QUIZ: Can You Identify All 10 Tools?
This quiz will ask you to identify 10 tools by their name. Do you have the know-how or can at least guess intelligently?
What Will Our Inkblot Test Say About You?
What do these inkblots look like to you? Your answers will carry more weight than you know...
Memory Test: Only 5% Pass. Can You?
We've heard this is one tough memory quiz. It uses colors to check your short-term memory. It will take a good visual memory and a quiet environment. And besides, it's a really fun way to challenge your ability to focus.
QUIZ: Can You Ace This 1985 General Knowledge Test?
34 years ago, someone made these 12 questions and gave them to high schoolers. Can you do better than they did? We'll tell you if you try!
Quiz: What Kind of Humor Do You Have?
Humor is extremely subjective, what do YOU enjoy the most? Are you into sarcasm, slapstick, verbal jokes? This quiz will try to determine that right now.
Trivia Quiz: A Very Tough General Knowledge Test!
This quiz wants you to know it all - history, geography, biology, politics, events and more - you need to know a LOT to pass this one with flying colors!
Photo Quiz: Can You Identify the Place From the Photo?
This creative geography quiz will ask you to identify the correct city after seeing only one photo of it. Can you use your logic and experience to find the correct city shown in the photo?
Religious Literacy Quiz: Can You Pass the Boston Test?
This trivia quiz was given by a professor to his Boston students - most failed it. Do you know your way around the world's religions?
How Are You Alone? This Quiz Will Tell You!
There are 6 definite types of introversion, what kind of introvert lives inside you to come out when you're alone? Take this quiz to find out!
Test: Pick a Key to Determine Who You Are!
This test presents you with 6 keys, look at all of them before choosing the one that speaks to you the most.
Math Quiz: Can You Beat This Test Without a Calculator?
I love taking math quizzes, it means I have to concentrate fully, and it's always a good feeling to see I haven't lost the ability. Take this math quiz and see how much YOU'VE retained.
Logic Quiz: Pick the Odd Word Out!
Are you good at recognizing patterns? Do you see what others don't? Then take this quiz and prove you can spot the odd word every time!
This Unique Photo Quiz Will Guess Your Anxiety Levels
This quiz is both beautiful and helpful. It uses your response to carefully made questions about paintings to determine your anxiety level
Can You Answer All 10 Old Riddles?
These riddles are over 70 years old, but I bet they can still kick your butt today. Care to try and beat all 10 questions?
Feeling Brainy? Then Answer These Ten Questions!
We challenge you to answer 10 mixed knowledge questions right. So take the test and see how varied your knowledge is.
Literature Quiz: Can You Pick the Next Line Correctly?
This charming quiz asks you to pick the correct line that should follow in these classic children's stories.
Quiz: Can You Name These Beautiful Flowers?
This trivia quiz is botanical! Can you recognize flowers when presented to you, or do you just like to smell them? Can you identify these 20 flowers?
Trivia Quiz: Beat This Mixed Knowledge Test
A little knowledge of many areas of life is required for this quiz if you wish to beat it. A little of every science needs to be known.
English Quiz: Find the Spelling For These Confusing Words
This quiz will ask you to spell some of the most confusing words in English. You'll be given two options for spelling each word, and may start really easy, but get a bit more challenging as you proceed - can you do it?
Math Quiz: Guess the Formula We're Using!
This math quiz will present you with equations that have a certain logic behind them, you need to understand what the logic is behind them to guess the correct answer!
Personality Quiz: Unscramble the Words to See Who You Are
This quiz will show you letters that can make a few words, what you must do is make the first word you can and then let us know which one you made first. The first word you see may say something about you...
QUIZ: Test Your Mixed Knowledge Chops!
This quiz has 10 questions that will test your general knowledge with a variety of questions that will encompass many sciences.
Geography Quiz: Only 20% of Americans Ace This Test!
Geography is incredibly important - we should know the world we live in, what it's really about, where are the continents, how many and how many oceans there are - these are only some of the questions you'll need to figure out!
Can You Solve These Math Questions?
This fun and cool math quiz is going to present you with 19 questions. Some quite easy, and some quite hard. We hope you'll do your best and impress us with your math abilities.
Quiz: Use Your Smarts to Answer These IQ Problems
This logic quiz will use both your innate sense of logic and your learned logic from school to solve problems. This is a multiple choice quiz, and it's a lot of fun.
English Language Quiz: Pick the Correct Word!
This quiz asks you to pick between two words and decide which one is most suitable to complete the sentence correctly. Give it a try!
This Math Quiz Will Remind You of Your School Days!
This fun math test is really fun and should provide some minutes of pure problem solving pleasure. Just answer the questions as best you can and good luck.
QUIZ: What Does the Way You See Color Say About You?
