Tips That Help Your Children Develop Healthy Eating Habits
It’s vital for kids to learn the importance of nutrition early and these 8 tips will help you get them to eat fruits and veggies every day!
Refined vs Unrefined Coconut Oil: Which Is Better For You?
There is an important difference between refined and unrefined (or virgin) coconut oil, and the two are not interchangeable
These Unbelievably Weird Games Were Once in the Olympics
In its 2000 year-long history, the Olympic Games have hosted some truly strange sporting events like pigeon shooting and distance plunging
How to Achieve the PERFECT Classic Chocolate Cake
Check out these 18 different recipes for the classic chocolate cake and learn how every baking mistake affects your final cake
Why Your Anxiety May Be Coming from Your Stomach
In this video, a certified psychiatrist explains the connection between stomach issues and psychological issues like anxiety and depression
9 ‘Contagious’ Conditions That Are Not Truly Contagious
These 9 conditions cannot be transmitted from person to person, though many people believe them to be highly contagious
10 Common Foods That Are BAD for the Heart
Can you eat pizza, orange juice, or bacon if you are at risk of developing heart disease or worsen an already existing heart condition? Find out here...
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Start Off Fall the Right Way With This Apple Butter Recipe
After trying this rich and reamy apple butter it will become your fall staple
Insane World Records That No One Should Ever Compete With
One day you may set a record in swimming or running, but you’ll never break any of these absolutely insane world records people set
Skipping Showers? It May Be the Healthier Choice
If you don't don't shower on a daily basis, there's no reason to be embarrassed. It might actually be the healthier choice...
These Drinks Are Just What Your Skin Needs to Look Younger
The trick to healthy skin has been right under your noses. From coffee to cucumber water, these beverages keep skin glowing and strong.
Can Parkour Practitioners Keep Up With Gymnasts?
A group of traceurs attempts to complete a few gymnastics tricks taught by professional gymnasts. Will they be able to keep up? Find out here
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
A recently discovered protein in the brain (p11) can be linked to both depression and stress and has the potential to help future treatments
15 of the Most EXTRAORDINARY Shots in Basketball History
Take a look at some of the most extraordinary shots in basketball history. Most of these are unintentional!
6 Kinds of Child Photos You Should NEVER Share Online
In this article, we've shared some guidelines that will help you understand the kind of child photos that you should NEVER post online.
Are You Drinking Too Much COFFEE? Here’s How You Can Tell
How do you know that you’ve had too much caffeine? It will be useful to look out for the 7 symptoms we list below.
Panic Attacks: What Causes Them and How to Prevent Them
Listen to an expert's views on what exactly causes panic attacks and what we can do to prevent them.
Learn Some Smart and Delicious Cookie and Cake Ideas!
Believe us when we say this: You will be salivating by the end!
All About GOOD Starch and Where to Find It
Did you know that resistant starch has some very important health benefits? Find out what resistant starch is and why you want to incorporate it in your diet
Is There a Link Between Egg Allergy and the Flu Shot?
Though an allergic reaction to the flu shot is very rare, those allergic to eggs may be at a higher risk of developing it.
Let Gordon Ramsay Show You How to Buy and Prepare Fish
Kick back and relax, and let Gordon Ramsay explain to you how to choose and buy the best fish!
All the Questions You Were Too Shy To Ask About Body Waste
This infographic provides answers to all the body waste questions you were too embarrassed to ask including consistency, smell and color.
Being a Parent Is Hard Enough: Here Are 12 Parenting Hacks
Parents and grandparents - here are 12 useful parenting trick you will surely appreciate!
Study: More Cups of Coffee May Slow Spread of Colon Cancer
New research has shown that colon cancer patients who drank more coffee had better outcomes. Find out more.
Learn How to Roast Peanuts in a Microwave 3 Simple Ways
Find out how to to microwave roasted peanuts and how to make them taste better with some yummy seasoning options.
