A Story of a Little Girl and Her Guardian Angels...
This short story will remind you that there is always someone to watch over you in this life...
Funny Joke: The Heavenly Man Test
The Day of Judgment came, and all the people in the world who were worthy reached heaven, where the heavenly angels divided them into men and women...
Proof That the Harp is the Instrument of Angels...
Many people often claim that the harp is the instrument of the angels, and after watching this video, I'm sure you'll be inclined to agree.
!A Little Boy With an Angelic Voice - Touching
This little boy from the Philippines is on his way to becoming the next sensation for his beautiful angelic voice.
An Angel With 4 Legs and a Wet Nose!
Here's real proof that dogs do not hate cats!
A Classic Song Performed by the Voice of an Angel
Jackie Evancho has an incredible voice and her rendition of 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' is life-affirming.
Los Angeles Wildfires: Before and After the Destruction
This before-and-after video reveals the true extent of the Los Angeles wildfires devastation.
When a Dog Sneezes, An Angel Starts to Laugh
This adorable video shows a selection of cute dogs sneezing.
Geography Quiz: WDYK About Los Angeles?
How much do you know about the city of Los Angeles?
QUIZ: What's Your Guardian Angel Trying to Tell You?
This quiz will help you work out exactly what your guardian angel's trying to tell you, based on your personality and life experiences.
This Girl Can Both Act and Sing Like an Angel!
An amazing performance from a child star of the stage!
The Updated Los Angeles Airport Will Be Grand! Take a Look
The Los Angeles Airport is a major hub for travelers, but the old construction of the airport is hardly capable of keeping up with the times...
How to Lend a Hand During Los Angeles Wildfire Crisis
Thousands of California residents have been forced to flee their homes because of the devastating LA wildfires. Here’s how to help victims.
Drift King Tears Up The Streets of Los Angeles
Ken Block is an incredibly skilled driver. Watch as he tears up the streets of Los Angeles in his latest gymkhana routine.
These Young Singing Sisters Have Such Angelic Voices
Their wonderful voices can melt your heart and make you cry with joy.
These Quotes From Maya Angelou Will Guide You Through Life
Maya Angelou contributed greatly to the literary world and communities across the globe, raising spirits with her words, like these.
André Rieu Welcomes Spring With Angelic Music!
A gorgeous musical performance by renowned Dutch musician Andre rieu.
These Angelic Singers Will Take You to Another World...
This has become one of my most favorite performances.
These 16 Angelic Children Were Motivated by Pure Charity
We all try to do good, but those lovely children go the extra mile...
This Nursing Home is Blessed With a Little Angel Named..
Watch a black teacup poodle named Nala visit her dear friends at a nursing home in Minnesota. She scurries about from room to room and even rides the elevators by herself, spreading her love and affection wherever she goes.
A Little Girl, Yet She Plays Like an Angel...
Whether you close your eyes to enjoy the heavenly music or keep them open to enjoy the beauty of the dance - you're guaranteed a good time.
You’ve Never Seen Jack-o-Lanterns as Beautiful as These!
Check out these majestic Halloween pumpkins!
Hilarious: Standing Before the Pearly Gates...
When you just need one good deed to get into heaven.
Joke: The Message From Above...
God isn't too happy when one of his Angels reports back that just about everyone on earth is misbehaving. He sends a second angel to check things out...
Spectacular! This Choir Brings You the Sounds of Africa
This choir takes to the stage to give their rendition of Toto's "Africa" and the result is awesome!
This Story Reminds Us to Give No Matter How Little We Have
An angel grants three boys a wish after they passed the first test of kindness. Did they remember the angel's lesson?
Take a Virtual Tour of the World's Tallest Waterfall
Take a virtual tour of Angel Falls and its surroundings, the Dragon and Cortina Falls, as well as the gold mines.
This is What Happens When Statues Come to Life (Funny)
These park statues were brought to life by an angel as a reward, but little did the angel know what they would get up to once they were vivified...
LA’s Wildfires Seen From Above in 12 Haunting Images
These jaw-dropping images capture Los Angeles wildfires from airplanes.
Could You Believe This Art Is Carved Out of a Pumpkin?
The pumpkins are not your typical Halloween pumpkin carving.
Keep Kids Entertained This Summer with Cute Paper Toys
This video will show you how to make beautiful ballerina and angel figurines, 3D paper ball and much more!
Joke: The Priest and His Sunday Golf
There was this preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance he could get, he could be found on the golf course swinging away. It was an obsession.
Would You Believe This Art Is Carved Out of a Pumpkin?
Joke: The Lines in Heaven
The Day of Judgment came, and all the people in the world who were worthy reached heaven, where the heavenly angels divided them into men and women.
