What are a submissive's favorite vegetables?
Collared greens.
Keep calm and carrot on.
What vegetable is kind of cool?
The Radish.
Have you heard the new song from the band that entirely consists of vegetables?
It’s a master peas.
What should you do if you drop a root vegetable face down?
Turnip over.
Which vegetable is the most qualified?
I must confess that I've started stealing vegetables from the local grocery...
I can't help it! I get to the store and I have to take a leek!
What do you call it when vegetables have siblings?
What vegetable isnt allowed on cruise ships?
What do you call a pastor who wanders from town to town, looking for leafy green vegetables?
A romaine Catholic priest.
My wife asked if I'd be available to drain some vegetables next week.
I said I'd check my colander.
Bad vegetable puns are dreadful.
It’s a truly rotten experience.
Who is the best kung fu vegetable?
Brocc lee.
Why isn’t the tomato a vegetable?
It couldn’t catch up.
I yam what I yam.
A carrot went to a football game.
Wonder who it was rooting for.
Where do vegetables keep their money?
In the credit onion.
What is a DJs favorite vegetable?
A turnip.
This foundation is rock salad.
What is a vegetable's favourite part of the song?
When the beet drops!
My brother turned into a vegetable.
I guess now he has fryngers and potatoes.
What are the best vegetables to sleep under?
a can of peas.
What is the executioner’s favorite vegetable?
A head of lettuce.
Michelle Obama’s favorite vegetable? Barack-oli.
What a spud muffin.
The veggie lover was a total stalk-er.
Did you hear about that show that tests the listening skills of vegetables?
Its tests the ears of its corn-testants.
What did the vicar use for his vegetable patch?
Lettuce spray.