English Quiz: Do You Know What These Words Mean?
Prepare to be tested on your advanced English because most of these words are little known, and you need to figure out what they mean!
QUIZ: What Motivates Your Social Relationships?
We are all complex people, who can hold within them a few of the many traits and characteristics, but despite all this, each person has a deep and strong motivation that directs them and affects most of their actions in life...
QUIZ: What Kind of Problem Do You Have?
This quiz will help you figure out what your problem is, and give you a few tips about treating the problem. We hope it helps.
Trivia Quiz: How Much Do You Know About New York?
Can you answer 18 questions about New York City?
English Quiz: Ready for a Rock Hard Spelling Bee?
Are you ready for a challenging, tough, 21 question-long Spelling Bee?
Trivia Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Lions?
If you have some leonine knowledge in your brain, how about testing it out?
Can You Solve These Matchstick Puzzles?
You are about to be challenged in this video with 6 matchstick puzzles. Are you game?
Math Quiz: It's All About the Fractions
You've got 15 word problems to solve and they're all about the fraction. Good luck!
What Do You Truly Need? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!
This quiz will decide, according to your answers, what your biggest need is right now. Answer honestly!
QUIZ: Find the Differences Between These Colorful Photos!
This quiz has 12 tricky questions, each will ask you to find the one image that doesn't match the other 3.
Grammar Quiz: Can You Beat All 21 Questions!
21 questions of fun and tricky English questions for you to practice your grammar skills on. Are you ready?
QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About Flowers?
How Much Do You Know About Flowers? Take our flower quiz!
Quiz: Test Your Memory and Your English Reading!
The following quiz tests not only your English understanding, but also your memory.
Math Challenge: 15 Easy Questions... But Timed!
15 questions in 20 minutes - Go!
The Korean War: Test Your Knowledge With Our Newest Quiz
Care to check your knowledge and memory of this war, or learn some interesting new facts?
QUIZ: What Kind of General Would You Make?
Trivia: How Well Do You Know the Country of China?
This trivia quiz will challenge your knowledge of China with 20 interesting questions.
Grammar Quiz: Beat 17 Challenging Language Problems
We'd like to challenge your grammar prowess today with this 17 question English grammar quiz. Think you have what it takes?
Spiritual Quiz: What is Your Power Animal?
Are you ready to discover YOUR power animal? Take our quiz, answer honestly and find out!
The BIG Easter Quiz: Can You Answer 20 Questions?
Answer 20 questions about Easter and prove you know all about this important holiday!
QUIZ: Is There a Movie Star in You?
This quiz, according to your honest answers, will guess what kind of movie star you are.
QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Space?
Do you have a basic knowledge of space? This quiz will test you on that knowledge with 15 space-trivia questions!
Math Quiz: Can You Solve 14 Problems in 20 Minutes?
This quiz starts easy but gets harder. You have 20 minutes to solve 14 math problems.
QUIZ: What English Proverb Should Be Your Motto?
Your choices, when you finish the quiz, will indicate what English proverb matches your life outlook the best.
Quiz: Can You Identify a Painting By Its Part?
Identify the painting in this art quiz using only a small part of the painting.
QUIZ: The Great Horse Trivia Test!
Do you love horses? Prove it by taking our horse trivia test!
QUIZ: Do You Remember These Hollywood Legends?
The early black and white days of Hollywood cinema were absolutely incredible. If you still get excited remembering those days, take our blockbuster quiz.
This Special Japanese Test is Very Telling...
All you need to do is read the instructions on the photographs. Then imagine what you have read. Finally, answer the questions truthfully.
QUIZ: Pick the Odd One Out!
The following 15 questions have one mandate: Find the odd one out!
Biology Quiz: What Do You Know About Viruses?
Take our trivia quiz all about viruses and how they are transfered.
QUIZ: Which Greek god Are You?
This quiz will attempt to test your mettle and see what kind of person you are, and what kind of Greek god most symbolizes you.
Memory Quiz: Can You Do Math and Remember as Well?
This quiz tests both your memory and your ability to do math in your head.
Quiz: Make a Choice, Any Choice...
This quiz asks you to choose the choices you would make in hypothetical situations. In the end, we'll tell you something about you.
Corona Quiz: The Handwashing Test!
This quiz will either teach you how to wash your hands, or confirm that you indeed know exactly how to wash your hands thoroughly in these coronavirus times.
Quiz: Who Said These Famous Quotes?
This fun quiz is here to test your knowledge of the famous quotes of the past by famous men and women of history. How many of these 15 quotes will you know?
Quiz: What Kind of Path is Your Life On?
What kind of track have you chosen in life? Where have you come from and where are you going? We'll try to figure it all out in this insightful quiz!