A Complete Visual Guide to Osteoporosis
Many people suffering from osteoporosis have no idea they have the condition. Find valuable information on this underdiagnosed disease here.
Eye-opening Infographic Reveals What Extends Our Lifespan
This infogprhic sheds light on what truly increases our lifespan and what does the exact opposite
Meet 4 of the World’s FASTEST Track Prodigies
Meet four talented runners in this video who have all the makings of being future Olympic stars.
Kitchen Hacks To Make You An Expert Chef in 12 Minutes
If you enjoy cooking then you’ll enjoy this video that provides a blend of cleaning tips and easy preparations packed with flavor.
Country Fresh Fruit Packets at Walmart Recalled By the FDA
Equipment found contaminated with bacteria has prompted a voluntary recall of Country Fresh fruit products from Walmart outlets.
Eating These 9 Common Foods Raw Is Extremely Dangerous
These 9 common foods are fine and even nutritious when cooked, but eating them raw can be toxic or otherwise dangerous for your wellbeing
10 Worst Things to Say When Talking to Your Grandchildren
In this article, we will look at some of the things you should never say to your grandchildren.
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
This Is the Most Simple and Natural Way To Ease Insomnia
Weighted blankets are knwon for their soothing effects, and a new study confirms they may even be the tool to cure insomnia
Around the World in 7 Delectable Egg Dishes...
Travel to different parts of the world in this video and discover 7 weird yet wonderful ways eggs are eaten around the world.
The BEST Foods to Eat to Get Rid of Bad Breath
Specific foods, herbs, and drinks, such as the 8 we’ll list in this article, have been known to naturally reduce a smelly breath.
Having Trouble Remembering Things? This Just May Be Why!
This video tells us all the different ways our lifestyle and our environment can impact our ability to retain and recollect memories
5 Impressive Health Benefits of Peanuts You Never Knew
In this article, we learn about some lesser-known but important benefits of eating peanuts.
5 Relationship Mistakes That Push Away Your Adult Children
Are you unknowingly pushing away your adult kids by engaging in any of these bad communication habits?
Seniors Today Are Younger Than All Previous Generations
Recent research finally brings us some great news this year - seniors seem to be getting younger and younger with every generation... Read on to learn more
Making No-Bake Desserts Just Became As Easy As Pie!
If you're a dessert fan without an oven, there no need to fret. These easy recipes for delicious no-bake pies will have you drooling!
These Myths Surrounding Dementia Need to be Cleared
In this article, we try and shatter some of the common myths surrounding dementia.
Witness Some the Most Exhilirating Extreme Sports Moments!
An epic compilation of some incredible feats carried out by extreme sports teams all across the world, from professional juggling to parkour
5 Easy Tweaks To Make Your Takeout Food Healthier
There are several creative ways to increase the nutritional value of a takeout meals, and even adjust them to support your weight loss goals! Here are some tips.
Catch ‘em if You Can – The 8 Fastest People in the World
This video features some remarkable people who show unbelievable speed in different areas.
Drinking TOO Much Lemon Water Can Be Bad For Your Health
Like it is with anything in life, you can have too much of a good thing. Drinking too much lemon water, too, can be harmful and cause the following side effects...
You'll Love These 12 Genius Apple Recipes
You'll enjoy these 12 delicious apple dishes that will delight anyone.
Floss Picks vs Usual Floss: Which One Do Dentists Suggest?
People hate flossing. Hence, anything that could urge you to floss daily, like floss pick, is a heaven-sent opportunity. But are floss picks as good as regular floss?
Home Fitness: 12 Excellent Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
This cardio workout plan consists of 12 simple exercises anyone can do without any equipment!
A Social Media Challenge Has Kids Taking Too Much Benadryl
One particular challenge on social media has parents terrified as children as consuming dangerous amounts of pharmaceuticals.
