Quiz: What is the Best Way For You to Relax?
Most of us have different ways of relaxing. What's yours? Maybe we can guess...
The Strangest 8 Board Games That Have Been Forgotten
Board games used to be fun and simple. But did you know about these ridiculous and bizarre board games? Take a look for yourself.
Quiz: This General Knowledge Test is Great Fun!
In this quiz, we've prepared 12 questions from various subjects for you to solve. Can you ace this test?
QUIZ: What is Your Elemental Guardian Spirit?
Which of the 4 elemental spirits is yours? Rock, water, wind or fire?
The Ultimate Valentine's Day Quiz!
We have the ULTIMATE, 25 question strong Valentine's Day quiz for you, covering topics like St. Valentine, modern day stats, and historic rituals.
Quiz: What Would Freud Say About Your Ego?
This test will examine how strong your 3 Freudian ego parts are: The ID, the Ego and the Super Ego.
Quiz: How Good is Your Short Term Memory?
This memory test is going to challenge your ability to remember a growing number of visual icons in your short term memory.
Trivia Quiz: 12 Questions About Ancient Rome!
This trivia quiz has 12 questions about the ancient Roman Empire, starting easy but getting much harder towards the end.
QUIZ: Discover the 4 Hidden Properties of Your Character
This psychological quiz asks you to associate word with each other in order to understand how your brain works.
MATH Challenge: Can You Solve These 12 Tricky Problems?
Welcome to another BabaMail math quiz that has 12 math problems for you to solve.
Personality Test: Which of the World Wonders Are You?
This quiz will tell you which of the world wonders most represents your personality.
Challenge: Can You See the Numbers Hiding in the Picture?
This test will examine your eyesight. All you need to do is find the numbers that are in the various photos. Can you do it?
QUIZ: This Color Test Has Surprising Clarity to Share
This color quiz is really fun and may expose some hidden talent you never knew you had.
Grammar Test: Can You Solve This Quiz From 1980?
Are you ready for a romp in the glorious fields of English grammar? Then take this 40 year old English quiz!
IQ Quiz: Can You Answer All 12 Questions?
Flex your brain muscles and try to solve this 12 part IQ test!
Riddle Me This: Would You Get Accepted to Work at Google?
Riddles: Would You Get Accepted to Work at Google?
Only a Few Ace This Mixed Knowledge Test
Are you ready for 17 questions from all categories of knowledge?
Riddle Challenge: Can You Find the Missing Person?
Riddle Collection: 15 Who Am I Riddles
QUIZ: Choose a Tree and We'll Tell You What it Says...
Choose here the tree that most attracts you, and click on it to see what it may have to say about you.
QUIZ: Who Were Your Ancient Ancestors?
his quiz aims to see what your own earliest, most ancient memories tell about your lineage, before you grew up with the culture of today.
QUIZ: What Do Your Eyes Have to Say About You?
This quiz tries to do that without seeing your eyes. Can it do it?
QUIZ: Answer 10 Questions to Learn How Your Mind Works
Try to answer these questions to the best of your abilities to learn about the type of mind you have.
Use Your Logic to Crack These Riddles Wide Open...
QUIZ: Are You Still a Child Inside?
What happened to the little kid you used to be? Take our quiz and find out if it's still alive and well within you or gone and forgotten.
Riddle Collection: 28 Riddles For Kids!
Take our advice and share this riddle collection with anyone who has kids at home, or try them yourself to remind yourself being a kid isn't as easy as you may remember! They think very creatively...
QUIZ: What Artist Hides in Your Beautiful Soul?
Is there an artist in your soul? Which of these famous artists best represents what hides within you? Take our quiz to find out!
Math Quiz: This Is One of the Trickiest Math Tests!
Can any of you get more than 10 out of these 12 tricky math questions?
Quiz: What Kind of Ego Do You Possess?
So how powerful is YOUR ego, and what kind is it? Take this quiz to find out.
QUIZ: What Does Your Personality Reveal About Your Wisdom?
We'd like to ask you to take this personality test and discover your own type of inner wisdom.
This Collection of Riddles Requires a VERBAL Mind!
22 Word and Phrase Riddles to delight your vocabulary.
Quiz: Find the Differences Between These Winter Photos
This quiz has 10 groups of images. Find the one image that is NOT like the other three in the group.
Quiz: What Makes Other People Envy You?
By taking this quiz, you will give us the chance to tell you what is the one thing people envy you for the most!
Math Quiz: Can You Beat Alfonzo's Challenge?
Can you impress Alfonzo and ourselves by getting a better score than 10 on this tricky math test?
Riddle Collection: 25 Fun Logic Riddles
Before you are 25 riddles that all ask the same question: What, or who, is the riddle talking about?
Quiz: Which Invention Came First?
This trivia quiz is all about inventions, from early machines, to inventions from a decade ago - can you tell which of the two came first?
Can You Ace this Tricky IQ Test?
This mixed knowledge test examines your math, verbal and logic skills
QUIZ: What Should You Do During Your Retirement?
Pick the photos that most attract you, don't give it too much thought - and let's see if we can tell you what your retirement should be like.
