What Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Really Looked Like
Here are 14 artistic depictions that offer a glimpse into what life was like in ancient Egypt.
Uncovering the Mystery of the Lost Kingdom of Kush
The Kingdom of Kush was an ancient civilization, the origins of which remain unknown to the best of historians.
Learn About Anubis - the Ancient Egyptian God of Death
The Ancient Egyptian pantheon is one of the most complex and fascinating mythologies in history. Learn all about Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead...
The Face Behind the Mask of Tutankhamun
The mask of the boy-pharaoh Tutankhamun is one of the world's greatest treasures. But what do you know about the face behind the mask?
23 Immaculately Preserved Antique Artifacts
All 23 of these ancient artifacts are in mint condition!
You’re Wrong About These 10 Historical “Facts”
We list 10 common beliefs about famous historical figures and places that were all wildly misconstrued - from Julius Caesar’s birth to the black ninja uniform.
Discover the Best Ancient Egyptian Sites to Visit
Learn about 10 of the most beautiful and impressive Ancient Egyptian monuments you can visit today.
Exploring Karnak: The Jewel of Ancient Egypt
Karnak in Egypt is one of the largest religious complexes in the world. Let's take a closer look at this magnificent place.
Why Was Hannibal Considered Rome’s Most Dangerous Enemy?
Get to learn some little-known facts about Hannibal Barca, one of the greatest generals in history and a complicated historical figure.
Egyptian Mythology: The Most Awesome Lesser-Known Gods
The ancient Egyptians worshipped thousands of gods and goddesses. Here is a look at some of the lesser-known ones.
Ever Wonder What Ancient Egyptian Sounded Like?
Researchers have used all the information we know to create what they think it may have sounded like.
Why Did Ancient Egyptians Stop Building Pyramids?
Why did the ancient Egyptians only build pyramids for a few centuries in their vast 3,000-year history?
Ancient Egyptian Cuisine Was So Fascinating!
Let's travel back in time and get to know what the diet of ancient Egyptians was really like.
15 of the OLDEST Ships Ever Found
Let’s learn of this early history of seamanship and shipbuilding by admiring 15 of the oldest surviving ships in the world
10 Mind-Blowing History Facts You Never Knew Were True
This article is a collection of 10 surprising and little-known ancient history facts, some serious, some mysterious, and some just plain odd.
See How the Egyptians Actually Built the Pyramids
While we marvel at the great pyramids, we know little about how they were actually constructed. This video sheds some light into that.
Take a Look At the Many Secrets of Life in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt always fascinates us. But do we really know how daily life in that civilization was like? Watch his video to learn more.
7 Sports That Have Surprisingly Old Origins
Many of the modern sports have their roots in some of the earliest civilizations. Here is a look at 7 sports that have really old origins.
Egyptian Pantheon: 11 Powerful and Fascinating Gods
In this article, you will learn of 11 of the most powerful, lasting and popular gods of Ancient Egypt.
9 Facts About Ancient Egypt You Probably Didn’t Know
Venture beyond the usual facts about the pyramids and Tutankhamen and learn 9 equally fascinating facts and misconceptions about Ancient Egypt
Discover Similarities Between Ancient & Modern Math
Did you know that the ancient Egyptians used the same system of math as the supercomputers of today do? Find out more in this informative video.
INTERACTIVE: Visit Ancient Egypt and Learn a Bit About It
This interactive guide will take you on a 3D tour of ancient Egypt, where you'll learn all about the pyramids, the pharaoh's tombs, and their many gods.