This quiz will ask you to identify colors and learn about yourself accordingly.
QUIZ: What Era Would Suit You Best?
Many of us feel like we should have been born in another time and place. This fun soul quiz will try to determine what era your soul is from. In other words, when should you have been born by character?
Math Quiz: Only 40% of Adults Pass This Test!
This algebra test has been making its rounds around the web and stumping about 6 out of 10 adults - can you solve this test?
QUIZ: Are You a Realist or an Idealist?
Some of us see life as it is - The world is full of grey shades, and some see it as black and white. This quiz is all about your inner ideology - are you a realist or an idealist?
QUIZ: This Impulse Test Will Tell You Something Important!
This test will require you to act impulsively, choose as fast as you can - and learn something new about yourself.
Can You Answer These 10 Bizarre Riddles?
These creative riddles are not only challenging but a lot of fun to figure out!
Test: Can ANYONE Pass This Math Quiz From 1954?
This math quiz has the internet pulling their hair out. Do you recall your studies, or have you never let them wain to begin with? If so, you are a shoo in for this test! Ready? Let's go!
Can You Ace this Tricky Quiz about Myths and Folk Tales?
Fables and myths are an important part of every culture. How well do you know these ones?
Tease Apart 15 Confusing English Words with This Fun Quiz
Many people struggle with these 15 commonly confused words. Will you be able to prove that you know English better than most?
Quiz: Can We Figure Out Your Emotional Needs?
This emotional test is here to help you locate the emotion that most needs healing.
Quiz: What Color Does Your Spirit Have?
Answer our questions and we may be able to determine the color of your inner spirit, a color that means something to you alone.
QUIZ: Can We Guess Your Eye Color?
Through a series of colorful screens and questions - can we guess your eye color?
QUIZ: Which Greek Philosopher Do You Unknowingly Follow?
Answer these questions seven to learn which Greek philosopher would you most see eye to eye with.
Animal Quiz: Only 1 in 25 Can Guess All 50 Dog Breeds!
This quiz will challenge you to identify the most dog breeds you can! If you score over 20 - you've got our respect! If you score close to 50 - you have our astonishment!
QUIZ: Which of these 6 Egos Do You Have?
In psychology, the ego is not a bad thing. The ego is actually YOU. What is your type of ego? There are six main ones, can we guess yours?
Can We Guess Your Job Based On What You See?
Can our quiz be smart enough to guess what you do (or did) for a living?
This Math Quiz is Driving the Internet Wild!
Do you remember your math? Think you can beat our tricky math test?
Quiz: Do You Have This Rare Personality Type?
Can we diagnose your personality type to see if you fit this rare profile?
QUIZ: Do You Know The Meaning of These Extra Long Words?
If you know these crazy long words you are crazy smart.
Quiz: Fake News or Real News - You Tell Us!
Can you guess which of these headlines are real and which are fake news?
Geography QUIZ: Can You Match the Flag to the State?
This trivia test will ask you to simply match the flag to its state...
Animal QUIZ: Can You Distinguish a Llama from an Alpaca?
Test your knowledge about animals in this quiz featuring 16 pairs of commonly confused animal species, will you be able to guess each one?
QUIZ: Translate Australian Slang to English
Can you translate these hilarious Australian slang words to common English?
Can You Pass Our Test? Name That Tool!
This trivia quiz will put your knowledge of work tools to the test.
Take Our Quiz: Which Exercise is Perfect For YOU?
This quiz will give you some practical information you can start implementing right now by figuring out what exercise you're best suited for.
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Animals By Their Skulls?
Can you identify these 19 animals purely by their skulls?
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Paintings? (Part 2)
This quiz is the second part of our "identify the famous painting" series!
QUIZ: Can You Beat This Math Test Without a Calculator?
This quiz is going to really put your basic math skills to the test - can you do sums in your head?
QUIZ: Bill Nye Challenges You To a Fun Science Test!
Bill Nye has 10 questions about science for you - think you can answer correctly?
Can You Solve This Famous Logic Problem?
This logic problem has challenged people for decades. Care to give it some thought?
8 Personality Tests That Will Reveal a Lot About You
A great collection of personality tests and quizzes for discovering your own character, personality, past and future...
Think You Can You Solve This Old IQ Problem? Give it a Try
Can you find the right solution to this classic IQ question?
Can Your English Vocabulary Reveal Where You’re From?
This English test attempts to guess if your accent is closer to British, American, Canadian or Australian, will we be able to guess yours?
QUIZ: Which Country Invented What?
This beautiful game-show-like quiz is going to test you on the history of invention - can you tell which country invented what?
QUIZ: This English Test Appeared in 1945. Can You Beat It?
Can you beat this English test from 1945? It may just give you some challenge...
Are You Ready to Beat Our Tricky Grammar Quiz?
