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This Is What Today's Favorites First Looked Like

Oh, my! Looking at how different these 20 objects used to look back when they were first invented really makes me remember my childhood. Think of those exciting days when many of our favorite objects made their early appearances in our lives: TVs, phones, computers, toys and many others. Do you think all the modern changes have been improvements? Have the newer models lost some of their charm? Why don't you join me on this trip down memory lane? 
Click on the image to see it as it was when invented.
1. Barbie: Still as pretty as ever
inventions then and now
2. Computer Mouse: What did the first one look like?
inventions then and now
apple.com; pinterest.com
3. Video Phones: They have a long history
inventions then and now
gosindex.ru; 24gadget.ru
4. Razors: Want to know what the first manual ones looked like?
inventions then and now
gillette.ru; gents-stuff.ru
5. Digital Cameras: Do you think you could fit the older model on your head too?
inventions then and now
6. Toothbrushes: Which is more like your current toothbrush?
inventions then and now
cuidatuboca.com; oralb.com
7. Cell Phones: My grandchildren will never believe this
inventions then and now
apple.com; diverhistorias.com
8. Syringe: What's scarier than a syringe? A really old one.
inventions then and now
wikipedia.org; pinterest.com
9. The Ballpoint Pen: This instrument has come in many guises
inventions then and now
purples.ru; naucaitchnika.ru
10. Sticky Tape: Do you remember how Scotch tape once was?
inventions then and now
plasticpollutioncoalition.org; wheeland.ru
11. Tinned Food: Some things will never ever change though
inventions then and now
meatinfo.ru; solav.ru
12. Portable Music Players: Most of these early models were considered revolutionary, and are now largely forgotten
inventions then and now
apple.com; popmech.ru
13. Soap: For me, sometimes the old ways were the best
inventions then and now
ceano.com; theallareequal.com
14. Computers: But many improvements have been undeniable
inventions then and now
lenovo.com; engineering.ru
15. Air Bags: How far technology has advanced!
inventions then and now
avtoz.net; bbc.com
16. Printers: These have entered a whole new 'dimension'
inventions then and now
techcrunch.com; greenhippo.com
17. Remote Control: I hardly understand the older ones
inventions then and now
whitebox.com; gizmodo.com
18. Lighters: The old models bring back a flood of nostalgic thoughts
inventions then and now
zippo.ru; steampunkeru.ru
19. Thermos: Once treasured objects have become largely disposable
inventions then and now
starbucks.com; thermos.com
20. Television: Though we have lost the quaintness, we have gained magnificence 
inventions then and now

digitaltrends.com; the-legends.ru

H/T: brightside.me

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