Animal Sculptures With An Important Anti-Pollution Message
Artur Bordalo is a Portuguese artist who spreads an important message about pollution with his sculptures of animals made completely of trash
!Union Is Strength - A Funny Message
These little animated shorts all use humor, animation and the animal kingdom to highlight one important message, that true strength is found in the union of individuals as a well coordinated group.
Get Inspired with These Hilarious Messages!
Funny Voice Mail Messages!
There's No Message as Important as This One...
This message will inspire you to live the life that you truly want to live.
This Sweet Message Expresses My Love For You
Let this message express to you how much I care.
Inspire Someone Today With an Empowering Little Message
Bring inspiration into someone's day by sending them one of these positive animated messages.
Every True Friend Deserves This Cute Message
If your friends are of those who brighten your life, then they should receive these animated messages, to remind them they're special.
An Oscar-Winning Short With a Beautiful Message!
This Oscar-winning short about a baby bird named Piper will teach you a valuable lesson that will give you courage and may even have you shed a tear
Singer Sends an Important Message to the World.
This Singer is Sending a Message, and It's Important.
This Message Will Teach Us Not to Jump to Conclusions
This is a message that we should all take to heart...
This Heartwarming Video Has an Important Message.
A social experiment that shows the kinder side of people.
Born With a Clean Slate - Great Message!
The message here is clear, and delivered ever so adorably...
These Wildlife Photos of the Year Convey a Deep Message
Here is a collection of 12 of the best wildlife photos of the year. These stunning pictures focus on the myriad faces of the animal kingdom.
Further Up Yonder: A Message From Space
NASA Television shares this inspiring production by Italian videomaker, Giacomo Sardelli, about the International Space Station
Reciprocate a Loving Christmas Message With This Video!
If you happen to receive some wonderful Christmas messages from family and friends, the video is the perfect way to reciprocate that kindness.
These Kids' Anti-Bullying Message is Inspiring
An anti-bullying song that is sung by kids for kids.
This Inspiring Message Brings Together Beauty & Truth
Watch an inspirational message alongside some of the most breathtaking footage of Hawaii in high resolution.
Share This Lovely Message & Wish a Friend a Good Day!
Share these lovely thoughts and wish someone you love dearly a good day!
I'm Sending This Uplifting Message to You...
We are all capable of so much more...
A Beautiful and Important Message From the Mouths of Kids...
This group of sweet kids gave a clear and beautiful message we should all share.
This May Be the Funniest Message I've Ever Heard...
This has to be the funniest hotline message ever recorded.
These Famous Logos Are Filled With Hidden Messages
Do you know how the Apple logo was created? Well, you're about to find out along with the secrets behind 9 other big brand logos.
Beautiful! The Color of a Rose Conveys a Special Message
Roses are the most well known and celebrated flower in the world. You may be surprised to discover the meaning of roses and their various colors.
An Incredibly Powerful Message About Stereotypes at Home
This video passes on a strong message, encouraging more balance in today's family dynamic, encouraging each family member to #ShareTheLoad.
This Lovely Lady Has a Message For the Manager (Hilarious)
A rather attractive woman leaves the ladies' room in a bar, and has a message for the manager. She turns her attentions to the barman to get it across...
Inspire Someone Today By Sharing a Thoughtful Message
Send a motivational greeting to a dear friend in need.
Deleting a Text Message is Easier Said Than Done
At first glance, deleting a text message sounds pretty straightforward, but you’re not fully deleting the message in most cases...
18 Wholesome Messages Found in Unexpected Street Corners
We found these inspiring street messages that will help lift you up.
How Does WhatsApp’s 'Disappearing Messages' Feature Work?
WhatsApp has recently introduced a new 'disappearing messages' feature. Find out everything about this new update.
7 Ways to Send Text Messages From Your Computer
Why use your phone to send an SMS when you have these awesome free websites?
New WhatsApp Features: Edit Your Messages and More!
Have you tried this new WhatsApp feature yet?
Smishing 101: How to Recognize Scam Text Messages
This is how you recognize and handle fraudulent or scam text messages, also known as smashing.
WhatsApp Hack: Read Messages Without Showing Blue Ticks
Learn how to read WhatsApp messages without showing blue ticks in this video.
