What Was 1900 Like? See it All Here in Color!
Carefully restored and colorized, these scenes blend history with a fresh perspective.
These Vintage Photos Shed Light on Life in the Early 1900s
Get a glimpse of life back in the early 1900s.
Early 1900s America Captured in Charming Vintage Photos
These vintage photos capture early 20th-century life in America.
These Postcards Predicted Modern Life Way Back In 1900...
Way back at the turn of the 20th Century, a German chocolate maker produced a series of postcards with the aim of predicting the future. See how right it was.
The 1900s Had Some STRANGE Predictions About Today...
People from the past centuries have made some very bizarre predictions of the 21st century, even famous scientists and writers got things completely wrong!
These Handy Vintage Tips from the 1900s Still Work Today!
Not everything changes over time, which is why these vintage solutions to everyday problems are still as useful today as they were in the 1900s!
The 1900s Had Some BIZARRE Predictions About Today...
These wild predictions about the future were way off.
See the World of Native Americans at the Turn of the 1900s
During the early 20th Century, photographer Edward Curtis extensively documented Native Americans and their way of life. See his beautiful portraits.
These Useful Vintage Tips from the 1900s Still Work Today!
These 1900s Colored Photos are the First Ever Taken
Normally, we'd expect old photos to be black and white. Here are some stunning century-old color photographs using a groundbreaking technique.
What Major Cities Looked Like 100 Years Ago...
Did you ever consider how much the world's major cities have changed over the past 100 years? Take a look at 22 photos of major cities roughly 100 years ago.
The Full 20th Century Evolution of Halloween Costumes
Take a look at this fascinating 100-year evolution of Halloween costumes, from the 1900s to now
These Old Photos Showcase Some Major Changes in Ireland
The last few decades of the 19th century and the first few of the 20th were periods of major change for Ireland. These photos capture that wonderfully.
How I Would Love to Walk in New York of a Century Ago
These images of old New York, supplied by the Library of Congress, give us an idea of what life was like in the early 1900s in this city.
15 Before & After Pics Showing How Much Paris Has Changed
In these pictures, you'll get to witness the fascinating past of Paris incorporated within its contemporary settings.
These Old Photos Show a Fascinating Side of History
Each one of these remarkable photos tells a story of bygone history. See how much the world has changed with scenes of both famous faces, events and everyday moments.
QUIZ: What Was Good Health in 1917??
What was the health advice of the early 1900s like? Would you be considered healthy then?
Then & Now Photos Show How the World Has Changed
Here are some of the best pictures contributed by their users. Which impressed you most?
15 Candid Snapshots of the Past That Feel Surreal Now
Let's take a look at some fascinating vintage photos that give us a fascinating glimpse of what life used to be in the past.
Let's Explore These Old Photos of the 20th Century
The first part of the century was not just a world of black and white, it was full of many shades of gray, as these illuminating images from history reveal.
Ordinary Life of Centuries Past - 13 Vintage Photos
These vintage photos depict ordinary people and situations, and they’re just plain fascinating!
Paris 100 Years Ago: A Story in Vintage Photos
These rare, vintage photos show how Paris used to be in the early 20th Century. Take in the nostalgic sights in this post.
16 Vintage Photos That Bring the Victorian Age to Life
These 16 images take us back to that complex Victorian period.
From the Past with Love: 16 Cool Vintage Treasures
How many of these cool vintage things do you remember?
17 Vintage Black & White Photos That Tell Untold Stories
It’s time for another fascinating collection of historical photos.
Add Color to These Vintage Photos With a Mere Mouse Click!
Although we imagine the world prior the 1950s in terms of black and white, new colorization techniques have changed everything. Enjoy this interactive post.
Looking at a 100 Years of High School Fashions...
Here's what high schoolers wore each decade of the 20th century.
6 Sports You Won't Believe Were in the Olympics
Read all about 6 sports that somehow made it into the Olympics. Also, what is solo synchronized swimming?
16 Rare, Historic Photographs Everyone Should See
These photographs will show you some of the rare scenes in human history. The pictures are worth volumes of books, but hardly anyone has seen them before.
Take a 4K, Vivid Walk Through the Streets of 1911 New York
Watching this 110 year old restored video if New York actually feels like a glimpse to a time long gone.
12 Unforgettable Vintage Harley-Davidson Photos
Enjoy this iconic collection of vintage Harley-Davidson photos.
24 Stunning Vintage Photos of Everyday Life
See these forgotten details from the world of the past in these 24 historical photos.
Aircrafts of the Future Will See Many Exciting Changes
Flying in airplanes in the near future is going to be so exciting!
Life Has Changed a Lot Since These Photos Were Taken
These historic photos capture the everyday experiences of the last century, reminding us how much the ordinary things in life have changed.