Challenge: Can You Find the Odd Photo?
For each of these 10 questions, find the one image that is NOT like the others.
QUIZ: How Well Do You Know the History of Pandemics?
Do you know the past of the largest and most deadly pandemics and epidemics?
QUIZ: Steal a Diamond and Learn About Your Decision Making
In this quiz, you will need to make decisions that will either help or hinder you in pulling off your heist. The decisions you make will decide whether you pull it off as well as teach us about your decision making process and what kind of person you
Math Quiz: Practice Your Algebra and Your Mind...
We believe that with a little thought anyone can beat this test, but you may need to focus to beat all 15 questions!
QUIZ: Test Your Memory AND Your Knowledge!
This test has both memory and general knowledge questions - so be ready for anything!
St. Patrick's Day Quiz: Can You Answer These 15 Questions?
how about you also take a little quiz to see if you know the history behind this fun yet also holy day?
Corona QUIZ: 15 Questions About Proper Caution!
Take our quiz and test your coronavirus knowledge. We hope it will help you find any weak points in your precautions, if you have any.
Personality Test: What is Your Weirdest Trait?
What's YOUR weirdest trait? Think we can guess it? Then take this quiz and answer all questions honestly, and we'll give it our best shot!
QUIZ: 13 Geographic Questions For You to Ponder...
This fun quiz is here to check up on your knowledge about our planet in 13 interesting questions that you either answer correctly or learn from!
QUIZ: What Kind of People Do You Attract Into Your Life?
Answer all questions honestly and we'll tell you what kind of people find you irresistible as a friend for certain groups of people.
QUIZ: Take Our International Women's Day Quiz!
This international women's day quiz will challenge your knowledge of female history and female rights.
Zoology Quiz: Do You Know These Animal Facts?
This quiz posits 16 questions about animals you must answer - Can you do it?
English Quiz: Can You Choose the Right Spelling Each Time?
Pick the word with the correct spelling to beat this quiz.
Math Quiz: 15 Easy to Challenging Algebra Problems
Welcome to our Algebra test! You will be given 15 questions with some algebra problems on them. You'll also have 15 minutes to complete the test.
Quiz: Can You Solve 15 General Knowledge Questions?
Do you feel like you have lots of knowledge? Well, if you do, how about you prove it by answering these 15 questions correctly?
QUIZ: What Do Colors Say About Your Attitude Towards Life?
Today you're going to discover your attitude to life and a few more fascinating details. Answer the following questions and witness the truth in colors...
QUIZ: What Dominant Trait Should You Pass Along to Others?
What is your best trait to pass along to your children or the other people around you? This quiz will try to guess what that trait is!
Quiz: Can You Point the Odd One Out?
For this test, you'll need to focus and use your eyes and brain to find the image that is different to the other three. Think you can find them?
History Quiz: Can You Answer All 17 Questions?
You're about to be challenged by 17 history and US history questions. Can you get a top score?
Quiz: Am I a Nice Person?
This little quiz uses free association to discover what kind of niceness you really display. Care to find out how nice you really are?
Take a Fun General Knowledge Quiz for a Challenge!
Whip out your sharp mind, set your jaw and take on our 15 questions from every possible realm of knowledge in our fun general knowledge quiz.
Math Quiz: Will You Solve These 15 Tricky Problems?
Welcome to another challenging math quiz. This time we've shown little mercy at getting you some very creative and tricky math problems to solve...
Quiz: What You See in These Paintings May Define You
We'd like you to interpret for us the next 10 paintings. You will need to select the answer closest to your own interpretation. Once you have, we may have some interesting things to tell you...
QUIZ: What Color Gives You Energy?
This color quiz asks a simple question: What color give you inner power? In other words - What color give you the energy to be you?
Quiz: Can We Test Your Basic Computer Knowledge??
To see where you are on this spectrum of computer know-how, we challenge you to our computer quiz! Answer these 13 questions to become a computer wiz!
Quiz: How Well Do You Know Our Solar System?
Do you have a good idea of what our solar neighborhood looks like? Then come take our solar system test and see if you are an astronomer at heart.
Quiz: How Well Do You Recall Basic Biology?
we're about to test your rudimentary understandings of biology. Do you have the required knowledge?
Geography Quiz: Are You a Citizen of the World?
We'd like to challenge you now to a game of Geographic knowledge! Care to take the plunge?
QUIZ: The X Test That Swept the Internet!
This test has been driving the internet crazy, especially because it seems to be eerily accurate.
Quiz: What is the Best Way For You to Relax?
Most of us have different ways of relaxing. What's yours? Maybe we can guess...
