Revealed: The Secret Chord That All Good Xmas Songs Use
I've always wondered why some Christmas songs have the ring of Xmas about them, and it's not down to bells. The secret is revealed here.
Are Living Conditions Getting Better or Worse?
Global living conditions are changing, there is no doubt about that, but are they changing for the better or for the worse?
You Should Share This With Your Younger Family Members
This enlightening message highlights the state of the world and reminds the social media generation of something vitally important.
Who Says Adverts Are Boring? These Ones Are Fantastic!
So many adverts just waft straight over you head and you hardly even notice them. But not these ones. These billboards practically come alive!
Reciprocate a Loving Christmas Message With This Video!
If you happen to receive some wonderful Christmas messages from family and friends, the video is the perfect way to reciprocate that kindness.
You Won't Believe the Amazing Things 2017 Is Set to Bring!
If you thought 2016 was fun, 2017 will blow your mind! There is so much happening next year, you'll hardly believe it.
These Amazing Words Moved Me So Much I had to Share Them
Words like these are so powerful that you can change the way you see life. Send one of these quotes to one of you nearest and dearest.
WATCH: 65-Year-Old Man Marries 12-Year-Old Girl Experiment
A shocking social experiment conducted to bring awareness to child marriages around the world provoked quite a reaction from passers-by.
Let Your Friends Know You Are Thinking About Them at Xmas
Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. Let your closest friends and family know that you're thinking about them by sending them this video.
This Video is As Touching as it Is Important
This is a story that everyone should definitely see....
Add Color to These Vintage Photos With a Mere Mouse Click!
Although we imagine the world prior the 1950s in terms of black and white, new colorization techniques have changed everything. Enjoy this interactive post.
This Beautiful Story Unites All Generations at Christmas
This classic Christmas animation was made more than 30 years ago but it is still moving audiences every year with it's sweet story of a boy's love of a snowman.
My Testimony: How I've Loved Each Decade of My Life...
We all fear growing old a little, but this insightful letter from a BabaMail reader shows that comfort can be drawn from every decade we live through.
20 Astounding Facts That Will Skew Your Perception of Time
These 20 mind-bending facts will show you just how warped your perception of time really is. Enjoy!
Why Don't We Have These Japanese Things in Our Countries?
The Japanese are inventive free thinkers. Even though they have taken a lot of ideas from the West, they have plenty of their own. Maybe we should copy them!
12 Merry Interesting Xmas Facts You Can't Wait to Unwrap
Do you know why we celebrate Xmas on December 25? Why Rudolph has a red nose? Find out these answers and more with these 12 surprising Christmas facts.
Wish Someone the Best Gift of All This Christmas
Just what is the greatest gift you could ever receive? This Christmas will reveal all.
Send Christmas Wishes to Your Friends This Festive Season
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Send this video to your closest and dearest friends to let them know that you're thinking of them.
I Just Wanted to Let You Know: I'm Thinking of You
Are you thinking of someone right now? If so, send them a greeting card to let them know.
These Skydiving Dogs Are Helping Fight Poachers
If something isn't done to help prevent poaching, the world will lose some of its most majestic animals. Skydiving dogs in South Africa are doing their best to help!
98-Year-Old Gives a Brilliant Live Piano Performance!
American Singer Josh Turner's very talented grandmother-in-law gets a standing ovation for playing "How Great Thou Art" on the Piano.
View Before and After Pictures of People - 30 Years Apart!
A photographer tracked down his subjects from way back when for a reunion shot involving people he hadn't seen in 30 years. Take a look at the amazing results.
The Smartest Dresser in Berlin Is an 86-Year Old Tailor
Meet Ali. This old man is quite the dapper gentleman. He has a nice new change of clothes everyday, and is a hero to many people on the internet.
Send An Affectionate Kiss to Someone You Love Today
To someone you love, a kiss can say a whole lot, and that's why we've put this adorable collection together for you. Share your affection with them today.