Everything We Know About Asymptomatic Covid-19
This is what health experts currently know about the transmission rates of asymptomatic Covid-19 and why some people never develop the symptoms at all
7 Delicious Ways to Eat Pizza That You Never Knew About
Are you fond of pizza? Then discover some of the most unique ways people around the world eat pizza in this video.
7 Signs of Toxin Overload in Your Body You've Ignored
This article looks at some of the common signs that can tell you if your body is suffering from a toxin overload.
Prevent Alzheimer’s by Using These Expert Techniques
Listen to this expert's views on techniques that the elderly can use to enhance their brain's health.
How to Make the FLUFFIEST Pancakes You've Ever Tasted
This Japanese souffle pancake recipe achieves the impossible - it makes pancake even more delicious. Trust us, these are the fluffiest pancakes in existence!
Sports & Extreme: These People Possess Insane Abilities
Here is a compilation video featuring some ordinary people performing extraordinary sports stunts.
Jumping Jacks Are Extremely Easy AND Good For Your Health!
Jumping jacks in adulthood are extremely beneficial for your health! These are the benefits and th correct way to perform jumping jacks.
COVID-19: Face Masks Reduce the Severity of the Disease
Face masks serve as a barrier that can reduce how much of the virus can reach the mask wearer, which could ultimately lower the severity of the disease
7 of the Wackiest Guinness World Records broken in 2020
Take a look at some of the wildest and wackiest Guinness World Records broken in 2020 so far.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Oysters
Many home cooks are intimidated by oysters, which is a real shame. But we promise that this professional chef will change your perspective on this delicious dish!
Warning! Scientists Find Insomnia Raises Diabetes Risks
Recent research found that insomnia and other seemingly-unrelated habits can raise one's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Face Masks Make Your Eyes Dry and Red? These Tips Can Help
Dry eye syndrome can become worse or even be caused by face masks. Here's why it happens and how to prevent and treat mask-related dry eyes
Eat Your Dinner Early and Get Rid of Fat, Says Science
A new and detailed study has shown that eating a late dinner is associated with weight gain and high blood sugar levels.
Winter Allergies: Causes and Efficient Solutions
Seasonal allergies aren't reserved just for the spring. Here's what causes winter allergies and what can be done about them.
Is Olive Oil Really BETTER Than Vegetable Oil?
Olive oil is touted as a superfood capable of increasing longevity and aiding in weight loss, but is it really that much better than vegetable oil?
Try These 8 Instant Noodle Recipes From Around the World
Try out these amazing instant noodles recipes from 8 different places of the world.
Skincare Tips for Oily Skin & Ways to Eradicate Skin Shine
Get a deeper understanding and learn to deal with oily skin and excess shine with this informative guide
5 Delicious Teas for Asthma Relief and Respiratory Health
These are the 5 best tea varieties shown scientifically to bring relief to respiratory issues, and asthma symptoms specifically.
How COVID-19 Is Going to Affect This Year’s Flu Season
This year we'll be dealing with flu season alongside the Coronavirus pandemic. Experts predict what this means.
7 Subtle Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency to Be Aware Of
Here's a look at some of the most important signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that you should be aware of.
All the Reasons You Must Try Strawberry Leaves
The fruit itself is not the only way to enjoy strawberries. The leaves, too, have health benefits and can be consumed through tea, smoothies and salads!
5 Medical Advances That May Alter the Future of Healthcare
This article takes a look at some of the most important recent scientific breakthroughs in the field of medicine and health.
This Teenage Athlete Is Literally Defying Gravity!
Indoor skydiving is a novel sport that it allows athletes to literally fly and do all sorts of incredible acrobatic tricks while suspended in the air!
15 Peculiar Food Combinations That People Actually Love
Take a look at these weird food combinations that sound gross but are actually quite delicious.
Feel Tired AFTER Drinking Coffee? Here’s Why That Happens
It turns out that the effect of coffee on our energy levels is more complex than we thought. Sometimes, drinking coffee can actually make you more tired...
COVID Toes May Be a Symptom of Hidden Coronavirus in Kids
Reports suggest that "COVID toes" could be a coronavirus clue for young people without symptoms.
