Finding the right gift to give to a friend for any kind of occasion can sometimes be a problem, so today, I'm sending someone special, something different. After spending time running around in search of the perfect gift, I've finally found it. I am giving my dear friend seven gifts that cannot be bought - though they may be a simple gift, they surely come from a deep place within my heart.
The presentation is accompanied by music - We recommend you turn on your speakers.
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I give you The Gift of Love...
Love is a special gift that you can give over and over again and is completely within your power.
May you find love in your family and your friends. And may you share the love you have to give. When you share your love, it comes back to you in many forms.
I give you The Gift of Laughter...
Laughter is infectious and the more you laugh, the more other people will join in with you.
May laughter fill your home, relieve your stress, and strengthen your friendships. Do not let a day go by without laughing; it is good for your health.
I give you The Gift of Living Each Day to the Fullest...
Every day is a gift, and may you use this gift by living life to the fullest. You will never have this day again. What will you do with it?
It is a day that you can squander, or a day that will be marked as unique. You have within you the ability to make each day worthy of note; a day that will form a significant contribution in your best-selling book of living.
I give you The Gift of No Worry...
Worries are wasted emotions, and remember that circumstances have no emotional component unless you give it to them.
May your days be worry-free. If you find yourself worrying about something then fix it. If it is beyond your control, then there is no sense in worrying about it. Ninety percent of what you worry about will never happen, so why worry!
I give you The Gift of Positive Thinking...
May you find the good in all situations, even if you have to look for it - look because it is there. No matter what happens in your life, find the good. Your life will be a happier one.
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."
- Richard Bach
I give you The Gift of Balance...
Too much of one thing can end up creating stress; this is something that no one needs in their life.
May you find the balance of life: time for work, but also time for play.
"Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some."
- Robert Fulghum
I give you The Gift of Dream Fulfillment...
Goals will help you accomplish things you may have thought impossible.
May all your dreams turn into goals.
My Family Is My Everything! And I Wanted You to Know
Let a beloved family member know that you are thinking about them by sending them one of these greeting cards.
This Gives Us a Lesson That We Should All Take Note Of!
May this video inspire you to keep you candle of hope flickering, despite the losses you may have experienced in life.
When Life Gets the Best of You, What Do You Tell Yourself?
The words you say will have an impact on how you handle difficult situations.
A Little Something to Let You Know That I Care About You!
If you have a friend who you really care about, send them this video to let them know that you truly care.
Be Sure to Send a Big, Virtual Hug to Your Friend Today!
Hugs genuinely seem to make people feel better. If you don't happen to live in close proximity to a loved one, send them one of these virtual hugs today
These Are The Things I Will NOT Wish You This Christmas...
This year, my wishes are more meaningful than they've ever been. I would like to wish you nothing more than the love of...
Quotes to Inspire from the Fiercest Women in History
Quote's from inspirational women for International Women's Day.
'O Lord God, I Ask You for Your Help': 10 Helpful Prayers
Life is truly a wonderful gift, but oftentimes I feel the need for guidance and assistance from the almighty. Here are 10 prayers which I like to offer.
Find Your Inner Peace By Taking 10 Easy Steps
Achieving inner peace isn't as hard as it seems at first glance. This guide will help you find it by taking just 10 easy steps.
We All Make Mistakes, Give Yourself a Break...
We often need reminding that it takes failure after failure to create success. These ten reminders will keep you motivated after a mistake or failure:
12 Beautiful Quotes That'll Boost And Strengthen Your Faith
In moments of peace, joy, sadness, weakness, and at the times when I need a little faith, these 12 inspiring quotes are what I turn to, as they help me trust and deepen my relationship with God a little more.
Reflection: The Power of Words is Beyond Beautiful
Words are something we often forget to appreciate. What would we do if we didn't have words? This poem and video will make you reflect.
10 Things That Matter in Life That We Always Forget
We often forget the following 10 things, but by embracing them we can live more fulfilling lives.
12 Things You Should Talk to Your Therapist About
12 important issues one should raise with their therapist.
