight. They both notice that they have black eyes, and the conversation immediately turns to that...
Amazing: Hi-Tech Plane to Cut Travel Time by Half
The next generation of planes is coming to cut travel time in half!
Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? No, It's Super Blonde!
There's at least one little lady fighting the old stereotype...
Helpful Chart That Helps You Get the Cheapest Plane Ticket
A new online feature can help you determine the best time to fly to a specific destination for your budget.
Tupolev Tu-16: The Most Dangerous Soviet Passenger Plane
In the 1950s, the Soviet Union converted their popular bomber Tu-16 into a commercial airliner - a move they paid a heavy price for.
Imagine Jet-Setting the Globe in a Swanky Private Plane!
Have you ever wanted to see what the inside of the latest and most luxurious private jets looks like? Here are 21 awesome photos for you.
Amazing! These Birds Fly as High as a Commercial Plane!
Ever wondered what the highest flying birds in the world are? Well, you don't have to wonder anymore!
Bugatti Veyron Vs. Euro Fighter Jet Plane: Who Wins?
2 of the fastest air and land vehicles collide to determine the grand champion of speed. Who will emerge victorious?
Watch a D-Day Veteran Take Another Trip on His WWII Plane
Watch this touching interview with one of the world's last surviving D-Day paratroopers, Les Cruise.
Three Aerospace Giants Have Teamed Up on an Electric Plane
Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Siemens are all giants in their own right, but now they've teamed up to make the E-Fan X, an all-electric airplane. Take a look.
James Bond's Best 15 Cars, Boats and Planes!
James Bond is a movie icon, but the super-spy would not have been half as effective without his fleet of luxury vehicles armed with his signature gadgets.
Why the F-22 is Still King of the Skies
This video is all about the scariest plane machine in the skies, the F-22 Raptor.
Joke: The Only Parachute
Paratroopers from England, Scotland, France and the US were on a plane.
The Inflatable Airplane That Once Promised To Save Lives
The Goodyear Inflatoplane was a unique aircraft from the '50s that was designed as a rescue vehicle. Learn all about its story here.
The Red Baron, the Famous and Deadly WWI German Pilot
The story of the Red Baron, a celebrated pilot of WWI and a legendary fighter.
History Come Calling - Fascinating Photos!
Some really fascinating photos from history capturing terrific moments.
Joke: Please, Please, Do Me This Favor
It was late afternoon when Air Force spotted a Cessna airplane landing right at area 51...
Invisible Warfare: Impressive Stealth Aircrafts!
Exploring 5 of the Most Famous Pilots in History
The fascinating stories of men and women who dared to explore flight when it was still a young technology.
A Lesson in Humility - Funny!
A funny joke with a lesson besides
The World’s 8 Most Amazing and Unique Flying Cars
Check out some of the most amazing and unique flying cars that have actually existed.
10 of the World's Most Advanced Fighter Jet Designs
Many militaries around the world have invested (or are investing) a lot of money into fifth-generation fighter jets. Have a look at 10 of them here!
10 Declassified U.S. Military Secrets That'll Astound You
Government military secrets can range from amusing to absurd to downright terrifying, but they are all extremely intriguing. Here are 10 such secrets.
These Aircraft From the Past Disappeared So Mysteriously!
Many aircraft have taken flight but a few never made it back to the ground like these 7 20th century crafts that mysteriously vanished
The 10 Most Successful Battle Tactics of the Ancient World
In this video, you'll learn about the 10 most powerful tactics used in ancient battle, a battle with no artillery or guns.
Fascinating - Real CIA Experiments of Psychic Powers
There is a US army unit investigating the potential of psychic phenomena. Yes, this is a true story. Learn about their most fundamental experiment here.
7 Stories of Incredible Selflessness That Saved Lives
There are some people brave enough in this world to lay down their lives in order to save others. Here are 7 truly inspiring stories of self-sacrifice.
Joke: If It Works, It Works...
Rick signs up with the army and gets sent on basic training...
History: The Full Story of Napoleon's Epic Defeat
The full story of the battles Napoleon fought that eventually lead to his ultimate defeat.
This Joke Begins With a Hunting Trip to Canada...
TRIVIA: Can You Identify These Famous Historical Photos?
These photos have shaken the world during the 20th century - can you beat the Famous People Photo Quiz?
The Fastest and Highest-Flying Jet Aircraft in History
The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird was developed during the Cold War and still remains the world's fastest airplane.
A Ballet By Remote Control!
A Mesmerizing Air Ballet by Plane
Joke: The Secure Bench
A new general was allotted to a new army base. After some time in the base he realized how there were two army men guarding an empty bench in shifts.
Famous People Photo Quiz: Can You Identify These?
This Was One of the Most Unusual Vehicles of the Cold War
Did you know that the Soviet Union had once developed a gigantic flying boat that rode just above the surface of the water? Let's find out more.
Meet France's Bizarre Cold War 'Beetle' Aircraft
Get to know the unique story of France's 1950s 'beetle' aircraft that was designed to get rid of runways and had NO wings!
That One Time the Soviets Turned a Bomber Into an Airliner
Hear the story of how the Soviets turned the TU-114 bomber plane into a VIP airliner for the Soviet head of state Nikita Khrushchev.
10 Battles in History Most People Don't Know About
The world would have been very different had it not been for these battles.
This Captain Found a Creative Way to Calm His Passengers...
During a routine flight leaving JFK, a loud explosion suddenly caused panic on the plane that the captain tried to calm...
Joke: This General is No Sucker...
This retirement plan ran into some difficulties...
Joke: I've Never Done This Before...
A beautiful woman is sitting next to a teenage boy on a plane....
This Paper Airplane is a Tube and We Promise It CAN Fly
The tube is one of the most unusual paper airplanes we've ever seen, but we promise, it CAN fly! Learn how to fold this odd little paper plane here
See WWII Naval Staff In Full, Beautiful Color
It's always nice to see vintage photos, but there are special. Take a look at life at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station prior to US involvement in WWII.
The Personal Airplane: Tow the Icon A-5 Behind Your Car
Take a peek at the Icon A-5, an airplane aimed at lay adventure seekers rather than trained pilots, which might very well revolutionize adventure sports.