Test: Do You Know How to Run a Successful BBQ?
Take this test to determine whether you're a master of the grill, or simply just a fire hazard!
Test: Would You Make it As an International Jewel Thief?
This quiz uses a metaphor: A diamond heist, to test your decision making abilities!
Take Our Test: How Well Do You Know Our Planet?
This quiz will check test your knowledge of the planet we call home.
Challenge: Before Time Runs Out, Solve This Riddle!
Can you use math to escape the temple? Dennis E. Shasha will show you how.
Quiz: Which Ancient Culture Is Your Soul Aligned With?
Have you ever wondered if you're descended from an ancient civilization? Take this fun personality test and find out!
Are You Smart Enough to Survive in the Wild West?
This test will help you decide whether you've got the skills and knowledge necessary to survive in the Wild West.
These Quizzes Will Keep You Entertained For Many Hours!
Who doesn't enjoy a good quiz? I most certainly do, and that's why I've put this collection together. Enjoy 9 of the very best BabaMail quizzes in one place.
QUIZ: What Do Hard Decisions Say About Your Character?
The hard decisions say more about us than any other decision. What do your hard choices say about you?
QUIZ: Identify These Languages Just By Looking!
Only 3% of the population can identify at least 12 out of these 15 world languages. Are you one of them?
8 Famous Illusions Explained: Do You See the Truth?
Do you see the truth of these famous illusions?
TRIVIA: Can You Identify These Classic Movie Scenes?
In this fun quiz, you'll be asked to watch a clip from a movie and then choose the correct classic film it's from! Ready?
This Gorgeous Test Will Determine Your Dominant Intellect!
Choose between these beautiful photos to discover your strongest intellect!
Famous People Photo Quiz: Can You Identify These?
These photos have shaken the world during the 20th century - can you beat the Famous People Photo Quiz?
Are You a Sensitive Person? Take Our Quiz!
Are you a sensitive person? Are you in tune with your emotions? Answer our questions honestly and find out...
Quiz: Your Cleaning Habits Reveal a Lot About You!
The way you clean can say so much about you. Will you take our quiz and find out for yourself?
Challenge: Can You Spot the Hiding Animal?
Sometimes, when we're not all that attentive, we can easily miss the wonderful things hidden in nature. Find out if you can spot the animals in the pictures.
Are You Good At Phrases? Find Out In This Quiz
Some phrases can be quite hard to pick up and memorize, and some people are better at it than others. How good are you at phrases? Find out here.
Test Yourself: What Kind of Cat Hides Within You?
Cats are a lot like people, what kind of cat would you be and what does it say about you?
Trivia: Only a Minority of People Pass This Test Correctly...
Do you have great general knowledge? Think you can beat our fact test...?
The Photos You Choose Will Say a Lot About You...
The choice of filters, according to a recent study, may say a lot about you.
QUIZ: How Well Do You Understand Others?
How good are you at figuring out what is going on in people's minds? Take our quiz and find out for yourself.
Can You Find the Odd Photo? Challenge Yourself!
To really check your ability to notice small details and your mind/eye connection, we've devised this simple test.
Can You Beat Our Geography Quiz? Find Out Here!
In order to pass this test you need to be a real man or woman of the world.
These Illusions Will Have You Fooled... Discover Why!
Discover what's really behind these fascinating illusions.
What Does the Inkblot Test Say About Your Personality?
Take our inkblot test, dive into your psyche and discover something new about yourself.
This Quiz Will Reveal If You're Easily Influenced
Answer these questions to discover whether we can manipulate your way of thinking.
Take Our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Our Friend, the Dog?
This quiz will definitely test your knowledge about man's best friend!
Test: Analyzing Pictures Can Reveal a Lot About Yourself
The way we interpret a picture says a lot about our thinking process. Take this test and see for yourself.
What Era Are You From? This Quiz Reveals All!
Were you meant for another era? Take this test to reveal all!
Take Our Test: How Strong Is Your Perceptive Power?
Did you know that your perception can tell you a lot about the state of your short-term memory? Take our fun quiz to find out more!
Current Affairs Quiz: What's Going on in the World Today?
There is a lot of important news going on right now. How much of it are you aware of? Put your current affairs knowledge to the test.
Take Our Test: Discover What Sort of Genius You Possess
Doesn't matter who you are, you each have your own gifts. But what's yours? Play this test to discover your inner genius!
Some Optical Illusions Are Just Plain Outrageous
Which of these optical illusion confused you or astounded you most?
QUIZ: Do You Remember These Nostalgic Songs?
Prove that you are 50s and 60s music loving pro with our rock (and roll) hard trivia test!
PERSONAL MEMORY TEST: Discover How YOUR Memory Works
Did you know that there are different types of memory? Take our test to see what kind of memory your brain makes use of!
Take Our Quiz: What’s the REAL Meaning of Easter?
Do you know the real story of Easter and Passover? Only one way to find out...
Take Our Shakespeare Test: Are you Smart Enough to Pass?
