Debunking the Common Myths Regarding the COVID-19 Variants
The new COVID-19 variants have caused widespread confusion and fear. Here, we attempt to debunk some common myths surrounding them.
Fix Muscle Knots in the Neck and Shoulders in a MINUTE!
You can do these easy exercises anywhere, anytime, and they will help you get rid of muscle knots in under a minute!
Russia’s Covid-19 Vaccine Likely to Be Used Globally
It seems that Pfizer and Moderna will soon be joined by Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine and possibly China’s two front runner vaccines. Here's what you should know.
WOW! Look at How SMOOTHLY These People Skate on Ice!
You have to see just how incredibly talented these ice skaters are!
COVID-19 Vaccine: More Side Effects After the Second Dose?
Here’s the latest news on the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines and how to cope with them.
Are You Allergic to Some Foods? This May Be the Reason Why
Are you allergic to certain kinds of foods? Have you ever wondered why? This video provides some answers.
Learn How to Make Pizza and Focaccia at Home Easily
Making pizza and focaccia at home can be quite easy. Take tips from the famous chef and hostess Martha Stewart.
The Perfect Seated Core Workout for Seniors and Beginners
In this video, two physical therapy experts will guide you through a short seated core strengthening workout suitable for seniors and beginners.
Love Eggs? Try These Fun and Creative Ways to Make Them
You might love having eggs but we bet you had never thought that you could make them in such creative ways. Take a look.
These Yummy Brownies Only Require 2 Ingredients!
If you have a sweet tooth, but you're also trying to maintain a low-sugar diet, this easy and healthy brownie recipe is just what you need!
Have You Been Eating These Foods Wrong This Whole Time?
Learn how you might have been eating some fruits and veggies the wrong way all this time and not getting their full benefits.
Should You Worry If Your Pupils Look Larger Than Usual?
There are many reasons (both alarming and benign) why you may notice that your pupils look bigger all of a sudden.
Nasal Spray That Prevents COVID-19 Could Be Coming Soon
By this summer, we could all be using a nasal spray to block COVID-19. Find out what this new development is all about.
Keep Blood Sugar In Check with This Simple Practice
What are net carbs? How can you calculate them and what are the benefits of doing so? Find out here.
This Well-Known Supplement Was Found to Boost Memory
Scientists finally found a supplement that can actually help protect the memory, and it turns out that it was hiding in plain sight all along.
Meet the Most Talented Young Basketball Stars of Tomorrow
These three amazingly gifted children are true basketball prodigies and should rule the sport in the years to come.
8 Little-Known but Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves
Did you know that cloves can help relieve a bad toothache? Find out the many wonderful benefits of having cloves everyday.
Do the New Covid Variants Warrant Doubling-Up on Masks?
Doubling-up on your face mask can help you protect yourself and others from the new, increasingly contagious, Covid-19 variants.
4 Simple Exercises to Reduce Vertigo and Dizziness
If you are suffering from vertigo or unexplained dizziness, try these simple exercises to relieve the annoying and unbearable spinning sensation.
What Is 'Long COVID' and Why Do You Need to Know About It?
You have heard of the term 'Long COVID' in recent times. This article explains everything you must know about the unique condition.
Wagyu Beef: Why It Tastes Different & Why It’s SO Pricey
If you've ever heard the term "Wagyu beef", it was likely mentioned in the context of how pricey it is. But what is it and how is it different from regular beef?
These Superfoods Come With a Variety of Health Benefits
From pumpkin to turmeric, learn the many health benefits of some "superfoods" that will help boost a balanced diet.
4 Delicious Lasagna Recipes That You Can Make at Home
These cheesy and creamy lasagna recipes are delicious and can be easily made at home.
Covid-19: What’s Known About the 4 New Variants
A few new strains of the novel coronavirus have been detected. Here's a breakdown of these new variants and their meaning, according to experts.