Classical Guitarist Ana Vidović Plays Piazzolla - Sublime!
In this touching and immaculate classical guitar performance, Ana Vidovic plays 3 complex and souldful compositions by Astor Piazzolla.
This Harp Breathes Magical New Life Into an Old Classic
Have You Heard This One? God's New Rule
One day, God decided to change the rules.
How the World’s Movie Capital Moved From New Jersey to LA
You might be surprised to find out that Hollywood's original location wasn't LA but Fort Lee, New Jersey!
These Amazing Shots Show the American West In a New Light
The American West has been photographed many times, but never quite like this. Enjoy Niaz Uddin's stunning aerial shots of this stunning region.
Joke: The Ineffective Guardian
A man walks down the street when suddenly he hears a tiny voice above him saying: "If you make one more step, a brick will land on your head and kill you....
Joke: The Most Important Thing in Life
It was the retirement dinner for Tim Simmons...
These Dancers & Acrobats Put On an Incredible Show
These two dancers slash acrobats are beyond amazing...
Marvel at These Wonders of Modernist Architecture
Let’s take a look at some of the most impressive and iconic modernist buildings around the world.
These Mass Murders Have Been Hiding Right Under Our Noses
This video explains clearly what bacteriophages are and how they work in an informative and colorful way.
If You Love Classical Music, You MUST Hear This Pianist
When it comes to musical talent, it doesn't get better than Yuja Wang. Enjoy this lovely performance by the famed classical pianist.
Joke: The 160 Year Old Man
A man dies in a car accident and goes to heaven. He's amazed to find that there's a huge orchestra and singing angels to greet him when he arrives...
Crazy! The Worst Things Seen During Structural Inspections
These homes are a disaster! You'll be surprised at how some homes have been built.
Some Choirs Know How to Enchant the World With Their Music
You cannot watch this without smiling...
The Sublime Beauty of Botticelli's Paintings...
Admire the eternal beauty of the paintings of Sandro Botticelli, an Italian Renaissance artist, who had the gift of painting people gracefully.
Natural Wonder! 10 Best Walking Trails to Hike in Your Life
This list features the most iconic, dramatic and beautiful hikes. Although some of the trails can be hard work, their breathtaking scenery make them well worth the effort.
The Movement of Time Can Be So Beautiful...
This video will take you on a beautiful journey, showing us how beautiful time is, when sped up.
This Girl Has No Trouble Reciting What Most Adults Can't
3-year-old Brielle's chemistry knowledge is utterly astonishing. There are many adults who struggle reciting the periodic table, let alone someone her age.
15 Captivating Celebrity Pics from a Bygone Time
These vintage snaps of celebrities back in the day will make you feel nostalgic.
How Do Street Performers Manage to Levitate Like That?
Now you will finally figure out how street performers manage to levitate like that!
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
Some Musical Pieces Just Blow You Away
What a beautiful and touching performance. This song will remain with you for a long time, and may even bring a tear to your eye.
You've Never Heard Ave Maria Sung Like This Before
Martin Hurkens voice is absolutely incredible. Check it out here.
Funny Stand-up: Women Overthink, Men Underthink!
A funny stand-up routine by Russell Peters about men and women and the difference between them.
Can You Guess How Much These Luxury Properties Cost?
Take a brief tour of the lavish homes of America's billionaires.
A Gorgeous Rendition of Nessun Dorma Awaits You...
Witness the intersection of raw talent and pure passion in this unforgettable concert recording of Nessun Dorma
10 Incredible Autobiographies We Should All Be Reading...
These autobiographies are absolute must-reads for you to enjoy. They are written by some of the world' most famous people, so you should definitely have a read.
This 4 Element Test Will Tell You ALL You Need to Know
This quiz will tell you once and for all where you stand in the 4 element model of personality.
15 Stunning Aviation Photos That Inspire Awe
We’ve compiled some of the coolest and most amazing photos of aircraft and aviation that we guarantee you will love.
This Is How the World Could Look Like in Half a Century
Listen to what some technology experts say about how the future of the world may transform in half a century.
Take Our Test: Where Should You Live?
This playbuzz quiz asks the question: Where would you rather live? What kind of home would you like?
Take Our Quiz: What is Your Animal Personality?
take our quiz and find out what animal represents your personality best!
30 Skylines that Add to the View!
These gorgeous cityscapes add grandeur and beauty to the sky!
18 Vintage Images That Bring the 19th Century to Life
These vintage photos from 1875 offer a fascinating glimpse into a world that's so different from ours.
TEST: Found Out What Your Personality Type Is
This personality test will determine if you are rational, emotional, introverted or extroverted.
I Can’t Believe These Paper Sculptures are Hand-made
American sculptor Jeff Nishinaka creates masterworks out of paper. You won’t believe how detailed his handmade relief paper sculptures are.