QUIZ: Can You Recognize These Animals Only By Their Eyes?
There are so many types of eyes in the animal kingdom, can you identify these animals purely by their eyes? Take our quiz and find out!
QUIZ: Can You Match the Pastry to Its Country of Origin?
In this quiz we'd like you to identify 10 pastries' country of origin. Can you do it?
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Drinks Without Labels?
Think you're up for this soft drink challenge? If you get anywhere next to 10, you've got our admiration!
90% of People Fail This Idiot Test - Will YOU?
This idiot's test is really annoying! Will you pass it? See how you do, and send this to those who will be sure they can do it.
Take a CHRISTMAS QUIZ This Holiday!
Do you know the actual words of Christmas carols well enough to complete our Christmas Quiz?
QUIZ: Can We Write a Poem About You?
Answer this quiz and we will write a poem that we think best describes you.
Quiz: Can You Beat This Tough Punctuation Test?
This punctuation quiz isn't easy, it'll throw 10 sentences at you that are either wrong or don't need any further punctuation...
One? Two? Or is it THIRTEEN Math Quizzes Waiting For You?
We'd like for you to enjoy a mathematical banquet with these 13 math quizzes.
Can You Answer This Old Irish Riddle?
This video riddle has an age-old Irish question to ask you. Can you solve it?
Quiz Collection: Test Your Personality 12 Different Ways!
Like the tip of an iceberg above the sea, most of our psyche is hidden. Here are 12 personality tests that represent 12 different ways to get insight into your own personality.
Test Your Geographical Knowledge With These 11 Quizzes!
From identifying flags to locating cities, these 11 quizzes will challenge your geographical knowledge and see how well you know the world you inhabit.
Science Quiz: Think You Can Beat 15 Questions?
This test was passed by most 8th grade science students - can you do the same and answer all 15 questions?
Quiz: What is Your True Mental Age?
This quiz will test your mental age to see what age you should really be, should we be able to see who you really are.
Test Yourself With Our 15 Quizzes on General Knowledge
Do you think you're equally educated in all areas of knowledge? If so,we challenge you to prove if by beating all of these fun quizzes!
Math Quiz: 12 Problems Await to Challenge You!
We're about to start a 12 question math quiz. Are you ready for this? You have 10 minutes to solve this 12 question math quiz. Good luck!
Quiz: How Well Do You Know Thanksgiving?
Care to put your Thanksgiving knowledge to the test with this fun quiz?
QUIZ: Do You Know What These Charade Gestures Mean?
You have 5 minutes to answer all 12 questions about charade gestures - can you guess what they mean?
Quiz: This Trippy Test Will Tell You Your Psyche's Purpose...
Take our trippy test to delve into your psyche and pull out its true purpose.
Test Your Biological Knowledge By Beating This Quiz!
20 questions on basic biology will be enough to see how much biological knowledge you still carry around.
MATH QUIZ: Are You Ready For This Logical Challenge?
Take a more challenging math quiz with no less than 25 questions to solve correctly.
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About the American Revolution?
The American Revolution led to the independence of the most powerful nation on Earth. How well do you know this war? Can you answer 15 trivia questions about it?
Can You Answer These 15 General Knowledge Questions?
Can you beat our newest general knowledge quiz? You'll need to answer 15 questions correctly!
Personality Test: What PATTERN Are You?
This quiz will tell you what kind of pattern you are and what it says about you according to the answers you give.
Math Quiz: Can You Solve These Annoying Problems?
This fun math quiz is all it promises and more, as you'l have a great time solving these math problems completely on your own.
Photo Test: What is Your Strongest Attribute?
This personality test will use photos to try and determine your strongest attribute.
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Cities By a Single Hint?
A great idea for a quiz, this creative geographical test will ask you to recognize the city based on just a photo and a hint.
QUIZ: Which of the 6 Types of Dreamers Are You?
What kind of dreamer are you? To learn, take our quiz and the result will indicate which of the six types of dreamer you are.
How Well Do You Know America? 7 USA Quizzes!
If you are like me and you love learning more about the United States, then you'll probably have a lot of fun taking these trivia tests...
Quiz: What Does Your Smile Say About You?
A smile is such a beautiful thing. What's yours like? Is it a wide grin or a shy little lifting of the edges? Answer these questions and we'll tell ya!
QUIZ: Can You Identify All 10 Tools?
This quiz will ask you to identify 10 tools by their name. Do you have the know-how or can at least guess intelligently?
What Will Our Inkblot Test Say About You?
What do these inkblots look like to you? Your answers will carry more weight than you know...
Memory Test: Only 5% Pass. Can You?
We've heard this is one tough memory quiz. It uses colors to check your short-term memory. It will take a good visual memory and a quiet environment. And besides, it's a really fun way to challenge your ability to focus.
QUIZ: Can You Ace This 1985 General Knowledge Test?
34 years ago, someone made these 12 questions and gave them to high schoolers. Can you do better than they did? We'll tell you if you try!
Quiz: What Kind of Humor Do You Have?
