These Are the Best Animal Moments Ever Captured on Video
Get right into the mouth of the lion with this absolutely incredible compilation of animal videos.
A Surprising Animal Encounter - Amazing!
A very surprising result of a face to face encounter with one of the most dangerous predators of the antarctic waters.
Animal Rescues That Started Off As Awkward Encounters
These are a few incredible encounters experienced by people, who turned around to find a wild animal in their home or in need of help. The efforts of these people helped to rescue these animals
The Animal Encounter Guide: How to Survive Wild Animals!
In this informative guide for dealing with potentially dangerous animal encounters, you'll find some very helpful advice, that could one day save your life.
These Cute Animal Encounters Took People by Surprise
Enjoy these touching images of harmony between animals and humans.
Hilarious Animal Encounters During Flights - 14 Pics
The funniest animal encounters on a plane.
Close Encounters of the Lion Kind....
When a photographer meets and plays with lions...
The Octopus Thief - Amazing Encounter!
While diving off the coast of New Zealand, Victor was suddenly accosted by an Octopus, who seemed to fall in love with his camera. The Octopus stole it and immediately swam off while victor was giving chase. A battle for the camera ensued and while V
You Shall Not Pass - Hilarious Encounter!
This royal ram will not forsake its duty - to protect the pass!
16 Hilarious Encounters of Celebrity Doppelgangers
These celebrity doppelgangers have a truly eerie resemblance to famous people.
The Unlikely Chance Encounters That Shaped the World
One chance meeting could change history. Check out the stories of the most world altering encounters that happened completely at random.
20 Thrilling Wild Encounters That’ll Give You Goosebumps
Wild animals are unpredictable. And these crazy safari moments show us just how much...
SAFETY TIPS: What To Do When You Encounter A Wolf
In this important video, an expert breaks down wolf behavior and explains what you should do in the event of a wolf encounter in the wild.
Odd Encounters in the World That Seem Ordinary to Locals
This article is dedicated to 15 unusual traditions around the world foreigners find odd, but the locals consider to be completely ordinary.
The Cheetah Whisperer: 10 Incredible Big Cat Encounters
A collection of videos featuring Dolph Volker and his experience with big cats.
Joke: The New Gorilla Encounters a Lion...
When the new gorilla falls into the lion enclosure he thinks he's a goner...
20 Heartwarming Dog Encounters That Will Make You Smile
An ordinary or even dull day can become ten times brighter if you happen to run into an adorable dog. Here are 20 furry buddies spotted out and about.
If You Ever Encounter an Aggressive Person Do These Things
If you ever encounter an aggressive person, keep these tips in mind.
The Absolute Strangest Encounters People Had In the Subway
Here are 20 hilarious examples of the most bizarre and incomprehensible things people witnessed on the subway
5 Unexplained UFO Encounters That Puzzled Experts
We may not believe in UFOs, but throughout history there have been some rather strange UFO-like encounters that defy logic.
15 Times Vets Encountered the Most ADORABLE Patients
Check out these adorable photos of veterinarians sharing tender moments with cute animals.
Hilarious Joke! An Atheist Has an Unexpected Encounter
When an atheist meets a bear, this is what happens...
FUNNY: Woman’s Gorilla Encounter Goes Wildly Wrong
This prank compilation will leave you in stitches.
Funny: I Wouldn't Want to Encounter Mr. Bean on the Road!
Mr. Bean is late for an appointment so he has the "great" idea of getting changed while driving...
Unusual Vehicles: The Craziest Rides You’ll Encounter
Are these the craziest vehicles you’ve ever seen?
Animals + Stuffed Animals = Adorable!
adorable photos of animals and their stuffed counterparts.
Animal See, Animal Do!
Some animals have just been watching their owners for too darn long, and have learned how to pose, human style!
What to Do If You Encounter Someone Having a Seizure
There's much we still don't know about the causes and treatments of seizures.
These Animals Are Sure to Crack You Up!
This hilarious compilation explores the world of funny animals meeting funny humans.
Learn How to Cope With 8 Problems New Parents Encounter
Having your first baby is what changes your whole life. As amazing as it is, it's important to talk about the problems that can sometimes arise...
These Unexpected Animal Visitors Charmed People
These animal-human interactions will charm your heart.
Animal Dreams: The Funny Ways Animals Sleep
In this humor-filled video, we're going to explore some animals with fascinating, silly and downright bizarre ways some animals go about the act of sleep.