COVID Survivors May Have Protective Immunity for 8 Months
A new study has claimed that COVID-19 survivors may have protective immunity for at least 8 months.
A Homemade Carrot Jam Recipe That’s Great for Your Health
Want to try a jam that's yummy but also super healthy? Then try out this delicious carrot jam recipe.
Can Alcohol Affect the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Some health experts are concerned that drinking alcohol around the time of a Covid-19 vaccination could potentially render the jab less effective...
5 Misleading Obesity Myths Debunked by Science
There are a number of pervasive myths surrounding obesity that are just not true and have been debunked by science a long time ago.
Make a Soft Eggless Chocolate Cake Without an Oven
Baking a yummy chocolate cake doesn't always require an oven or eggs. Find out how to make one that way.
Sprouted Potatoes - Can They Be Safely Used in Cooking?
Should you throw away sprouted potatoes or use them to make dinner? If you decide to do the latter, you should be aware that it isn’t without its dangers.
Improve Balance & Avert Falls in 5 Minutes With These Tips
These 5 easy exercises strengthen the lower body and improve your mobility and balance. Best of all, this exercise routine only takes 5-7 minutes!
If You Test Positive for COVID-19, These Tips Will Help
Listen to the valuable advice of several health experts on how to recover if you get COVID-19.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Did You Know That Vitamin D Can Help Save Your Life?
Vitamin D can help influence your body in many amazing ways that you probably didn't even know about.
5 Unique Pie Recipes You Should Try This Winter Season
These easy-to-make and unique homemade pies will be the perfect treats to warm you up this winter season.
Sunbathing in Winter Comes With Many Health Benefits
Spending a little time basking in the winter sun comes with many health benefits. Let's take a look at some of them.
20 Simple and Delicious 3 Ingredient Recipes
This video offers you no less than 20 easy and delicious recipes requiring only 3 ingredients each!
Did You Know That Seaweed Can Help You Lose Weight?
Did you know that eating seaweed can help you lose weight? Find out more benefits of eating these aquatic plants every day.
Dentists Bust 14 Popular Teeth Myths We’ve All Believed
Watch these dentists debunk some popular myths about teeth that many of us have believed in for ages.
Almond Flour vs. Wheat Flour: Which is Better?
You might have heard of the numerous health benefits of almond flour, but is it really always preferable to wheat flour? Find out here
Mango Kulfi – The Delicious Stuffed Indian Ice Cream
Have you heard of Kulfi, the amazing Indian ice cream? Find out what this delicious Indian summer treat is all about.
The Most Bizarre Medical Cases of 2020
From a near-lethal allergy to the cold, to green urine, these are certainly the most bizarre medical cases that happened this year.
Incredibly Beautiful Beginners Cake Decorating
I never imagined that cake decorating could be so much fun to watch!
Hilarious - How to Put Sunscreen on a Toddler
This clever day found an ingenious way to make a toddler wear sunscreen, and it's both cute, practical, and funny!
The Many Benefits of Eating 1 Crushed Garlic Clove a Day
Did you know that eating one crushed garlic clove a day can do wonders for your heart's health? Find out more.
6 Unique Italian-Inspired Dinner Recipes You Must Try
These Italian-inspired dishes have a unique twist that makes them even more amazing!
6 Nutrition Tips From Experts to Ensure Better Sleep
Making a few tweaks in your eating habits could do wonders for the quality of your sleep, according to experts.
Hypertension News - What Science Discovered in 2020
In this article, we’ve condensed 7 key medical discoveries investigating hypertension made in 2020
10 Healing Foods That Can Help Your Body Mend Faster
These few foods and beverages can really help your body recover much faster.
Eat These Foods for Pristine White Teeth
From oranges to cauliflower, and even the amount of milk you drink per day, this video will touch on 13 foods to eat for a naturally white smile
Did You Know Your Body Could Do These Incredible Things?
The human body is a fascinating and unique in so many ways. Here are some cool things about your body you probably didn't know.
