English Quiz: Can You Find the French Connection?
Can you determine which of the words we present you with is the one that English copied from French?
QUIZ: What Coffee Should You Be Drinking?
Discover what coffee you SHOULD be drinking by taking this insightful quiz.
7 Ancient Board Games That May Be the Oldest in the World!
Before board games like LIFE and Monopoly, ancient civilizations like the Ancient Romans, Egyptians, and Mesopotamians played these...
Corona Test: Late 2020 Edition
Almost 10 months into the pandemic, how much do you now know about the progress of this pandemic?
QUIZ: Will You Identify the Species of Animal?
Can you identify the animals just by the partial photos we have?
English Quiz: Can You Find All 12 Synonyms?
Are you ready to throw down with our latest synonym challenge?
Personality Test: What is Your Artistic Perspective?
Choose the paintings that speak to you most and we will tell you about your artistic spirit.
Trivia: Can We Ask You a Few Questions About Archeology?
How much do you know about the most important archeological finds?
Quiz: Let's Play the Capital Game!
We give you the capital, you tell us the country!
ENGLISH TEST: Can You Find the Right Word?
You will need to think of grammar, spelling and a bit of your own vocabulary to beat THIS English quiz!
TRIVIA: Can You Complete This Round of Questions?
Are you ready to challenge yourself to a little knowledge about a lot of subjects?
These Tricky Riddles Test Your Imagination and Verbal Mind
These are no ordinary riddles, they’re especially tough to crack and require quite a lot of imagination and verbal reasoning. Are you up for the challenge?
QUIZ: Can You Find the Odd Photo in 60 Seconds?
You have one minute in which you'll have to find the odd photo!
All Baby Boomers Should Be Able to Pass This Test...
Here's a little quiz that all Baby Boomers should be able to pass with flying colors. Give it a go and see how you fare!
QUIZ: Can You Identify the Color?
We've circled some of the colored areas in these photos, and all you need to do is choose the correct shade and color of that area in the circle.
Personality Test: How Judgmental ARE You?
Take our quiz and learn the truth about how much you judge others.
Daily Quiz: Which is MORE?
All you need to do is tell us which is biggest, fastest and heaviest. Sounds fair?
Geography QUIZ: Can You Tell Us Which Country It Is?
Can you recognize the countries in these photos?
How Healthy Are You? Take Our Test to Find Out!
What's more important to you than your health? Let's test whether you are leading a healthy enough life or not!
QUIZ: Which Famous Ruler Would You Have Been?
Would you have been a Julius Caesar or Louis XIV? Elizabeth I or Genghis Khan? Take our quiz and find out!
Quiz: Is History Still Alive in Your Head?
Are the dust-covered facts of a time gone by still clear and clean for you?
Spelling Bee: Can You Spell With the Best of Them?
Before you are 14 sentences that cannot be completed without the correct word, correctly spelled. Can you spell them all?
Love Flowers? Then Take Our Beautiful Flower Quiz!
We'd like you to help us label these flowers, we're not sure which is which!
Personality Test: Pick the Animals and Learn About Yourself
Pick your animals and learn about your type of personality!
Relearn the Classic Childhood Games Kids Need Now
These 13 verbal games are fun for the whole family, and prove all you need is a little imaginative thinking to spark great conversation!
Oh No! We Can't Tell These Photos Apart, Will You Help?
Look for the subtle changes that make one of the four images a fake!
QUIZ: What Do You Know About the Brain?
How much do you know about the most important organ in the universe - the human brain? Take our biology trivia quiz and find out...
Is Your Memory Good Enough For This Visual Test?
Let's see how good your short-term memory can really be.
QUIZ: How Much Knowledge is In Your Brain?
Can you beat this general knowledge quiz that requires both logic and knowledge?
Challenge Your Knowledge of Proverbs With This Fun Test!
Can you not only recognize but also complete these rare and tricky English proverbs?
Eye Test: Can You See Shades of GRAY?
Can you see the different shades of Gray?
QUIZ: What is the Ethical Choice?
Are you an amoral Darwinian, a righteous moralizer, or something in between? Only this ethical dilemma test can discover this part of your psychology.