When Animals Go Rogue: True Tales of Man-Eating Animals
Throughout history, many animals have turned into deadly man-eaters. Here’s a list of the most intense books on the subject.
A Visit to the Animal Kingdom: When Animals Hunt...
These incredible photographs capture predators in action during their wild lunch break.
Animals are Hilarious!
Some of the very best of hilarious and adorable animal photos!
Animals Adopting Other Animals - Sweet and Touching!
A charming video that will show you the best side of animals!
Are These the Funniest Animal Photos Ever Captured?
If you love animals, then get ready to laugh your head off, since the annual Comedy Wildlife Awards are with us once again!
Cute Animal Collection: Click On An Animal to See a Video!
This interactive animal video collection is so much fun - just choose the animal and enjoy the cuteness!
Just for Laughs Gags: Watch Out for These Wild Animals!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of wild animal pranks by Just for Laughs Gags.
Learning From Animals: The Animal Kingdom Parenting!
Do you listen to your gut when it comes to relationships and family? If you don't, you might want to start. Here's how...
Statistically, These Are the Deadliest Animals in the US!
The most dangerous animals in the United States are not what you'd think! Find out more here!
Beware of These 15 Animals, They’re the DEADLIEST on Earth
Of all the animals you can meet on our blue planet, these 15 are among the most dangerous and potentially deadly ones...
When Animals Steal the Spotlight with Funny Antics
These hilarious animal moments will leave you in stitches!
6 Harmful Toxins You Didn’t Know You Encounter Daily
These toxic chemicals can be found in everyday products and can be extremely dangerous to us.
Animal Emotions: Here’s Proof That Animals Have Feelings
Do animals feel empathy? This long-debated question has confused us for years. We finally have an answer.
As We Stay Indoors, Animals Are Curiously Exploring Cities
All around the world, wild animals have realized that the streets are empty and they started exploring our cities while we're in self-quarantine
Is it Just Me, Or Do Animals Seem to LOVE Windows?
If you've never seen an animal licking a window, you don't know what hilarious is...
These Animals Are Hilarious!
We stumbled upon this collection of hilarious animal photos and just had to share it with you!
The Beautiful Animals of Winter...
Some animals look their loveliest in the white of winter...
Unexpected Animal Guests That People Fell in Love With
These people came across some unexpected and unique animal guests. And they aren't complaining!
Hilarious Animal Bloopers!
A laugh-out-loud compilation of animals during their less than graceful moments!
Funny, Wacky Animals!
If you haven't seen something funny today, then it's time to enjoy these adorable animals that will definitely put a smile on your face!
The Funniest Animal Hovers!
Fantastic and amusing photos of animal caught mid hover, looking sometimes like magical beasts, and other times, like a furry rocket!
The Animal Eye Challenge!
How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Could you recognize an animal just by its eyes? Come try our animal eye challenge, and guess the animals standing behind the following 25 pairs of eyes.
The ABC of Animals...
do you know your ABCs? How about your animal ABCs?
Hysterical - Wild Animals Being Real Comedians!
Who said all wildlife photos had to be majestic and serious? You have to see these 18 hysterical wildlife moments!
The Safari Animal Quiz
What do you know of this ancient animal kingdom?
Funny Animal Bloopers!
Just like humans, animals can have their funny, goofy moments too. Here are some of our favorites!
SO CUTE! These Animated Animals Have Been Brought to Life
Malaysian artist Yee Chong digitally creates beautiful foxes and feline critters that are then placed in real-life positions!
Be Quiet, the Animals Are Studying...
We all know animals can be surprising intelligent, but what they never show you are the long nights and many hours they put into studying their respective roles...
Special Animal Friendships!
There's always something positive to learn from animals, and this time it's about friendship and accepting the other. Remind all your friends you love them, different or not!
FUNNY: 18 Photos of Animals Taken At the PERFECT Time
There’s literally NO chance that these silly animals won't make you laugh!
Sweet Animal Photos!
Prepare yourself for some epic sweetness!
Extinct Animals: Clips of Animals You Will Never See Again
Several animal species have become extinct over the years. Here is a look at rare clips of 7 extinct animals that will never be seen again.
These "Animal Memes" Are Hilarious!
These animal jokes are gonna make you laugh!
The Truth About Nature’s Most Misunderstood Animals
Bats, hyenas, vultures, snakes, and more – today we will shed light on the world’s most misunderstood animals.
Are These the Happiest Animals in the World?