Shakespeare is the greastest poet ever, arguably. Therefore, you have to be pretty civilized to know his works well. Let's see if you can pass this quiz!
Take Our Quiz: Do You Act Your Age?
Yes, you might well think you are pretty old by now, but the question is - do you act your age? Take our quiz and find out how old you behave!
TEST: How Good Is Your Human Biology Knowledge?
Do you know enough about your body? Put your anatomy knowledge to the test with our human biology quiz!
PERSONALITY TEST: Who Were You in Your Previous Life?
Ever wondered what kind of exciting previous life your soul was once leading? Find out who you you really were in our past life test.
Can You Correctly Answer All of These Trick Questions?
Knowledge is a tricky thing. You can easily be deceived into thinking you know something you really don't. This trick question quiz is sure to throw you!
Take Our Test: What Sort of Mind Do You Have?
There are at least seven types of thinkers in the world. Do you think you know which one you are? Take our test and find out!
TRIVIA: Are You a World War Two History Buff?
World War Two was probably the most epoch changing war in human history. So, how well do you know the events that changed our history forever?
Take Our Test: Are You Logical Enough to Pass This Quiz?
Do you think your logical skills are a match for our test? Only one way to find out?
Who Art Thou? Learn Which Type of Art Describes You Best
Art is a subjective matter that inspires debate and some fiery emotions, and this is likely because it touches us personally. What type of art are you?
TEST: Do You Speak Modern or an Older Form of English?
It doesn't matter how young or old you are, you'd be surprised how much of an influence old-fashioned forms of English have had on you...
Test: Can We Tell What Bird You Are Most Like?
If you were a bird, which would you be? Are you a peacock, an eagle, a pigeon? Take our test and find out!
Take Our Test: How Attentive to Details Are You?
Is your mind sharp enough to remember all these details? Give it your best shot!
How Logical Are You? Test Yourself and Find Out!
90% of people who took this test got it wrong. Do you think you can do better? Give it a go!
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Chakra Needs Strengthening?
Chakra are the spiritual and physical focus points of our entire being. Of the 7, which one needs your urgent attention? This test will tell you how to heal it.
1960s Trivia: Answer Questions About This Great Decade!
No era gets people more excited than the 1960s. So, how well do you remember the music, culture, politics, and events of the '60s? Let's put you to the 1960s Trivia Quiz!
Take Our Name the Famous Landmarks Quiz!
By naming these world famous landmarks you would undoubtedly impress us...
10 Tricky Riddles That Could Potentially Drive You Crazy!
Here are 10 tricky riddles that you might find challenging to solve...
Put Your Memory to the Test: What Are All These Objects?
There's nothing better for your memory that some fun exercise. Boost your powers of recall by taking this simple object naming test.
Put Your Thinking Cap on and Try to Solve These Riddles
These 12 fun riddles will show just how sharp your mind is.
PERSONAL TEST: Are You a Seeker, Skeptic, or Spiritualist?
We all have a philosophical approach to the big questions in life. Let's see if we can tell you yours. Just answer these 9 questions?
Is Your Mind as Sharp as a Knife? Try These Brain Teasers!
These addictive brain teasers will really get the cogs in your head turning!
Psychological Test: Uncover Some Amazing Personal Insights
By using symbolism we can find out a whole lot about our hidden subconscious. Take this test to learn more about yourself.
Challenge: Can You Solve These 10 Tricky Riddles?
These ten challenging riddles will leave you scratching your head.
Can You Pass This Rock Hard Spelling Test?
With mobile phones and spell checkers all the rage, they say spelling standards are dipping. Can you buck the trend by passing this spelling quiz?
Take Our Test: What Secret Controls You Subconsciously?
We all have some dominating passion that guides some of our more inexplicable decisions. Can this test help you identify yours?
Test Your Vision: Can You See All These Colors?
This straightforward do-it-yourself test will reveal just how your color vision stacks up against the average. Can you see them all?
Is Modern Art Really Profound, or Could a Toddler Do It?
Modern art divides people like no other art form. Some say it's profound, some that it's puerile. Let's put this to the ultimate test!
TEST: Can You Identify These Scrambled Faces?
It takes a special kind of genius to work out whom these faces belong to. Do you think you're up to the task.
QUIZ: Who Are You? Answer Just 20 Questions We'll Tell You
This brilliant test can work out who you are by asking only 20 simple questions. Can we work out who you are?
Can You Beat This Challenging Logic Puzzle?
This old logic puzzle is stumping nearly everyone. Can you beat it? Give it a go.
12 Mysterious Riddles That'll Boost Your Mental Capacity
These 12 great riddles will definitely get your brain cells flexing and strutting their stuff in no time at all. Come on, give them a go!
Are You Logical Enough to Solve These 9 Problems?
Humans are logical, at least we are meant to be! What about you? Are you ruled by rational thinking? Solve these problems and find out!
Only 2% of People Can Solve This Riddle! Can You?
According to the great Albert Einstein, only 2% of the world's population can solve this riddle by themselves. Are you one of them?