QUIZ: Name the Famous Paintings!
Name these Famous Paintings if you can! Take this art quiz if you have what it takes.
QUIZ: True or False: Animal Edition!
Do you know enough about animals to pass with flying colors?
QUIZ: What Kind of Doctor Would You Have Been?
This quiz will tell you what type of medicine you would have taken up if you were a doctor.
QUIZ: Discover Your Personal Subconscious Archetype
We all have several Jungian archetype, but we usually have a primary one. Care to find out yours?
Quiz: Which Animal Are We Talking About?
This quiz will give you an animal fact, and you must choose the animal it applies to!
True or False: Quote Edition!
Can you help us out and tell us which of these quotes were really uttered by these following people?
QUIZ: This Color Test Will Determine How Stressed You Are
Answer honestly and we'll tell you how stressed you really are!
Trivia: Where in the World Is This Art Piece?
an you help us and tell us where each of these incredible art pieces can be found?
QUIZ: Can We Recommend a Netflix Show For You?
We'd like you to answer honestly so that we may figure out which Netflix tv shows to recommend for you!
QUIZ: Spell the Word to Complete the Sentence!
Complete these sentences correctly by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
TRIVIA: Can You Beat Our Lightning Round?
This round of trivia will require you to think FAST.
History Quiz: Can We Challenge Your Knowledge of the Past?
o you give history its fair due? Then come test your knowledge with our newest general history quiz!
Trivia: Can You Identify the Car Brand?
If you love cars, or just think you can tell the difference between most major car brands, then this quiz is just for you!
Test Your Color Vision: Can You Identify the Color?
You must pick the exact shade or color corresponding to the color inside the circle. Ready to test your color vision?
QUIZ: Are We LYING to You?
In this quiz, you'll have 15 opportunities to decide - Are we lying to you?
Animal Trivia: Underwater Edition!
Let's see if you know your stuff when it comes to life under the sea...
How Much Do You Like Other People? Answer Our Quiz!
Do you feel comfortable around other people or do you dread social interactions?
English Quiz: Defend Thy Grammar!
Can you defend your good grammar name?
QUIZ: A Well Rounded Trivia Round!
Test your well rounded knowledge against our general knowledge trivia quiz.
Quiz: Test Your Memory of Classic Books!
This general classic book quiz will present you with all kinds of questions about your favorite classics.
QUIZ: Can You Identify the Country?
Once again, we will ask you to decide which country is it, based on a single photo!
QUIZ: Insult or Compliment? You Tell Us!
re we paying you a compliment or insulting you to your face? Figure our what these old words mean!
Can You Find the Animal Image That's DIFFERENT?
Find the one animal image that is NOT like the others.
Joke: The Mental Patient's Answer
A man starts his new job as the administrator of an insane asylum...
History Quiz: What Happened FIRST?
Tell us which of the two options came first! Can you do it?
QUIZ: How Well Do You Know the UK?
How much do YOU know about the UK?
Eye Test: Can You See in All Shades of Brown?
Can you see the shades of brown? Test your vision!
Personality Test: What You See Tells Us About Your Heart
What kind of heart pumps in your chest? Answer these 10 photo questions to give us an idea.
QUIZ: Senior Health is Important, How Much Do You Know?
Whether you're a senior, or have one in your family, let's see how much you already know...
QUIZ: Take Our General English Quiz!
Are you feeling confident about your English skills today? Then let's have a go at it!
TRIVIA: Can You Answer These General Trivia?
You'll need a well rounded mind for this one. Are you prepared to take the challenge?
Joke: The Photo in Her Purse
A young couple gets married and go on their honeymoon, the following morning the bride walks out of the shower, naked.
QUIZ: What Kind of Luxury Car Brand Are You?
Cars are so ubiquitous to our lives that even the brands have well known personalities. Which one has YOURS?
Memory Quiz: Will You Notice the Changes?
Can we test your short-term visual memory as well as your focus?
Quiz: What Kind of Risks do You Take?
There are seven different types of risk takers - which one are you?
Joke: The Bartender and the Jackass
I was sitting at a bar when a man walked in....