I Hope This Message Turns Your Frown Upside Down
We sincerely hope that this message will make your day that little bit brighter.
Hilarious Fortune Cookie Messages to Make You Laugh
Fortune cookies can be quite sassy sometimes!
Martin Luther King Had a Powerful Message to Share
Martin Luther King left a legacy and some of the most powerful words in history.
A Father's Day Message Every Great Father Deserves...
Give some praise to any great father you know by sending them this touching message.
An Important Message for Women: He Does Still Want You
Women, does your man stare at other women at the beach?
Let Us Celebrate the 4th of July With This Special Message
Send this greeting card to a dear friend so that this 4th of July, we celebrate America.
20 Works of Street Art that Send a Message to the World
This collection features some of the best street art that appeared in 2015 - perhaps you may have seen some of these works of art walking in the streets.
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
These Unique Artworks Have More Than One Important Message
The painting seried Brushstoke in Time uses interesting artistic means to convey messages about humanity, time and the enviornment.
An Important Message: Don't Be Anyone but You
You, my friend, are unique. Not only to me, but to the whole world as well. Your uniqueness is one of the things I truly treasure in you.
What a Beautiful Message This Father Relays to His Son
The life lesson that this father teaches his son is one that we can all learn from. So watch carefully!
I'm Sending You This Message To Bring Humor to Your Day!
Brighten someone's mood today by sending them a funny message.
We Challenge You to Figure Out What These Messages Mean
These ridiculously funny linguistic fails will make you laugh.
This Is a Message You Should Only Share with a True Friend
If you have a true friend, share this video with them to let them know that you appreciate them deeply.
My Dearest Friend... I Want to Share This Message with You!
Let a dear friend know that you are thinking of them today by sending them one of these greeting cards.
Joke: The Message From Above...
God isn't too happy when one of his Angels reports back that just about everyone on earth is misbehaving. He sends a second angel to check things out...
WATCH: This Repentant Man Drives Home a Moving Message
Watch this short, powerful and important film, which brings home the dangers and heart-rending pain caused by drink driving.
If Everyone Absorbed This Message, it Would Be Amazing!
This short lesson inspired me with the knowledge of how important it is to say "I forgive you."
May This Special Message Show How Proud I Am of You
Send a special greeting to a friend, sister, brother, son, daughter or lover to show that you are incredibly proud of them.
Did You Know These Famous Artworks Have HIDDEN Messages?
The 7 famous paintings and sculptures we showcase in this article have secret messages waiting to be uncovered!
Animals + Stuffed Animals = Adorable!
adorable photos of animals and their stuffed counterparts.
These Quotation Marks Are Sending the WRONG MESSAGE!
These signs have not used quotation marks correctly and the results are hilarious.
Animal See, Animal Do!
Some animals have just been watching their owners for too darn long, and have learned how to pose, human style!
Share This Message with Someone Who Needs to Hear It
So many ways to describe love, allow me to try...
A Heartfelt Message from Jane Goodall on the Environment
Listen to this beautiful and inspiring story about the current pandemic narrated by world-famous Jane Goodall herself!
These Murals Have Iconic Messages From Each American State
Take a tour of the United States by visiting these stunning murals in every state that send messages of love, positivity and community.
Read These Messages to Change Your Life For the Better
Sometimes in life, you need to just stop and reflect on where you are and who you have become. These 20 inspirational ways will help you change for the better.
What Inspiring Messages One Finds on Chalkboards...
Two graduate art students secretly created works of art using just chalk and became school and internet sensationPes with their inspiring illustrated words sensations.
Animal Dreams: The Funny Ways Animals Sleep
In this humor-filled video, we're going to explore some animals with fascinating, silly and downright bizarre ways some animals go about the act of sleep.
History Lesson: The King Who Spread the Message of Peace
Know the story of the great ancient Indian King, Ashoka.
Funny: It Seems Like This Message Got Lost In Translation
The US Department of the Interior decides to change the tags for migratory birds. Sadly, this gets lost in translation in Arkansas...
A Visit to the Animal Kingdom: When Animals Hunt...
These incredible photographs capture predators in action during their wild lunch break.
Animals are Hilarious!
Some of the very best of hilarious and adorable animal photos!
Animals Adopting Other Animals - Sweet and Touching!
A charming video that will show you the best side of animals!
