Sports Riddles

The Hardest Part About Baseball
What is the hardest part about baseball?
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These Two Sticks Must Always Be Kept Close By
These two sticks must always be kept close by. Because if one of them decides to go another direction, then you’re sure to become much colder.
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When Two People Are Separated By a Web…
When two people are separated by a web and hate to have love, what are they called?
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Tarzan On The Golf Course
Why did Tarzan spend so much time on the golf course?
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Soccer Fields Always Unsure...
Why are soccer fields always unsure about what to do?
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Before The Game...
Before the game, the spectator knew that the score would be nil-nil. How?
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In a Football Game…
In a football game, not a single man scored a goal, yet the final score was 1-0. How can this be?
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A Fighter's Favorite Dog
What is a fighter's favorite dog?
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I Swing Around On Sticks…
I swing around on sticks, and use them to do my tricks, a white powder helps me to grip, and people cheer when I flip. What am I?
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Baseball Mitt and the Ball
What did the baseball mitt say to the ball?
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Football Referees
How do we know that football referees are happy?
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Ball With Feet
What kind of ball has feet but cannot walk?
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Horse Without Legs and a Body
I am a horse without legs and a body, I jump but never run. What kind of a horse am I?
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A Bodybuilder’s Cardio
What does a bodybuilder do for cardio?
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They Never Fail To Complete a Marathon
People from what country never fail to complete a marathon?
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Football Players Staying Cool
How do football players stay cool during the game?
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Animal Hitting a Baseball
What animal is best at hitting a baseball
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A Tennis Game...
Why is a tennis game so loud?
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Baseball Team and Pancake
How is a baseball team similar to a pancake?
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Sport That Can Be Eaten
What sport can also be eaten?
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Two People Were Playing Chess...
Two people were playing chess and both won. How did this happen?
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