These Unbelievably Weird Games Were Once in the Olympics
In its 2000 year-long history, the Olympic Games have hosted some truly strange sporting events like pigeon shooting and distance plunging
These Origami Bring a Whole New Level to the Art.
Truly stunning origami creations.
RARE: Early Photos of the World’s Most Iconic Landmarks
Marvel at the oldest known photos of some of the world's most historic places.
Can You Believe How Much These Cities Have Changed?
An unbelievable look at how some places in the world have changed over the years.
20 Nostalgic Images of Circulating Libraries
Way before Amazon, the visit of the bookmobile was one of the most exciting moments. These 20 nostalgic images capture the circulating libraries of the past.
There’s a Map for Literally EVERYTHING in the World!
These rare and unusual maps provide some unique information!
A Slice of History – 20 Powerful Images of Yesteryear
This collection of rare historical photos will give you a fascinating glimpse of our past.
15 Historical Photographs Very Few Have Seen
This collection of fantastic historical photos will leave you intrigued.
24 Beautiful Vintage Cars That Make Me Pine for the Past
Who wouldn't love to ride these early motor cars?
View Amazing Animated Photos of Landscapes Past & Present
Landscapes change enormously over time, and these photos capture that fact better than ever. Here are 12 landscapes photographed in the past and present.
I Never Thought People Rode Bikes Like THESE
In this post, we'll stroll down the path of the bicycles' evolution, starting from 1418. In between, enjoy some vintage photos of bicycles from the 19th century.
12 Crash Course Videos That Will Expand Your Horizons
Quarantine is an opportunity to learn something new! Check out this well-made series of videos that cover almost any topic you can think of!
Native American Wisdom - 21 Powerful Proverbs & Quotes
The wisdom of Native American tribes is truly profound. Here are some of their most powerful quotes and proverbs.
Not all the Beautiful Castles in the World are in Europe…
Some of the best European medieval castles in the world are not even in Europe…
After 100 Years, Paris is Still Beautiful...
Looking at Paris 100 years ago vs. the same places today - which is more beautiful, and has Paris change much?
16 Pictures That Will Make You See the World Differently...
Thanks to the following series of images, your point of view about different things is going to change. Just take a look for yourself!
These Gorgeous Colorized Postcards Are Over 100 Years Old
You might think that colored photos in the early 20th Century were unheard of, but Photocrom already existed. Take a look at these stunning colorized postcards.
A Superhero Grandma To the Rescue - Uplifting!
This grandmother is testament to the fact that there is no age limit for superheros!
How People in the Past Pictured Our Present Days - 12 Pics
What did the previous generations imagine the modern world to be like? These 12 pictures give us a general sense, and it's quite surprising!
Life in the Past Century in 15 Unbelievable Vintage Photos
A magnificent collection of vintage photos that will teleport you back in time...
Amsterdam 100 Years Ago: Incredible Old Photos!
Have a look at some of George Hendrik Breitner's photography, which captures Amsterdam as it was in the late 19th Century and the early 1900s.
These 20 Vintage Images Will Take You Way Back In Time
As digital images continue to take over, vintage images seem to take on much more significance and wonder. These 20 images will take you back to a bygone eta.
Photos Of Yesterday & Today: A Changed World
The world keeps changing around us. And these pictures of different places from the past and the present show us how much that is true.
I Can’t Take My Eyes off These Gorgeous Lion Paintings
Enjoy this incredible collection of the most gorgeous classic lion paintings.
These U.S. Postal Vehicles Depict a Fascinating History
Go back in time and know the fascinating history behind some of the oldest U.S. postal vehicles, dating back to the 19th and 20th century.
These Slang Words Are Sure to Tickle Your Funny Bone
We’ve collected 11 silly-sounding slang words starting from Victorian times all the way to the present day so that all of us could have a good laugh!
The Astonishing Story of the Horse Who Could Do MATH
One of the most mathematically gifted and famous animals ever known was Clever Hans - a horse who lived in Germany in the early 1900s
7 Heroes in History Who Confronted Disaster With Kindness
The touching and inspirational stories of the acts of kindness of these people will restore your faith in humanity and lift your spirits
16 Vintage Photos of Sweet Dogs Throughout History
If you’re a dog lover, this post is for you!
18 Photos That’ll Give You A Glimpse of The Past Century
Thanks to historical photographic records we get a glimpse of the way of life that was in the past years around the world...
18 Pictures That’ll Give You A Glimpse of The Past Century
This Amazing Vehicle Can Actually Run On... Saltwater!
NanoFlowcell is set to revolutionize the car industry thanks to the technology that it's developing. Take a look at its unbelievable AG Quant e-Sportlimousine.
A Glimpse Through Time: 17 Photos That Bring History Alive
Here are some of the most interesting photos from history.
20 Most Beautiful Beaches You Could Be Lying On Right Now.
Some of the world's most amazing places to relax and enjoy the sea breeze.