A Touching Short Film With an Important Message For Us All
This touching advert reminds us all that we should look out for the isolated and the vulnerable.
Remembering the Animals of War in 10 Colorized Photos
These colorized photos honor a few animals heroes who served in WW1 and WW2.
Cute Animal Collection: Click On An Animal to See a Video!
This interactive animal video collection is so much fun - just choose the animal and enjoy the cuteness!
Learning From Animals: The Animal Kingdom Parenting!
Do you listen to your gut when it comes to relationships and family? If you don't, you might want to start. Here's how...
Animal Emotions: Here’s Proof That Animals Have Feelings
Do animals feel empathy? This long-debated question has confused us for years. We finally have an answer.
These Animals Are Hilarious!
We stumbled upon this collection of hilarious animal photos and just had to share it with you!
How Do Animals Communicate with Each Other? Fascinating!
Discover how some animals communicate with one another... fascinating!
The Beautiful Animals of Winter...
Some animals look their loveliest in the white of winter...
Hilarious Animal Bloopers!
A laugh-out-loud compilation of animals during their less than graceful moments!
Funny, Wacky Animals!
If you haven't seen something funny today, then it's time to enjoy these adorable animals that will definitely put a smile on your face!
The Funniest Animal Hovers!
Fantastic and amusing photos of animal caught mid hover, looking sometimes like magical beasts, and other times, like a furry rocket!
The Animal Eye Challenge!
How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Could you recognize an animal just by its eyes? Come try our animal eye challenge, and guess the animals standing behind the following 25 pairs of eyes.
These Animals Had a Big Impact on the World...
We love to tell tales of our heroic acts and discoveries, but sometimes we forget about our smaller animal friends that have helped us along the way...
The ABC of Animals...
do you know your ABCs? How about your animal ABCs?
The Safari Animal Quiz
What do you know of this ancient animal kingdom?
Funny Animal Bloopers!
Just like humans, animals can have their funny, goofy moments too. Here are some of our favorites!
SO CUTE! These Animated Animals Have Been Brought to Life
Malaysian artist Yee Chong digitally creates beautiful foxes and feline critters that are then placed in real-life positions!
Be Quiet, the Animals Are Studying...
We all know animals can be surprising intelligent, but what they never show you are the long nights and many hours they put into studying their respective roles...
The Animal Encounter Guide: How to Survive Wild Animals!
In this informative guide for dealing with potentially dangerous animal encounters, you'll find some very helpful advice, that could one day save your life.
FUNNY: Can Animals Talk? Try to Get These to Shut Up!
Science may not believe that animals have language, but try telling that to these fellas!
Special Animal Friendships!
There's always something positive to learn from animals, and this time it's about friendship and accepting the other. Remind all your friends you love them, different or not!
Sweet Animal Photos!
Prepare yourself for some epic sweetness!
Extinct Animals: Clips of Animals You Will Never See Again
Several animal species have become extinct over the years. Here is a look at rare clips of 7 extinct animals that will never be seen again.
These "Animal Memes" Are Hilarious!
These animal jokes are gonna make you laugh!
Are These the Happiest Animals in the World?
These extremely happy animals will definitely bring a smile to your face.
5 Animals That are Smarter than They Look!
From counting and dancing to incredible communication skills - these five animals may not look like Einstein's, but compared to other animals of their kind - they are geniuses.
Those Funny Animals!
Of all the things on this earth, only animals can make us smile and laugh time after time. Our love for animals, laughing and our health are only intertwined. So laugh it up, it's good for you!
When Animals Prank: Funny Animal Attack Pranks!
This video is a collection of animal pranks by just for laughs.
These Animals Think They Are Human…
Turns out animals and humans aren't all that different. Only when pets act like people, it's 100 times funnier!
7 Spirit Animals & Their Amazing Hidden Meanings for You
Learn about some common spirit animals and the deep meanings they may hold in your life.
Some Animals Are the Unsung Heroes of Our World...
The heroism of animals often goes unsung, so that's why we created a little tribute to some of the most heroic animals ever to live. Here they are!
7 War Heroes That Were Actually Animals
Here is a look at the stories of some truly brave animal war heroes that left their indelible mark in the two world wars.
QUIZ: Which Animal IS IT?
These animals all have facts to share, you must guess who they are!