These 14 Photos Are All Remarkable For Different Reasons
There are some photos we come across that just compel us to take a second look, and these 14 are no exception. Take a look!
Pun Collection: 300 Animal Puns and Short Jokes
300 Short Animal Jokes and Animal Puns!
This Man's Death-Defying Ride Will Make Your Heart Race!
Follow pro cyclist Danny MacAskill as he goes back to his birthplace and gets to fulfill his lifelong dream
Celebrate Thanksgiving: 15 Rare Images of a Nation's Roots
Thanksgiving has roots that take us right back to the beginning of America's modern history. These 15 photos will take you on a patriotic journey.
God Thought Long & Hard Before Creating the Dog...
They do say dogs are our best friend, and there is a reason for that.
Of the Transformative Power of Classical Music...
A fascinating TED talk by Benjamin Zander.
Watch the Oldest Recorded Footage of New York City
Watch super-rare footage of old NYC that goes back to the late 1800's, complete with a corresponding map to show you where exactly it was shot from.
24 Photos of Love & Kindness to Inspire Us All
These amazing photographs are just what you need to remind you about the most important things in life, kindness and love.
These 20 Vintage Images Will Take You Way Back In Time
As digital images continue to take over, vintage images seem to take on much more significance and wonder. These 20 images will take you back to a bygone eta.
WATCH: These Jugglers Are Incredibly Skillful
Juggling is harder than it seems at first glance. Its difficulty increases exponentially with every object added. Take a look at these awesome jugglers.
This Brilliant Talk Taught Me to Let Go of My Delusions
Isaac Lidksy has had quite an amazing life of success, which he puts down to a stunning realization that blindness gave him. Watch. You won't be disappointed.
This Cat is a Master Thief on a Large Scale!
This cat has turned to a life of crime.
21 Tips to Make Your Golden Years the Time of Your Life
Many seniors will offer a different piece of advice on life. This collection of tips will allow you to live the most wondrous golden years imaginable.
WATCH: When All Else Has Gone, Love Remains 'til the End
This beautiful story will inspire you to love with an open heart and show you that it's always the last emotion to be extinguished.
Mark Twain Really Had a Way With Words
These great quotes from Mark Twain are all-time classics, and worth remembering.
You Think Motherhood is Hard? Look What This Mother Does!
This woman is truly a supermom - would you be able to change four young bundles of joy as they shuffle about the bed, all while wearing a smile on your face?
Inspire Friends and Loved Ones With These Great Greetings
Show your friends that you're thinking of them today with an inspiring greeting!
Is This the Most Generous Boss On the Face of the Earth?
The boss of India-based HK Exports, Savji Dholakia, should serve as an inspiration to all bosses around the world thanks to his incredible generosity.
I Can't Wait to Try These Exciting Kitchen Inventions
Whether you like cooking of not, you'll surely appreciate these ingenious kitchen gadgets designed to make life easier.
24 Amazing Antarctica Facts to Thrill Your Friends With
Antarctica is the place that people know least about. But after you read this, you'll be able to amaze them with some stunning facts.
Through the Ages: 100 Years of Fitness in 100 Seconds
See how fitness workouts have changed through the years, starting in the 1910's.
WATCH: A 1960s Classic Reimagined By Iconic Performers
Must Watch! Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood and Prince perform a George Harrison classic!
This Animal Video is Sure to Turn a Smile Into a Grin!
Get ready to wear a big smile and a giggle, this video will make your day!
100 Years of Change: How Old London Compares With the New
The earliest recorded video of London was more than a century ago. Compare it to London today!
Who Was Guy Fawkes? And Why Is His Mask Everywhere Today?
You may know something about the 5th November British Festival, Guy Fawkes night. But do you know who he was, and why his mask is worn by agitators even today?
US Presidents Have Said Some Amazing & Inspiring Things...
These words from some of America's most important leaders will inspire you with thoughts of patriotism and freedom, wherever you come from.