10 Foods That Alleviate Dry and Flaky Skin
Tired of dry winter skin? The list below includes a variety of plant and animal foods that have been proven to increase skin health and improve skin dryness
A Guide to Headaches That Won't Give You One...
This detailed infographic visually teaches you about headaches.
Why Is Pneumonia So Dangerous?
Why is it so hard to fight this deadly disease, and what makes it so lethal?
Common Anti-Diarrhea Drug Found to Kill Brain Cancer Cells
A common and widely-accessible diarrhea medication, loperamide, is capable of killing the cells of glioblastoma tumors, the most aggressive type of brain cancer.
Check Out This Year’s Wackiest Guinness World Records
Meet the most amazing and bizarre Guinness World Record holders of 2020.
Make French Hot Chocolate At Home With This Easy Recipe
Take note of this easy recipe to prepare delightful French Hot Chocolate at home.
7 Foods We Should Remove From Our Diet in Winter
Want to stay healthy this winter season? Avoiding these few food items can help!
A New Delicious Method to Cook Potatoes You Must See!
This new method of cooking potatoes is so simple, but it gives you that perfect golden crust every time. It very quickly became my new favorite!
How to Make Your Own Hollow Chocolate Figures!
Don't you just love all those chocolate figures you get during the holidays? But what if you wanted to make your own?
Some Foods Can Make You Smell - 10 of the Worst Offenders
Have you ever noticed that drinking coffee affects your breath and makes you sweat more? You’re not imagining it! Certain foods do cause body odor...
6 Remarkable Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea
Dandelions are good for more than just blowing off their seeds to make a wish come true... As a matter of fact, tea made of dandelions is extremely healthy!
9 Misleading Myths About High Blood Pressure
In this article, we dispel 9 misleading hypertension myths, so that we’re able to understand it more and take better care of ourselves and our loved ones.
New Coronavirus Strain In Britain: What’s Currently Known
A new Covid-19 strain is spreading through the UK, causing parts of the country, including London, to shut down. This is what is currently known about the strain.
8 Harmful Side Effects of Not Getting Adequate Protein
Here are some clear signs and symptoms that will help you spot a protein deficiency.
4 Signs That Let You Detect a Fever Without a Thermometer
While using a thermometer is the most definitive way to tell if you have a fever, it’s by far not the only way to know whether or not you're running a fever
Meet 2020’s Most Amazing and Talented Child Prodigies
Take a look at the insane sporting skills of these child prodigies who are sure to shine brightly in the future.
Ever Tried an Ostrich Egg? It’s Actually Quite Delicious!
An ostrich's egg is huge. But did you know that it is also edible? Find out more about this unusual egg's taste.
Tips to Make a Super Easy and Delicious Eggnog at Home
Learn how to make a classic Christmas eggnog at home with these simple and helpful tips.
Do You Need to Get Vaccinated if You've Already Had COVID-19?
Do you need to get vaccinated against the novel coronavirus if you already had the virus in the past? The short answer is - it depends...
Cloth Masks Aren’t Everlasting: Learn When to Replace Them
Knowing when to replace a cloth mask is essential, as an old face mask can be less effective. These 5 signs tell you it's time to replace a cloth face mask.
What Does a Dyslexia Evaluation Look Like?
Let's take an in-depth look at this important evaluation.
These Plant-Based Foods Have the Best Protein Content
The right plant-based foods can be great sources of protein and several other nutrients. Here is a look at a few of them.
Tips for Making a Yummy No-Bake Peanut Butter Cheesecake
Learn how to make a yummy no-bake peanut butter cheesecake with this easy recipe.
COVID-19 Breakthrough - LED Lights Eradicate the Virus
A simple thing like replacing lightbulbs in public spaces may render them much safer and minimize the risk of getting Covid-19.
Is Your Muscle Pain a Sign of Something MORE Serious?
When should you start being concerned about muscle pain, and what serious health conditions could it be a symptom of?