The Strangest 8 Board Games That Have Been Forgotten
Board games used to be fun and simple. But did you know about these ridiculous and bizarre board games? Take a look for yourself.
Quiz: This General Knowledge Test is Great Fun!
In this quiz, we've prepared 12 questions from various subjects for you to solve. Can you ace this test?
QUIZ: What is Your Elemental Guardian Spirit?
Which of the 4 elemental spirits is yours? Rock, water, wind or fire?
The Ultimate Valentine's Day Quiz!
We have the ULTIMATE, 25 question strong Valentine's Day quiz for you, covering topics like St. Valentine, modern day stats, and historic rituals.
Quiz: What Would Freud Say About Your Ego?
This test will examine how strong your 3 Freudian ego parts are: The ID, the Ego and the Super Ego.
Quiz: How Good is Your Short Term Memory?
This memory test is going to challenge your ability to remember a growing number of visual icons in your short term memory.
Trivia Quiz: 12 Questions About Ancient Rome!
This trivia quiz has 12 questions about the ancient Roman Empire, starting easy but getting much harder towards the end.
QUIZ: Discover the 4 Hidden Properties of Your Character
This psychological quiz asks you to associate word with each other in order to understand how your brain works.
MATH Challenge: Can You Solve These 12 Tricky Problems?
Welcome to another BabaMail math quiz that has 12 math problems for you to solve.
Personality Test: Which of the World Wonders Are You?
This quiz will tell you which of the world wonders most represents your personality.
Challenge: Can You See the Numbers Hiding in the Picture?
This test will examine your eyesight. All you need to do is find the numbers that are in the various photos. Can you do it?
QUIZ: This Color Test Has Surprising Clarity to Share
This color quiz is really fun and may expose some hidden talent you never knew you had.
Grammar Test: Can You Solve This Quiz From 1980?
Are you ready for a romp in the glorious fields of English grammar? Then take this 40 year old English quiz!
IQ Quiz: Can You Answer All 12 Questions?
Flex your brain muscles and try to solve this 12 part IQ test!
Riddle Me This: Would You Get Accepted to Work at Google?
Riddles: Would You Get Accepted to Work at Google?
Only a Few Ace This Mixed Knowledge Test
Are you ready for 17 questions from all categories of knowledge?
Riddle Challenge: Can You Find the Missing Person?
Riddle Collection: 15 Who Am I Riddles
QUIZ: Choose a Tree and We'll Tell You What it Says...
Choose here the tree that most attracts you, and click on it to see what it may have to say about you.
QUIZ: Who Were Your Ancient Ancestors?
his quiz aims to see what your own earliest, most ancient memories tell about your lineage, before you grew up with the culture of today.
QUIZ: What Do Your Eyes Have to Say About You?
This quiz tries to do that without seeing your eyes. Can it do it?
QUIZ: Answer 10 Questions to Learn How Your Mind Works
Try to answer these questions to the best of your abilities to learn about the type of mind you have.
Use Your Logic to Crack These Riddles Wide Open...
QUIZ: Are You Still a Child Inside?
What happened to the little kid you used to be? Take our quiz and find out if it's still alive and well within you or gone and forgotten.
Riddle Collection: 28 Riddles For Kids!
Take our advice and share this riddle collection with anyone who has kids at home, or try them yourself to remind yourself being a kid isn't as easy as you may remember! They think very creatively...
QUIZ: What Artist Hides in Your Beautiful Soul?
Is there an artist in your soul? Which of these famous artists best represents what hides within you? Take our quiz to find out!
Math Quiz: This Is One of the Trickiest Math Tests!
Can any of you get more than 10 out of these 12 tricky math questions?
Quiz: What Kind of Ego Do You Possess?
So how powerful is YOUR ego, and what kind is it? Take this quiz to find out.
QUIZ: What Does Your Personality Reveal About Your Wisdom?
We'd like to ask you to take this personality test and discover your own type of inner wisdom.
This Collection of Riddles Requires a VERBAL Mind!
22 Word and Phrase Riddles to delight your vocabulary.
Quiz: Find the Differences Between These Winter Photos
This quiz has 10 groups of images. Find the one image that is NOT like the other three in the group.
Quiz: What Makes Other People Envy You?
By taking this quiz, you will give us the chance to tell you what is the one thing people envy you for the most!
Math Quiz: Can You Beat Alfonzo's Challenge?
Can you impress Alfonzo and ourselves by getting a better score than 10 on this tricky math test?
Riddle Collection: 25 Fun Logic Riddles
Before you are 25 riddles that all ask the same question: What, or who, is the riddle talking about?
Quiz: Which Invention Came First?
This trivia quiz is all about inventions, from early machines, to inventions from a decade ago - can you tell which of the two came first?