This Video is a Must for All History Buffs!
Seeing history move right before our eyes teaches us so much about the last 2000 years!
18 of the Most Incredibly-Timed Photos You'll Ever See
These photos will leave you in awe of their timing. The visual impact they have is staggering. Take a look at these 18 images.
An In-Depth Look Into Who Princess Diana Truly Was...
A remarkable feature-length documentary that reveals a side of Diana we have never seen before.
This Famous Speech is Still Amazing Today!
One of the greatest speeches ever made, for the love of freedom, the love of human beings.
I'm Sending This Greeting to Wish You a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Choose a greeting card and share it with your friends and family to celebrate the scariest time of the year!
It's Unbelievable to See How Some Celebrities Have Changed
While some of our favorite celebrities never seem to change, others age immeasurably. Take a look at these photos to see how they have changed.
What's the Secret of Reigniting Desire in a Relationship?
The desire for erotic stimulation stands in contrast to the desire for a stable relationship. So how can we get past this. This witty TED talk informs us.
16 Highly Intriguing Facts About Our Fascinating World
Here's where you can satisfy your curiosity about the facts of this wonderful world we live in, from animals to countries and climates, it's all here.
Kyle the Goose Simply Refuses to Leave Her Savior's Side
Mike Jivanjee seems to have gotten more than he bargained for when he rescued Kyle, the Canadian goose, from drowning in Lake Oswego. Check out this cute video.
Syria: Are We Headed For World War III?
The situation in Syria seems to get worse by the day, but which two recent events are leading to a nuclear standoff between Russia and the USA? Read more here.
The Most Expensive Luxury Items Your Money Can Buy
The items on this list are so incredibly expensive, I feel anxious even looking at them.
A Few Beautiful and Flowery Thoughts on Positivity...
In life, you have to give yourself the space to allow your beautiful, positive thoughts to bloom like a beautiful flower. Watch this video to understand more.
This Video Unveils a Remarkable Look at the Last 100 Years
It has been perhaps the most eventful 100 years in the history of mankind.
There is No Greater Blessing than Your Family
Beautiful Words: Having a family to care for is a blessing.
These Brain & Body Hacks Will Have You Smiling Ear to Ear
Cognitive science has come so far that it now has the ability to be able to trick the brain into doing things it wouldn't have done otherwise. Watch now.
6 Ways to Be Liked According to Top FBI Secret Agent
No one knows more about how to gain friends and trust than a top FBI secret agent. Here he provides 6 amazing rules to help you be loved by all.
These True Stories Inspired Me to Love My Neighbor
These heroes gave something very special to people they barely knew, simply to be good.
You Won't Believe What This Man Built in His Back Yard...
This man has created something amazing at his home that has immediately become my dream.
NASA: We Just Discovered the 13th Astrological Sign!
NASA has recently been doing some calculations, and it found that there are significant anomalies from when the zodiac was initially created. Read on.
7 Downsides to Being Highly Intelligent
Everyone thinks that being blessed with a very high IQ can only be positive, but there are also downsides. Here are 7 downsides to being highly intelligent.
What Is It Like To Have a Lion At Home? Wonder No More
Imagine family life with a lion as pet in your home. It's time to stop imagining and see what it was like for a family that did it for real!
6 of the Most Heroic Animals You'll Ever Read About
Some animals can serve to inspire us with their bravery, and even keep us from harm. Here are 6 of the most heroic animals you'll ever read about.
The Retirement Home Where Young & Old Live Together
This is a great idea! Young musicians are given free board at a retirement home in exchange for recitals. And this makes for great friendships too!
10 Cool Maps That Show How Much Unpopulated Space There Is
These maps will utterly surprise you when you realize just how unevenly the world's population is spread out. Most of the world is quite free of people!
These Photos Clearly Indicate You're Never Too Old to Love
You're never too old to love or show love, and these pictures are a clear indication of that. Here are 15 photos that show you never have to stop having fun.