Humor is extremely subjective, what do YOU enjoy the most? Are you into sarcasm, slapstick, verbal jokes? This quiz will try to determine that right now.
Trivia Quiz: A Very Tough General Knowledge Test!
This quiz wants you to know it all - history, geography, biology, politics, events and more - you need to know a LOT to pass this one with flying colors!
Photo Quiz: Can You Identify the Place From the Photo?
This creative geography quiz will ask you to identify the correct city after seeing only one photo of it. Can you use your logic and experience to find the correct city shown in the photo?
Religious Literacy Quiz: Can You Pass the Boston Test?
This trivia quiz was given by a professor to his Boston students - most failed it. Do you know your way around the world's religions?
How Are You Alone? This Quiz Will Tell You!
There are 6 definite types of introversion, what kind of introvert lives inside you to come out when you're alone? Take this quiz to find out!
Test: Pick a Key to Determine Who You Are!
This test presents you with 6 keys, look at all of them before choosing the one that speaks to you the most.
Math Quiz: Can You Beat This Test Without a Calculator?
I love taking math quizzes, it means I have to concentrate fully, and it's always a good feeling to see I haven't lost the ability. Take this math quiz and see how much YOU'VE retained.
Logic Quiz: Pick the Odd Word Out!
Are you good at recognizing patterns? Do you see what others don't? Then take this quiz and prove you can spot the odd word every time!
This Unique Photo Quiz Will Guess Your Anxiety Levels
This quiz is both beautiful and helpful. It uses your response to carefully made questions about paintings to determine your anxiety level
Can You Answer All 10 Old Riddles?
These riddles are over 70 years old, but I bet they can still kick your butt today. Care to try and beat all 10 questions?
Feeling Brainy? Then Answer These Ten Questions!
We challenge you to answer 10 mixed knowledge questions right. So take the test and see how varied your knowledge is.
Literature Quiz: Can You Pick the Next Line Correctly?
This charming quiz asks you to pick the correct line that should follow in these classic children's stories.
Quiz: Can You Name These Beautiful Flowers?
This trivia quiz is botanical! Can you recognize flowers when presented to you, or do you just like to smell them? Can you identify these 20 flowers?
Trivia Quiz: Beat This Mixed Knowledge Test
A little knowledge of many areas of life is required for this quiz if you wish to beat it. A little of every science needs to be known.
English Quiz: Find the Spelling For These Confusing Words
This quiz will ask you to spell some of the most confusing words in English. You'll be given two options for spelling each word, and may start really easy, but get a bit more challenging as you proceed - can you do it?
Math Quiz: Guess the Formula We're Using!
This math quiz will present you with equations that have a certain logic behind them, you need to understand what the logic is behind them to guess the correct answer!
Personality Quiz: Unscramble the Words to See Who You Are
This quiz will show you letters that can make a few words, what you must do is make the first word you can and then let us know which one you made first. The first word you see may say something about you...
QUIZ: Test Your Mixed Knowledge Chops!
This quiz has 10 questions that will test your general knowledge with a variety of questions that will encompass many sciences.
Geography Quiz: Only 20% of Americans Ace This Test!
Geography is incredibly important - we should know the world we live in, what it's really about, where are the continents, how many and how many oceans there are - these are only some of the questions you'll need to figure out!
Can You Solve These Math Questions?
This fun and cool math quiz is going to present you with 19 questions. Some quite easy, and some quite hard. We hope you'll do your best and impress us with your math abilities.
Quiz: Use Your Smarts to Answer These IQ Problems
This logic quiz will use both your innate sense of logic and your learned logic from school to solve problems. This is a multiple choice quiz, and it's a lot of fun.
English Language Quiz: Pick the Correct Word!
This quiz asks you to pick between two words and decide which one is most suitable to complete the sentence correctly. Give it a try!
This Math Quiz Will Remind You of Your School Days!
This fun math test is really fun and should provide some minutes of pure problem solving pleasure. Just answer the questions as best you can and good luck.
QUIZ: What Does the Way You See Color Say About You?
This quiz will ask you to identify colors and learn about yourself accordingly.
QUIZ: What Era Would Suit You Best?
Many of us feel like we should have been born in another time and place. This fun soul quiz will try to determine what era your soul is from. In other words, when should you have been born by character?
Math Quiz: Only 40% of Adults Pass This Test!
This algebra test has been making its rounds around the web and stumping about 6 out of 10 adults - can you solve this test?
QUIZ: Are You a Realist or an Idealist?
Some of us see life as it is - The world is full of grey shades, and some see it as black and white. This quiz is all about your inner ideology - are you a realist or an idealist?
QUIZ: This Impulse Test Will Tell You Something Important!
This test will require you to act impulsively, choose as fast as you can - and learn something new about yourself.
Can You Answer These 10 Bizarre Riddles?
These creative riddles are not only challenging but a lot of fun to figure out!
Test: Can ANYONE Pass This Math Quiz From 1954?
This math quiz has the internet pulling their hair out. Do you recall your studies, or have you never let them wain to begin with? If so, you are a shoo in for this test! Ready? Let's go!