15 Photographs That Captured Beautiful Moments in History!
History is filled with strange, profound and beautiful moments and peppered with incredible people, and some were vividly captured on camera!
Discover the Beauty of Powerful Steam Trains...
No matter how far technology goes, nothing will ever be as amazing and as powerful as one of these rolling toward you at full steam.
These Were Photographs Before Cameras Were Invented
Watch some rare, unseen watercolors of the old world before the invention of the camera.
Have You Seen Such Great Vintage Photos Before?
Vintage photos always leave us with a sense of great nostalgia, and the 25 you're about to see are no exception. Here are 25 of them from times gone by.
These Photos Show How Much The World Has Changed…
These historical images reveal how much the world has changed in the last 100 years and it's absolutely incredible
History Doesn't Forget: Rare Historic Photos!
Here, the past is still alive and kicking, and for a few moments, we are back in those momentous time and events that shook the world not that long ago...
100-Year-Old Colored Photos That Make History Feel Real
These vintage color photos are absolutely mesmerizing.
11 Relatively Unknown Peculiar Jobs That No Longer Exist
Here is a collection of lesser-known jobs that are now obsolete. Some of them may sound unusual or even funny; even though they are real.
20 Fascinating and Beautiful Moments Caught on Camera
The photos of extraordinary places and curiosities around the world are sure to spark joy and fascinate you!
21 Historical Pics That Open a Visceral Window to the Past
Old photographs have a special value to them - they allow us to take a glimpse into the past and experience what life was like long before we came into being.
12 Vintage Items of the Past Found by Chance
There is a certain kind of fascination in seeing ordinary items of the past, especially when you come by them by complete chance...
These Multi Portrait Photos Date Back to the Late 1800s!
Back in the early 1900s this new technology, known as 'trick-mirror' photos, were thought to be the future of portraiture.
Take a Look At These Rare, Recently-Unearthed Vintage Pics
Vintage photos are wonderful to see in themselves, but they take on a whole new significance when we know the stories behind them. Take a look.
When Hawaii Was a Kingdom - 17 Incredibly RARE Photos
These remarkable photos capture life in Hawaii during its pre-statehood period.
Here Are 18 Rare Photos You Won't Find In History Books
These are the RAREST vintage photos ever...
Then & Now: When Past Collides With the Present
These fascinating before and after photos will leave your jaw hanging open.
A 100 Year Old Window to Another New York City
These beautiful and educational late 19th and early 20th century photos of New York City were released recently by the NYC municipal archives...
These Are the Greatest Historic Homes Found in the US
These historic homes are the most important in the United States. See pictures of a historic home in each US state, and find out more about them.
15 Photos of 19th-Century Celebs Alongside Their Portraits
These vintage photos offer a unique look at what 19th-century celebrities looked like when compared to their painted portraits.
Take a Look at These Photographs & Walk Back in Time...
It's amazing to see photographs from archives because it's like taking a walk back in time. This collection is no exception. Take a look.
How the Mighty Hoover Dam Bridge Was Constructed...
The Hoover Dam Bridge is a marvel of human ingenuity, engineering and hard work. Find out the steps that lead to the structure we see today.
Native Americans: Striking Vintage Pics from a Century Ago
For over 30 years, Edward S. Curtis has documented the life of Native Americans. Here are some of his rare portraits
12 Fascinating Facts About the North Pole
The North Pole is a unique & mysterious place, and it would be fun to learn more about it, so here are 12 lesser-known North Pole facts!
Alphonse Mucha: Extraordinary Paintings by a Unique Artist
Admire the creative genius of Alphonse Mucha from a series of his paintings, some of which are well-known and others more exclusive to this collection.
13 Colorized Historical Pics You Shouldn’t Miss!
The past comes to life in these beautifully-colorized historic photographs.
These Words of Salvador Dali Will Inspire and Energize You
Salvador Dali is one of the most famous artists from the 20th century. These quotes from him are perfectly phrased to re-energize and inspire
Visiting New York? Then Don’t Miss the Beautiful Catskills
The Catskill Mountain Range in the Appalachian Valley is a beautiful plateau of trails, river crossing and numerous other activities
17 Amazing Black & White Photos Restored in Color
Enjoy this collection of stunning photos from history beautifully restored in color.
John Sargent’s Artworks Look So Aesthetically Pleasing
Marvel at some of the most beautiful paintings by the famous artist John Singer Sargent.
The Lovely Impressionist Paintings of Artist Childe Hassam
Childe Hassam was a prolific American artist whose paintings majorly influenced Impressionist art, as you'll see in these 22 paintings
17 Charming Artworks and Famous Paintings of Winslow Homer
In this post, you can take a closer look at some of the best paintings and artworks by noted American painter Winslow Homer.
Admire Some of History’s Finest Photos Reimagined in Color
We’re incredibly fortunate to be able to see history through vintage photographs, but wouldn’t it be fun to see all these photos in color?