Take Our Test: Can Your Memory Overcome Your Funny Bone?
You've never tested your memory like this before. Watch these 4 comedy videos and test whether your memory can overcome your funny bone!
Test: Can We Tell You Your Personal Signature Tune?
Music captures moods so well, but how well can you determine the moods of the following tunes? Take our test and we'll reveal your own personal tune!
Massive Riddle Collection: 120 Tricky Riddles to Test You!
Here is our enormous collection of 120 tricky riddles with answers that will definitely make you put your thinking cap on!
Take This Freudian Test to Reveal Your Hidden Subconscious
Find out what your subconscious mind thinks about the big questions of life by taking this simple test. Take a pen and some paper, and open up your soul!
Take Our Test: What's Your Strongest Mental Ability?
The human mind is unique and complex. But which mental ability do you have in abundance? Find out now for yourself with this quiz!
10 Challenging Riddles to Test Your Thinking Skills
These brain-teasing riddles will definitely test your lateral thinking skills. So, get those cogs working and try to answer all 10!
Challenge! Can You Solve These 7 Tricky Riddles?
These riddles will challenge your mental sharpness and will definitely keep you on your toes.
World Trivia: You Have to Be a Real Star to Pass This!
We'll give you two facts and all you have to do is work out which country they are about. This will really test your worldly knowledge?
If Your Life Was a Poem, Which Would it Be?
Poetry is the most ancient form of verbal art. It touches us so deeply and personally. So, which famous poem could have been written about you? Let's find out!
Riddle Me This: Test Your Logic by Solving Riddles!
These tricky riddles are not only fun but also will test your brain - give them a go, and see if you can solve them all!
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Animal Character Is Yours?
This quiz will tell something very important about you that you've always wondered about: what animal personality best describes you?
Time Travel Test: Where Would Your Spirit Take You?
Everyone dreams about time-travel, but it's hard to know which era we would best belong in. This personality quiz will decide just where it is you ought to be.
Take Our Quiz: Is it All Ancient History to You?
Martin Luther King Jr. said that we don't make history but 'we are made by history.' How much do you know about the ancient people who came before us?
Take This Quiz to Discover What 2017 Will Be Like for You
As we head into a new year, we all wonder what's in store. Moreover, we wonder if we're on the right path in our lives. Take this quiz to determine if you are.
Take Our Test: What Personal Change Must You Make in 2022?
It's that time of year again: what should you do to make 2022 an even better year than this one? Take this fun quiz to find out your new year's resolution.
How Many of These Clever Riddles Can You Answer?
How many of these riddles can you guess?
QUIZ: This Mood-Color Association Test Will Describe You
For some red is anger and blue is gloomy, for others red is lust and blue is calm. What about you? How you associate colors can help determine your personality.
Personality Test: Which Part of Your Brain Do You Rely On?
Which part of your brain is getting the most use? Find out now.
Can You Count All the Tigers Hiding in This Photo?
It might look like there are but 4 tigers in this image, but there are a lot more. How many can you find? Click on the image to see how many there are.
QUIZ: You Probably Know More Foreign Words Than You Think
You'll probably be amazed by how many foreign words you can correctly identify. Let's see how much you've picked up with this foreign tongues quiz!
Can You Unravel the Mystery of These 15 Riddles?
Nothing's better for your brain than a nice riddle workout, and these 15 are some of the toughest you've ever seen. You'll be very satisfied if you solve these!
XMAS QUIZ: Try BabaMail’s Naughty or Nice Grammar Test
It's the season of good will and cheer, but that doesn't mean you have to give up picking people on their grammar. Try this Christmas related grammar quiz!
COLD WAR TRIVIA: How Much History Do You Know?
The Cold War (1947-1991) dominated the politics during most of our lives. So, looking back, how much do you remember about the war that brought us to the brink?
Can You Solve These 16 Perplexing Riddles?
There's no better brain workout that trying your hand at a few riddles.
Quiz: Guess the Objects in These Pics
Only 1 in 50 people have the required combination of knowledge and perceptive skill to tell what's in these images. Take this test to see if you're one of them.
Spot the Differences & Test Your Observational Skills!
Only the most observant of people can find all the differences between these images. Are you one of that select band of clever clogs?
QUIZ: How Well Do You Know These Famous Quotations?
Here are 15 of the most important quotations in literary history. Do you know how they go? Let's put your learning to the test!
Are You Clever Enough to Crack the Passcode Riddle?
This riddle has been driving the internet crazy since summer. Are you one of the few who can crack this puzzle?
Can You Solve These Tricky Little Riddles?
While some of us are good at solving riddles, others are just not. How do you do? Here are 9 tricky little riddles to put your brains to the test.
Take Our Test: Is This Is How Strangers See You?
Fair or not, first impressions can count for a lot. Therefore it's important you know just how people perceive you. This amazing test can reveal the truth!
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Job Were You Just Perfect For?
You only get one life, which for most of us means only one career. So, have you ever wondered what you could have been? This quiz will tell you!