Bills & Coins Can Be Germ-Ridden - Here’s How to Stay Safe
One of the dirtiest items is one that we all handle all the time - bills and coins. Does physical currency really harbor germs and how can you protect yourself?
8 Dangerous COVID-19 Vaccine Rumors You Shouldn’t Believe
Fear about potential side effects and of the COVID-19 vaccine has started to spread at an alarming rate. It's time to debunk such myths.
7 Effective Home Remedies for Acid Reflux
There are many medically-approved home remedies and tips to consider that will help you manage acid reflux and heartburn - here are 7 of the best!
From Playground to a Professional Sport: Evolution of Tag
Those who were good at tag as children might want to know that the beloved playground game is now a professional sport
There Are Two Types of Excess Fat & They’re VERY Different
Our body is capable of storing fat in two different ways - as visceral and subcutaneous fat - and the two couldn't be more different...
Take a Peek at the Lab That Invented the COVID-19 Vaccine
You've probably heard that the new Covid-19 vaccines are nothing like any previous vaccine. But how are they different and how were they developed?
17 Traditional Winter Holiday Delicacies to Make You Drool
Check out what popular winter holiday dishes look like in different countries of the world.
COVID-19: Should You Worry About Food Contamination?
In this article, we answer 5 common food safety-related Covid-19 questions with the latest scientific data in mind.
Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe For All of Us? Find Out
The COVID-19 vaccine is nearly here. It's time to find out how it works and what it does to your body.
7 Subtle Signs You Might’ve Had Covid-19 Without Realizing
Covid-19 is quite elusive and hard to recognize. Here are a few subtle signs you might have already had the virus, and what to do if that's your suspicion.
8 Places Where Asbestos Can Still Linger in Your Home
In this article, we’ll list 9 common household items that may contain asbestos and how it can affect your health.
Vitamin D Deficient? Make Sure to Stock Up on These Foods!
These food items are filled with Vitamin D, an important nutrient that promotes immunity and bone strength, and should be added to your diet
Delicious and Simple Recipe - Korean Street Toast
The Korean street toast is the new breakfast sandwich in town that will make you forget about all the other sandwiches!
How Likely Are You to Get Covid-19 While Shopping?
How likely is a person to contract Covid-19 while shopping at grocery stores, big-box stores, and shopping malls?
Why Is Pneumonia Life-Threating?
Pneumonia is one of the most common and also one of the most dangerous lung conditions. Learn about this dangerous condition and ways to prevent it here
De-Stress Your Brain in 30 Seconds With These Simple Tips
A doctor shows a useful and simple technique with the help of which you can achieve instant relaxation. Find out more...
Not Only Covid-19: 5 Historically Significant Vaccines
Infectious diseases were a problem long before Covid-19. These are 5 of the most historically important vaccines that made the world safer.
The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Bone Broth
Learn about the health benefits of bone broth, how to prepare it at home, and use it in the foods you make.
A Quick Guide to Drinks You Can Enjoy Freely While Fasting
Fasting is a great way to lose weight and get healthy. Just make sure you stick to drinking plenty of fluids, like these...
10 Common Walking Mistakes You MUST Avoid
Walking mistakes are more common than we realize. Here is a look at a few common ones you must avoid.
Why Covid-19 Vaccines Must Be Stored in Sub Arctic Cold
There is one logistical challenge about Pfizer and Moderna's Covid-19 vaccines. They need to be stored in subarctic cold. But why is that? Find out here
Are Sweet Potatoes and Yams the Same Vegetable?
Sweet potatoes are also commonly called yams, so many people assume that the two are the same vegetable... but is it really true or are they different?
Maradona: Remembering the Talismanic Football Legend
Here's a look back at some of the little-known yet fascinating facts about the life and career of football icon Diego Maradona.
These Delicious Beef Recipes Are Perfect for Winter
The winter is nigh and with the change in weather, our daily lives and even diets also slowly switch to winter mode!