Audrey Hepburn - 16 Quotes on Love, Happiness and Optimism
Audrey Hepburn was one of the most beloved film stars and fashion icons of the 20th century. These quotes highlight her great heart, wisdom, and humility.
15 Beautiful Quotes by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Discussed
In this article, we delve into 15 of Tennyson’s most beautiful and insightful quotes and discuss their meaning.
Harvard Psychiatrist: How to Invest in Your Happiness
A Harvard psychiatrist delves into the importance of maintaining active relationships to foster happiness.
This Profound Story Taught Me the Importance of Gratitude
The eraser seemingly only exists for the pencil. Does this remind you of anyone?
These Photos Will Make You Admit That Life Is Beautiful
These photos show us the true beauty of life - one that is filled with kindness and happiness.
I Want to Share These Quotes About the Future with You
The best way to face the future is to understand that the past is the past. Here are some illuminating quotes that bring this truth home.
14 Gestures That Prove Your Spouse Still Loves You
Usually, after several decades of living together, we forget to show our partners how much we still love them, but these 14 little gestures do just that.
You'll Never Be Downcast Hearing Sublime Quotes Like These
Here are some sublime quotes about life that will make you think twice about how you live yours...
May These Beautiful Words Get You Through the Hard Times
We all need the encouraging words of someone, when we are going through a rough patch. We hope this poem by Whittier could be that one for you.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
You'll Do Much Better In Life If You Realize These Things
Life teaches us many lessons, however,sadly many of us are guilty of forgetting the lessons we learn along the way. Here are 24 things to keep in mind in life.
After Reading This, You’ll Want to Call Your Best Friend...
Some people come and go in our lives, but real friends are part of the permanent cast. Get inspired by these wise words about those special people in your life.
These Wise Creatures Have Some Advice For You...
Sometimes the best advice comes from the natural world around us.
Because Sometimes it's Hard to find the Right Words...
We all have someone in our lives who mean so much to us that we can hardly find the words. Sending them this video will let them know how you feel about them.
Wishing You a Happy & Prosperous NEW YEAR!
Wish the important people in your life a Happy New Year by sending them one of these greeting cards.
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
An Important Message: Don't Be Anyone but You
You, my friend, are unique. Not only to me, but to the whole world as well. Your uniqueness is one of the things I truly treasure in you.
5 Zen Parables With Profound Life Lessons
Read these enlightening short Zen stories that have profound life lessons.
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
Release Your Fears & Anxieties with These Calming Mantras
These calming mantras have a calming effect and will help you deal with anxiety.
15 Quotes that Will Help Start Your Day Off Right!
These inspirational words of wisdom will get you motivated!
The Health and Mental Benefits of 'Slow Living'
In our fast-paced world, where constant connectivity and multitasking have become the norm, many are finding solace in the concept of slow living.
I Just Wanted to Let You Know How Much You Mean to Me...
Whether they are close to me or far away, I want the members of my family to know how I feel.
13 of the Most Inspiring Quotes You'll Ever Come Across
We all need to feel inspired from time to time, and undoubtedly these 13 nuggets of wisdom will
These 3 Daily Choices are Behind 90% of Our Success
By making these choices a daily practice and cultivating healthy habits as a result, we can achieve any ambition that resides within us.
17 Beautiful Quotes to Garner Ease and Happiness in Life
If you feel exhausted, sad, or lonely, read these brilliant quotes. They will help you find strength within yourself and be the capable person you know you are.
These Beautiful Words Remind Us the Value of Freedom
Here are 17 wise individuals who share truthful thoughts on freedom.
A 4-Step Guide to Being Happier With Who You Are
This guide will teach you how to live a better life with yourself.
7 Small Mistakes That Ruin the First Impression You Give
When trying to make personal or professional connections, first impressions do count. Expets advise avoiding these 7 mistakes when introducing yourself.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
These 15 Concessions Will Make You a Happier Person
Some believe that the more things we have, the happier we are, but that's not true. Discover the 15 things you should actually give up to be happy.
I Was Having a Bad Day Until I Came Across These Words
Words have the power to change your day for the better. Here are some inspirational quotes that offer you some inspired perspective.