This magical butterfly, officially named 'Greta oto' but more widely known as the 'glass butterfly' boasts incredibly beautiful, transparent, wings. A closer look at the wings reveals veins running across them, but you can see right through them, as if you were looking through a window.
Most butterflies come with painted wings and spectacular patterning that we humans love to see. This patterning has two primary roles. It both deters predators and attracts potential mates. A glass butterfly's wings also help protect it from other animals because they allow it to camouflage against background foliage and therefore avoid detection by birds species with excellent eyesight, particularly good at detecting color.
To achieve this kind of transparency, the wing is coated with numerous sub-microscopic tiny bumps that break light and prevent it from bouncing back from the wing. Eyes perceive color based on the way it reflects light, so this special trait renders the wings largely translucent.
Wide Range: Although primarily found in Central and South America, from Mexico through Panama and down into Colombia and Ecuador, glasswing butterflies are known to migrate considerable distances. They have been spotted as far north as Florida and as far south as Chile.
The glasswing butterfly's blend of fragile beauty and resilience makes it a subject of fascination for scientists and nature lovers alike. Its ethereal appearance challenges our perceptions of nature and reminds us of the incredible diversity of life on our planet.
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From pandas to bunnies, from tigers to hedgehogs, this interactive collection promises animal lovers a terrific time!
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The Gorgeous Nature Shots of Kristina Kotarski!
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A Woman's Backyard Receives Many Beautiful Bird Visitors
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For Proof of True Love, Look to the Animal Kingdom
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