These extremely happy animals will definitely bring a smile to your face.
Those Funny Animals!
Of all the things on this earth, only animals can make us smile and laugh time after time. Our love for animals, laughing and our health are only intertwined. So laugh it up, it's good for you!
When Animals Prank: Funny Animal Attack Pranks!
This video is a collection of animal pranks by just for laughs.
These Animals Think They Are Human…
Turns out animals and humans aren't all that different. Only when pets act like people, it's 100 times funnier!
You Don’t Always Have to Venture Out to See Cute Animals
Sometimes, nature comes to us. Check out these unexpected animal encounters!
If You Love Animals, You Really Need to Visit These Places
Here are some of the best viewing spots where a close encounter with amazing wildlife is all but guaranteed.
QUIZ: Which Animal IS IT?
These animals all have facts to share, you must guess who they are!
A Look at Animal Eyes...
As pretty as human eyes are, with their multitudes of different colors, animal eyes are no less interesting, and come with some neat features humans can only dream about!
Big Migration Of Animals
Amazing Photography of Migration of Animals....
Animals of the Fall - Beautiful!
You can smell it on the wind, see it in the trees, and feel it in the air - autumn is coming. Enjoy these gorgeous photos of animals in the fall...
Joke: The Animal Stars
A man walked into a bar. He sat down and asked the bartender...
6 Animal Mysteries That Are Puzzling Scientists
As much as humans like to think they know everything, these animal-related mysteries are perplexing even to scientists.
You'll Be Touched by These Animal Friendships
This video shows us some of the animal kingdom's most touching moments of friendship. It's guaranteed to melt your heart.
What Has Shocked the Animals??
Something has happened in the animal kingdom. We're not sure what, but all the animals seem terribly astounded!
These Animals Have a LOT to Say!
This video is full of the cutest talkative animals and pets!
And the Animal Oscar Goes To...
A video of animals giving terrific performances.
The Funniest Animals of 2024 are Here!
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the best animal humor of the year!
The Best Animal Photos of the Month!
The month is drawing to a close, and with it our collection of animal photos for the month! Enjoy some adorable, beautiful and fantastic animal shots!
17 Heart-Melting Smiling Animals to Brighten Your Day
Smiles are contagious - that everyone knows, so look at these pictures of smiling animals and one will spread across your face in no time.
Beautiful and Stunning Animal Photography
Enjoy a lovely cute morning with some friendly animal faces and this collection of beautfiul animal photos from around the world!
Animals Are Auditioning for Facebook!
Hilarious Animal Photos!
Deck the Halls with Singing Animals!
Animals of Youtube Singing 'Deck the Halls'
These Animals REALLY Wanted to Be in the Photo
If you thought that animals don't care about photography - think again!
The Most Incredible Animal Friendships!
in reality, animals can sometimes remind us of childhood stories and tv programs - sometimes the unlikely friendships are indeed made by animals, and here's the proof:
New From the Animal Corner!
...The best, most adorable and funny animal photos for the week
Love Animals? You Simply Have to Play Our Animal Quiz!
Are you a fond and fascinated lover of all things animal? If so, put your knowledge to the test and see what else you can learn in this fun quiz!
8 Members of the Animal World Who Thrive In Their Solitude
Here's a look at some of the most interesting solitary animals in the world who thrive in their solitude.
These Are the Worst Parents in the Animal Kingdom
These animals certainly won't be winning any parenting awards!
Need a Laugh? Watch these Animals!
This collection of pictures features some adorable animals caught making unintentionally hilarious faces.
These Animals Have a Criminal Record
These beetles were sentenced in court, and they even had a lawyer! Learn about 25 more historical cases of animals with a criminal record.
Amazing Photos of Albino Animals!
Humans aren't the only ones who are at times born without pigment. Almost all animals - reptiles, birds and mammals - are sometimes born without pigments, and it is often a surprising, yet sometimes beautiful - vision to behold.
Greetings From the Animal Kingdom...
This week from the animal kingdom, we've received a photo series so adorable you may end up trying to adopt a few new family members!
Those Cunning Animals...
There is an age old discussion about whether dogs and cats and other animals can really think for themselves, or are they just blindly following the instructions of their own reflexs and instincts? Well, we're not really qualified to answer that ques
Who Knew That These 5 Animals Possessed Such Super Powers?
Scientific research has found that these 5 animals possess incredible healing powers that can rehabilitate and treat human illness.