This Hilarious Song Perfectly Sums Up My "Efficient" Memory
This hilarious song perfectly sums up or senior moments.
This Triple Spiral Domino Is Driving the Internet WILD!
Hevesh5 is a professional domino artist that is tearing the internet apart with this amazing display! I have never seen anything like this!
Louis Armstrong Said it Best, Didn't He...?
This amazing song can really open your eyes to nature's beauty, and the beauty we make for ourselves.
There's a Special Reason Why This Dentist Is World Famous!
There's a dentist that hails from Jaipur in India who is world-famous. Depending on how you feel about dentists, he could be either a godsend or a nightmare...
9 Extraordinary Women Who Beat Men at Their Own Games
These 9 women are among the most important names in history, but do you know their names and inspiring stories.
9 Fascinating Documentary Series to Expand Your Mind
While there are many of us who watch many hours of TV per week, we can modify this habit to watch things that will actually make us smarter. Here are 9 of them.
No Rush Hour Can Beat This One. It's Completely Crazy!
Do you think rush hour in your city is bad? Think again, and witness the madness of rush hour in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Things Have Changed So Much in the Last 110 Years
Cast your thoughts back to 1915, 100 years ago. You'll be amazed, when you contemplate the breathtaking changes that have taken place. Here 19 such changes.
23 Extraordinary Vision Facts That'll Open Your Eyes Wide
The eye is an amazing body part, but did you know how amazing? These 23 facts will open your eyes to the extraordinary truth.
WATCH: The Incredible Kindness of Strangers Is Wonderful
Strangers can be incredibly compassionate, and this is just as true when helping out an animal in distress. Watch this heart-warming video.
These Kind Inventions Were Made to Make Animals Happy
Every year humans build thousands of new roads, rails, airports and buildings. Many hurt the environment. But some kind people only build to help animals!
This Girl Has No Trouble Reciting What Most Adults Can't
3-year-old Brielle's chemistry knowledge is utterly astonishing. There are many adults who struggle reciting the periodic table, let alone someone her age.
Devastating Italy Earthquake: View Before & After Pictures
The Italian town of Amatrice and surrounding towns were hit by a devastating earthquake on August 24th. View the before and after pictures here.
Dancing With Dogs is So Much Better Than Regular Dancing...
These top contestants will wiggle, jump and roll their way into your hearts!
These Unique Maps Will Change Your Worldview
These maps show much more than just where a country is...
11 Shocking Things Discovered - On Google Earth!
Google Earth is a great tool that has actually helped make some startling discoveries. Here are 11 of the most unexpected and shocking.
If You Want a Smile, This Video Will Give it To You!
Watch this video to add some sugar to your day.
Nostalgia: 50 Beautiful Faces We'll Never Forget...
Nostalgic faces from the golden ages to the modern ages.
Ten Reasons Why Japan's Schools Are Spectacular
How is it Japan is so special? Perhaps it is all down to their unique education system. Here are 10 amazing things about Japan's schools you never knew!
Watch This Couple Go Through 60 Years of Aging...
This young couple found out with some magical help from talented makeup artists. The results are remarkable, and the ending filled my eyes with tears.
Beautiful! All Dog Lovers Can Relate to This Touching Poem
Any dog lover can relate to this touching poem by Jimmy Stewart about his beloved dog Beau. Send this poem to those you know who love dogs too.
What a Wonderful Husband This Man Is to His Ill Wife!
This man loves his wife beyond anything, even the worst of times.
12 Beautiful Facts About the Charming Act of Kissing
Such interesting facts about the act of kissing...
This Amazing Little Girl Is Overcoming Her Disability
When this girl was born without arms she put her best foot forward and got on with enjoying her childhood. Now there is hardly anything she can't do!
These 24 Fascinating Photographs Will Surprise & Amaze You
Here are 24 of the most amazing and surprising photographs ever seen on the internet!