Hearing Loss Comes With Added Risks of Dementia & Diabetes
Although we often think of hearing loss as a minor annoyance, it turns out that it can lead to several serious complications...
11 Common Cookie Baking Mistakes And Their Results
Every baker knows there is a delicate balance to be kept in chocolate chip cookies. This is how the 11 most common mistakes will affect your final batch.
7 Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer to Be Mindful Of
Take a look at the signs and symptoms of colon cancer you shouldn’t ignore.
Should We Not Fear the Spread Of COVID-19 Through Food?
The World Health Organization has recently urged people not to fear catching the novel coronavirus from food. Read all about the update.
The 4 Major Types of Headaches: What to Look Out For
This guide will help you figure out what type of headache you may be suffering from, and how to treat and prevent it.
5 Athletes Who Overcame Handicaps on the Path to Greatness
Read about the amazing and inspiring stories of these five athletes who overcame handicaps on their way to greatness.
New Study Finds Honey to Be Better For Colds than Drugs
A new study has claimed that honey may be better at treating coughs and colds than over-the-counter medicines. Find out what it's about.
16 Baby Care Misconceptions You Need To Forget
Babies need delicate care, so it's important to debunk any misconceptions about raising them. Watch these two experts explain what is true and what's a myth.
The Good, the Bad, and the Funny - Sports Tricks Edition
Both incredible and funny, this video compilation features amazing sports stunts followed immediately by incredible fails in the same sport!
Sujeonggwa: A Healthy Dessert Tea That is Best Served Cold
A traditional twist on tea, this old Korean recipe is filled with healthy and tasty ingredients to create a yummy chilled treat.
New Saliva-Based COVID-19 Test Could Be a Game-Changer
A new saliva-based COVID-19 test promises to be a cheaper and faster alternative to traditional testing methods.
World-Famous Chef Shows a Fresh Take on the French Omelet
Always dreamt of learning to make the classic French omelet, but it always turned out wrong? This step by step tutorial by chef Pépin will help!
The Ultimate 5 Flavorful Smoothies Designed For Diabetics!
These delicious smoothies use healthy and natural ingredients ideal for diabetics and can be enjoyed regularly.
This New Blood Thinner Medication Has NO Risk of Bleeding!
Swiss scientists made a medical breakthrough, creating a new blood-thinning drug that's more effective than current medication and doesn't cause bleeding!
These Athletes Retired at the Susprisingly Young Age of 30
These incredible athletes were top performers that surprised the world by retiring by the time they were 30!
8 Foods That Promote Healthy Aging Everyone Must Know
With age, our dietary needs change, but few people know what these changes are. Here are 8 foods you should consider eating more of if you're over 50
You Are Literally What You Eat: How Food Affects the Brain
What happens in the brain when we opt for honey instead of jam? And how is Mediterranean diet better memory performance? Click to find out!
The Morally Murky Way to Speed Up Covid-19 Vaccine Process
Some scientists are proposing a controversial plan that could get us the coveted covid-19 vaccine faster. How does it work and what are the reprecussions?
Refreshing Summer Drinks You Must Try by the End of Summer
We’ve got just the thing for you for these seemingly unbearable hot summer days - 5 delectable and refreshing drink recipes!
What is Bee Sting Therapy And Why You Should Be Wary Of It
Bee sting therpay has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, but there are a few very important health risks to the alternative treatment
Tea vs. Coffee: Which One’s Better For YOU?
Many people demonize coffee. At the same time, tea is considered a "superfood" by most people. But is this comparison accurate? Let's find out!
This Doctor Showed Us Masks Are Safe to Wear While Running
With many people raising concerns regarding breathing difficulty caused by masks, these doctors prove that masks are perfectly safe.
Parenting Life Hacks: 15 Tips to Get Your Kids to Eat
Take note of these useful tips by a noted food expert that will help parents make their children eat better.