Trivia: How Good is Your World Geography Today?
Before you are 12 questions about all kinds of Geography, are you prepared?
QUIZ: Can You Find the Forged Masterpiece?
Can you help us find the forged painting? It should be different from the other 3, but beats us if we know how!
QUIZ: Can You Decipher These Latin Phrases?
Will the similarity to other languages help you figure out what these Latin phrases would look like in English? Let's find out!
Grammar Quiz: Are You Ready For a Challenge?
Can you ace this grammar test?
Reproduction Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
Do you have the information and the knowledge to answer some questions about human reproduction? Let's see how much you know!
Take this quiz and let us know: Did it happen or not?
QUIZ: What Kind of First Impression Do You Make?
Fair or not, first impressions can count for a lot. Therefore it's important you know just how people perceive you. This amazing test can reveal the truth!
Spelling Bee: Can You Get All Twelve?
In each slide there will be several alternative spellings. Pick the correct one!
TRIVIA: Who IS This Historical Person?
an you tell us which historical person each of these are?
These Games Are the Most Fun Anyone Can Have With Dominoes
Everyone loves watching dominoes fall. These games let you line up dominoes in a different but equally fun and exciting way!
Joke: The Rude Passenger
Years ago, a man needs to take a flight. As he gets to his plane seat, he is surprised to find a parrot strapped into the seat next to him
General Knowledge: Can You Answer These 12 Questions?
Care to test your wisdom in our newest general knowledge trivia quiz?
Quiz: Are You Luke, Leia or Another Star Wars Character?
If you went on a grand Star Wars adventure, which of the original trilogy Star Wars character would you be?
QUIZ: Four Photos, One of Them is Not What it Seems...
Take another one of our find the difference challenges for kids and adults alike. You won't regret it!
QUIZ: Who Were You During Medieval Times?
Who Were You During Medieval Times?
TRIVIA: How Well Do You Know Classic Fairy Tales?
Do you love fairy tales? Then you should find this next quiz easy!
Personality Test: These Paintings May Indicate Your Mental Ability
The colors that are most salient to you in these famous paintings may say a lot about you.
QUIZ: Which Language IS IT?
Can you identify the following languages from just one sentence?
QUIZ: Only 30% of People Find the Differences, Can You?
Good luck in finding that one image that is not like the others...
Quiz: Billionaires Think Logically, Do You?
How good are you at logic and math and what kind of billionaire would that make you most like?
Flower Quiz: Which Flower is Which?
All you need to do is identify the flowers we show you. Think you're up for it?
Memory Quiz: Discover the Kind of Memory You Have
Take our memory quiz and discover what KIND of memory your brain uses.
Care To Test Your Level of English Today?
Here's a fun English quiz that will take some vocabulary skills to ace!
Test Yourself: What Kind Of Heart Do You Have?
The heart has always been used as a means to describe the nature and feelings of people, and the next quiz will help you discover what heart you have...
QUIZ: What Kind Mind Do You Have?
Do you think that you're a logical and reasonable person, who's able to come up with accurate estimates for everything? Find out here!
Celebrate American Chess Day With These Unique Chess Sets!
There’s no better way to celebrate American Chess Day than with these supremely creative and stunning chess sets.
QUIZ: How Good Are You At Phrases? Find Out In This Test
Some phrases can be quite hard to pick up and memorize, and some people are better at it than others. How good are you at phrases? Find out here.
QUIZ: Can We Determine What Your True Strength Is?
Enjoy this highly visual personality test that'll help you work out once and for all what your character's greatest strength is.
QUIZ: How Much Do You Know of the US Civil War?
Do you have what it takes to ace our American Civil War trivia quiz?
Sports Fans! We’ve Got a Riddle Game That’s Just For You
If you enjoy watching athletic proceedings and sports, you’ll enjoy these riddles all based on elements of popular sports and games.
Test: What is Your Most Powerful Mental Ability?
The human mind is unique and complex. But which mental ability do you have in abundance? Find out now for yourself with this quiz!
QUIZ: What's Your Ideal Country Based on Your Personality?
Have you ever felt like you were born in the wrong country? This personality test will determine where you'd really fit in!