A peach biologist was looking for a peach-tree-dish for his upcoming experiment.
How many peaches can you fit inside two cans? It depends how big the Toucans are and if they eat peaches.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
Q: Who is Peach’s favorite actor?
A: Brad Pit.
During the summer break, I enrolled myself in a peach coding course.
Q: Why did the fruit go to the salon?
A: To peach her hair blonde.
I just hear that the woman who lives next door and loves fruit died. I hope she would rest in peach.
My mother says: “Leave that peach cobbler alone on the table!” However, I cannot help myself and sneak in to watch it making beautiful peach shoes.
The peach sports organization rended a commercial peach for a game of peach ball.
Sometimes, all you need is to shake a few trees to find the perfect peach for you.
A fruit was madly in love, it was peachy–keen.