Can you beat our grammar quiz so thoroughly that you get a perfect score?
QUIZ: Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test?
This spelling quiz does just that - quizzes you on hard words to spell! How will you do?
Quiz: Are You Cool, or Out of Touch With Today’s Youth?
Keeping tabs on what's trendy can be tough, but can really help in communicating with kids. Just how hip are you?
Trivia Quizzes: 7 Quizzes That'll Test Your Knowledge!
This post offers you 14 trivia quizzes on subjects ranging from art to history to pop culture and the 60s - so much fun to be had!
The Big US Capital Quizzes: Can You Beat All 3 Quizzes?
The United States capital quiz - no less than 30 questions, 30 capitals - can you guess them all?
Complete Our Quiz, and We'll Guess Your Age!
Can we guess your age just by what synonyms you use? You would be really surprised...
Quiz: 20 Trivia Questions About US Politics
How well do you understand the US political system? Take our quiz!
You’ll Love Solving These Fun Little Riddles!
Give your brain a fun little workout and challenge yourself to solve all these riddles
Language Quiz: Where Did These English Words Come From?
Do you know where the English words you use actually come from? This test is going to ask you to identify the root languages of common English words.
True or False? Play Our Historical Quiz!
Do you know myth from fact? Take our historical quiz to find out.
QUIZ: What Region of the US Does Your English Best Match?
Can we guess what part of the US you're from by your word choice and pronunciation?
QUIZ: Can You Identify This Disney Movie From a Close-Up?
Can you identify the Disney movie from a piece of close up photo? Take our challenge!
Quiz: Can You Name These Famous Paintings?
This is an art quiz, can you identify enough of these masterpieces to finish it? Try it out!
The Ultimate Foodie Quiz: How Much of a Foodie Are You?
If you think that you know everything about food and you crave to test your culinary knowledge, try this challenging foodie quiz
Test Your Knowledge Of Our Solar Neighborhood!
This quiz will put your knowledge of our solar system to the test!
Spelling Bee: Are You a Spelling Master?
This quiz is going to test your spelling
The Great American Quiz: How Well Do You Know America?
How well do you know America? Test your knowledge with this 4th of July-themed quiz!
Take Our QUIZ: Who Said This Famous Quote?
Ace our test by finding the authors of these very famous quotes.
QUIZ: What’s Your Chronotype and Why Is It Useful to Know?
Are you a bear, dolphin, wolf or lion? Determine your sleep animal and learn what it can reveal about your health and personality
What Do You Know About JAPAN? Come Test Yourself!
This quiz has 14 challenging questions for you about Japan, are you ready to try it out?
The Missing Dollar: Crack This 80 Year Old Riddle!
This riddle started 80 odd years ago and has been frustrating people since.
TEST: What is Your True Age, On the Inside?
This quiz asks the age-old question - how old are you really, inside?
QUIZ: Can You Beat Our Animal Vocabulary Test?
This quiz is going to test you on the names of animals and the names of groups of animals
QUIZ: Can We Test Your Knowledge of Ancient Greece?
How well do you know one of the most interesting eras in human history: Ancient Greece?
Test: How Much Do You Know of Women's Rights' in the 1800s?
Testing your knowledge of the women who started the long walk to feminism.
Take Our Test: What Do You Need Most?
Answer the questions of this test honestly and let us recommend an area in your life that needs improving.
Challenge: Can You Recognize These Cities From a Photo?
This quiz will challenge your traveling and geographical experience - can you identify these big cities from just a photo?
Take Our Quiz: Can You Beat This 1987 IQ Test?
Care to test your IQ with this 30 year old IQ test?
Test Your Eyes: Can You Find These Hiding Animals?
A fun game of hide and seek with camouflaged animals both large and small
Choose a Color and See What it Says About You!
This interactive and fun color test will tell you things you may not know about yourself, all depending on your favorite color.
Will You Master This Middle School Level Geography Quiz?
Do you think you know world geography better than an average middle schooler? Test your knowledge...
English Quiz: Complete the Following Phrases...
This quiz will test your knowledge of some common phrases that we don't hear as much any more...
Take Our Flag Test and See if You Can Beat It!
The fun geography quiz is going to test your knowledge of the flags of the world.
Quiz: Can You Answer These Trivia Questions about France?
A quiz about French history and culture
Quiz: The Clear Thinking Test
Take this quick thinknig test to see how well you can think.
Personality Quiz: What Kind of Romantic Partner Are You?
A personality quiz to find out what type of romantic partner you are
WARNING: Are You Ready for the Ultimate Brain Test?
Get ready for a challenge. These 12 riddles will give your brain a real work out, not to mention get your eyes widening with shock.
QUIZ: Can You Beat Our 20 Question History Review?
This 20 question history test will quiz you on your historical fact knowledge.