High Speed Rail Lines In the US - Is It Possible?
Construction on California's first high-speed railway began over 20 years ago, yet it is nowhere near completed. Why was the project such a flop?
To Your Dog, You Are Perfect in Every Way!
In moments where we feel worthless about ourselves, as these illustrations depict, our dogs may be thinking the exact opposite.
5 Amazing Stories of Hero Dogs Saving Humans
These 5 dogs are brave little heroes, who would do anything for their owners.
Vegas to LA in Less Than 3 Hours?! Yes, It's Happening!
The U.S. is gearing up to build its first high speed railway project.
Black-and-White Photos of National Parks Across Western US
Lynn Radeka has been traveling to famous national parks across the western US and capturing them on film since the late 1980s!
These Technologies Look Set to Revolutionize Mass Transit
Many of us live in crowded and congested cities, but tech companies and visionaries are constantly coming up with new solutions. Take a look at these.
10 of the Most Influential Paintings by William Blake
William Blake was one of the most influential poets in history. Did you know that he was also a great painter?
Striking Photo Series Shows the World’s Endangered Animals
Endangered animals can sometimes be hard to relate to, which is why Tim Flach chose to depict these animals in such a way that shows their personalities...
16 Adorable Photos of Children and Their Beloved Pets
These 16 photos are the best proof that all children should have a pet. Watch them frolic, sleep, eat and play together in these adorable pictures.
This Year's LA Auto Show Displayed Some Amazing New Cars
The LA Auto Show is always a big event for the global car industry, and this year's edition was no exception. Check out some of the best cars at the show.
17 Ancient Artifacts That Still Astound the World
These ancient artifacts tell fascinating stories.
Discover the Fascinating Origin Behind These Xmas Carols
Christmas carols have been around for so long that everyone is completely used to their presence. Many of the iconic and timeless carols you know, have a fascinating and surprising origin. Read on to learn more.
These Christmas World Records are both Funny and Amazing!
These Christmas-themed world records will both amaze you and make you laugh. Here are 18 world records related to Christmas.
10 Jawdropping Artisan Cakes Inspired by Classic Art
When it comes to confectionery art, it just doesn’t get more luxurious and beautiful than the artisan cakes of Los Angeles based artist, Julie Simon.
Joke: The Foul Mouthed, 7 Year Old Conductor
A woman overhears her 7 year old son playing with his toy train set...
Joke: Sign vs. Sign!
couple of young, entrepreneurial prostitutes were riding around town with a sign on the top of their car...
The Incredible Skill of Sand Artists!
An epic collection of the most impressive, skilled creations in sand sculpting. These are all contest winners or runner ups from the last 3 years of sand sculpting tournaments from around the globe. It's amazing what people can do with some wet sand
Joke: Two Prostitutes and Their Sign
Two prostitutes get pulled over by a police officer because of their rude sign...
If You're Feeling Low, Then Here's the Pick-Me-Up You Need
If you're feeling a little blue or are just looking for something to make you smile, then you've certainly come to the right place!
26 Pictures that Prove We Will Never Truly Understand Cats
Cats seem to be cool and on top of everything most of the time, but they can get extremely goofy, here's proof
This Porsche Is the Stuff of a Purist's Wildest Dreams
Singer is making its name for itself around the world thanks to the meticulous resto-mods it carries out on 964 911s, but this is perhaps its best work yet...
Can You Believe How Much These Cities Have Changed?
An unbelievable look at how some places in the world have changed over the years.
16 Beautiful and Impressive Hairstyle Tutorials For Women
You don't need to spend big bucks at the hair salon to look like a superstar! Here are 16 impressive tutorials that'll make you look and feel like a queen!
Discover the Secrets Behind 7 of the Most Famous Paintings
The greatest painters in history have some amazing secrets hidden in their famous works that are fascinating to discover...
You've Probably Never Seen Trees Like These Before...
Trees are our life-source. They give off the oxygen that we need to breathe, but they also make the world a beautiful place. Here are some gorgeous photographs of the world's most spectacular trees.
These Sculptures Were Made For Mothers With Love...
Take a look at 15 sculptures of mothers sharing heartwarming moments with their children, that are bound to make you stop and think about your own dear mom.
Learn How to Create a Beautiful and Impressive Hairstyle!
These Orchids Look Like Anything Else Other Than Flowers
Orchids are some of the most unusual flowers in nature. As you'll see in this next post, there's a lot of them that don't actually look like flowers at all...
Forget the Aisle, I Want a Window Seat!
Sometimes, the best part of the flight is the view from the window...
Few Works of Art Can Surpass That of Sandro Botticelli
A collection of some of Botticelli's most famous works of art.