I have mixed feelings about life. Sometimes I adore it, sometimes I feel angry at it, sometimes it drives me crazy, and other times, it breaks my heart. But despite all these feelings, I feel thankful for having it, especially when I realize that all the unpleasant struggles and lows are also part of this beautiful, breathtaking journey. Today, take a moment to reflect on all the things life is blessing you with - both the good and the bad, the big and the small - because they are all gifts worth appreciating.
Video by Fabrizio Fenech
Someone is Thinking About You Right Now...
You should share this special message with someone who's going through a difficult time in their life. It will help them and inspire them.
The Most Important Phone Call You Make Each Night
Each night I dial God's phone number. Here's what I tell him.
Using These 7 Words Will Add Positivity to Your Life!
Adding these positive words to your daily vocabulary will make a huge difference in your attitude towards life.
Please Don't Forget These Important Reminders in Life...
We should always remember the most important things in life, and we should always share them with the ones we love.
Keep These Wise Quotes Close to Your Heart
These wise words will give you comfort and strength in your darkest days, so be sure to keep them as close to your heart as you possibly can.
10 Important Things True Friends Deserve to Be Thanked For
True friends are as precious as pearls, let yours know just what they mean to you...
What You Should NOT Say to a Friend With an Ill Loved One
A list of 10 phrases its best to avoid when a friend's loved one is battling terminal illness
True Friendship Should Be Cherished Forever...
There are few things more enjoyable, more lasting at times, and more crucial to living a life as it should be lived - as true friendship.
Here's Why Everyone Should Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax as well as prevent a whole host of illnesses. Read all about how it works here.
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
May These Words Light Your Way...
Sometimes It's not easy to listen to something, But when we do, good things just might happen. Read some wise thoughts and take a moment to ponder.
These 3 Daily Choices are Behind 90% of Our Success
By making these choices a daily practice and cultivating healthy habits as a result, we can achieve any ambition that resides within us.
May Your Life be Blessed with Strength and Courage
You are more courageous than you think. Here's a message that will inspire you.
This is What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Health
Astrologists use the movement and positions of the stars and other celestial objects to draw information about human health. This is what they have to say!
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
These Innocent Questions Can Hurt Other People’s Feelings
Sometimes, asking seemingly innocent and common questions can hurt other people’s feelings.
12 Habits That Will Help You Gain Respect and Admiration
We all have moments in life where we feel like the whole world is just ignoring us, but if you adopt the following habits, you'll see things quickly change ...
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
The Great Female Quotes No One Ever Told You About
Most collections of quotations are drawn from celebrated 'men' of letters. But what about the wisest women of our age? Here are some enlightening quotes.
Such Beautiful, Inspiring Words by Our Favorite Bear...
AA Milne’s classic children’s book are filled with vibrant characters who are infinitely wise with their simple words.
Because Sometimes it's Hard to find the Right Words...
We all have someone in our lives who mean so much to us that we can hardly find the words. Sending them this video will let them know how you feel about them.
15 Quotes on Yoga That Will Bring You Some Inner Peace
Yoga is a practice through which you can attain inner peace and find balance in your life. Here are some inspiring yoga quotes to motivate you.
Ever Hear About the 6 Elephants?
What is "truth" comprised of? This highly inspiring story will definitely get you thinking about this.
10 Important Things True Friends Deserve to Be Thanked For
True friends are as precious as pearls, let yours know just what they mean to you...
14 Agatha Christie Quotes That Will Make You Think
Agatha Chritie gave us some pretty memorable words, as remarkable people often do. Here are some of the most inspiring, introspective and entertaining ones
Discover Your Joyful True Nature in 5 Valuable Steps
Discover your joyful true nature in 5 meditative steps.
Few Words of Wisdom Can Aspire to Those Said by Voltaire
These inspiring quotes by Voltaire will have you feeling enlightened.
Saying No: A Key Buddhist Practice for Inner Peace
Use Buddhism to ignore distractions and focus on what matters.
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
Avoid Stress Eating With These Useful Tips
Does stress make you skip meals or eat more unhealthy snacks and foods? This is a very common problem, and here is how you can get rid of it...
An Eternal Life – The Story of a Loving Grandson
The grandfather in this story is certain that his last day is nearing, but his grandson shows him that there's a way to live an eternal life....
9 Tips to Help You and Your Children Manage Your Anger
Unfortunately, it is difficult to control anger, because like a volcano, it can erupt at any moment, but the following 9 tips can help you deal with it.
Are We Afraid to Ask Ourselves These Questions?
These questions should be pondered, the answers you give may change your outlook on life...
My Mom Taught Me These Important Life Lessons...
At times, life can be hard, so we can all use a piece of good advice from time to time. Here are 12 valuable life lessons that my Mom taught me.
Rejoice and God Bless: The Spiritual Teaching of the Bible
These are the most comforting and inspiring words you will ever hear: the words of Jesus of Nazareth, that fill me with life and hope. Consider, and rejoice.
12 Tips to Turn Your Pain Into Wisdom and Strength
with the following 12 tips, you’ll learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and wisdom.
Discover a 5-Minute Meditation for Quick Calm
Meditation is used by people across the world for its wonderful benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Here is a five minute, stress relieving meditation that anybody can perform easily.
10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That'll Make You Think
Mother Teresa was an inspiration to millions. In this video you'll find ten of her most powerful quotes and we hope they inspire you too!
This Grandmother's Wise Words Will Change Your Perception
In times of adversity, do you allow the situation to make you soft, hard, or do you learn to adapt?
These Animals Will Express Your Love For You!
These animals know how to express love without a word, so we added some beautiful ones you can send to the people you love the most.
I Wish I Knew These Things Many Years Ago...
I wish I had discovered these skills and tips a lot earlier in life.
Follow This Advice and People Will Start Trusting You More
This video will show you how to become more trusted in the complex world of today.
May These Words Inspire You as Much as They Did For Me
Truly inspiring! It only takes one person to change the world.
Being This Thankful Really Makes Your Life Better
There's no emotion more sublime than thankfulness.
She Left This Letter Before She Died, It Was Heartbreaking
A little girl passed away, this is the letter they found...
These Quotes By George Orwell Will Make You Stop and Think
These quotes by George Orwell will make you stop and think.
In The Pursuit of Happiness This is What You Need to Know...
Striving to be happy takes work and requires a change from within, and not from without. Let these quotes inspire you to achieve your happiness.