Both butterflies and moths have four stages of life – they go from the initial egg to a caterpillar, then to a cocoon and finally to a butterfly or moth. We often think that whatever comes out of the cocoon is always more beautiful than the caterpillar that made it, but in some cases, this is not so. In these 18 pictures, you’ll see the transformation, and decide for yourself if you prefer the caterpillar or the butterfly/moth…
Click on any of the images to see the transformation!
12. Blue Morpho
Can You Spot the Camouflaged Creatures in These Photos?
These wonderful animals have gone into hiding. Can you find them? If not, just click on the photo to reveal all!
12 Beautiful Australian Birds All Bird-Lovers Should See
Check out 12 of the most unique and beautiful birds of Australia.
How Does Our Lifespan Compare With the Animal Kingdom?
Some animals live for a very short time and others for an extremely long one - but do you know which? And how do people match up? Find out here.
15 Lovely, Cuddly Animals Destined to Rule the World...
If cuteness was a competition, these 15 gorgeous infant beasts would take some beating. But which is the ultimate cutesy? I've got my eyes on Number 10.
15 Incredible Photos of the World Underwater
Thousands of talented photographers registered for the British competition of the underwater photographer of the year!
Turbulent Waters: Unbelievable Sea Moments
The ocean can be a big and scary place. Here are some of the craziest sea moments caught on camera.
These Comedy Wildlife Photos Are Hilarious
Check out 20 of the best entries from 2018's edition of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
When Left Alone, Nature Eventually Takes Over...
Spectacular pictures of abandoned places being reclaimed by nature.
You Won't Believe the Equine Wonder in These Horse Photos
Wiebke Haas captures some of the world's most beautiful horses strutting their proud stuff in this superb collection of equine majesty.
This Photographer Captured a Baby's Journey in the Womb
This photographer's amazing project concerned capturing a baby's development in the womb, from the moment of conception through to birth. Take a look.
War of the Carnivores: Full Length Wildlife Documentary
These fierce warriors contest each other in a raw, untamed spectacle of survival, where every moment counts. Brace yourselves, the battle begins.
New From Nature: 11 New Animal Species Discovered in 2022
Today, we will acquaint you with 2022's 11 newly discovered species of animals and delve into the reasoning behind their distinctive names.
16 Fascinating Plants You Have to See to Believe!
How many of these interesting plants have you seen before?
15 Wonderful Plants to Grow in Every Room in Your Home
We wouldn’t be surprised if you’re already growing plants in your home, but the question is, are you placing them correctly?
Nature's Wonders: 14 Fascinating and Gorgeous Plants
These are some of the most interesting plants we have seen in a while.
Nature Really Went Overboard While Creating These Animals
This rare collection of pictures shows common animals but with some truly unique features. Check it out!
The 10 Most Beautiful Owl Species in the World
Showcasing some of the most gorgeous owls in the world and how they live their lives.
Marvel at the Stunning Winners of Ocean Art Awards!
Marvel at the spectacular winning images from the 2023 Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest.
These Natural Wonders Are Too Strange For Words
Natural weather processes have resulted in some truly weird and wonderful natural wonders forming in certain areas of the world. Here are 12 of the weirdest.
Wow! These Record-Breaking Dogs Are Incredibly Talented
From a dog that's over 3 and a half feet tall to a dog that can ride a scooter at an incredible speed, everything you're about to see is sure to amaze you!
West Canada is Wild, Strong and Ever So Pretty
The wilds of West Canada are some of the most jaw dropping natural scenes in all the world we live on.
The Crystal Waters of Fiji Are Pure Underwater Heaven
There are few waters more beautiful than the crystal clear waters of Fiji.
30 Animals With More Hair Than They Know What to Do With
It's hard to imagine how any of these animals can see clearly with all that hair. Enjoy these 30 cute and furry animals in desperate need of a haircut.
Wildlife Is Even More Beautiful In 4K Definition!
The wildlife in Myanmar is beautiful, and we're lucky enough to witness it being captured in 4K definition. Enjoy!
Get Close with the Aquatic World - Award-Winning Photos
Marvel at these award-winning photos from the Close-up Photographer of the Year.
In Pictures: Royal Entomological Society Photo Contest
Check out the winners of the 2023 Royal Entomological Society photo contest.
Brighten Up Your Garden with These 7 Beautiful Flowers
Brighten up your garden by adding some of the best and brightest flowers around!
Unbelievable Photos from World Nature Photography Awards
Marvel at the incredible photos from the World Nature Photography Awards 2024.
These 20 Animal Facts will Blow Your Mind
Did you know that squirrels plant trees or that oysters can change their gender? These little-known animal facts will blow your mind! I was especially impressed with no.6!
The Most Astonishing Wildlife Photos of the Decade
These are some of our favorite shots of animals in the wild, ever. Enjoy this stunning collection of professional wildlife photography
This Woman Takes Incredible Wildlife Pics With Hidden Cams
A woman has set up a secret camera in her backyard bird feeder and ends up capturing the most interesting wildlife photos.
This Place Proves the Desert Can Be Beautiful
This place is called the Natural Bridges National Monument, and today we're going to visit it.
16 Bizarre Facts That Are So Strange They Could Only Be True
Sometimes science is so bizarre it blows the mind. Read These 16 fascinating facts that prove that truth is stranger than fiction.
A Most Beautiful Exploration of the Ocean Floor
Dive far below the ocean, all the way to its bottom below the great frozen continent of Antarctica.
These Are Definitely the Oddest Couples I Could Imagine...
These strange couples destroy all my previous notions about animal relationships.
These Rare Animals Are Both Weird and Wonderful
Have you ever seen a creature that looked so weird and unique that you weren't sure if you were actually looking at an alien or something that belongs on our planet?Discover here these 15 weird and wonderful creatures that are too wonderful for words
8 Members of the Animal World Who Thrive In Their Solitude
Here's a look at some of the most interesting solitary animals in the world who thrive in their solitude.
Spectacular Winners of the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards
Meet the spectacular winners of the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards.
World's Biggest Snake: This Massive Anaconda Is 26ft-Long!
Scientists have just discovered the world’s biggest snake in Amazon rainforest.
15 Pictures Depicting the Rare Wonders of Nature
In this article, we display 15 unique photos of various natural phenomena - from rare eye colors to beautiful rock formations, and even albino plants.
The Most Colorful Birds Will Make Your Day!
Nature never stops surprising us, we invite you to enjoy pictures of the following 14 exotic birds that show the magic of nature and its endless variety.
There Are So Many Beautiful Types of Orchids...
There are over 25,000 types of orchid. Here are some of my favorites...
Can You Guess the Famous Geological Formation?
Can you recognize the world-famous geological formations and landscapes that are blurred out in these pictures? Give it a go and see how many you get right!
Is it a Raccoon? Is it a Dog? No. It’s a 'Raccoon Dog'!
Tanuki, or the Japanese raccoon dog, is a unique species. Its neither a dog, nor a raccoon. So what is it?
19 Flower Species that Celebrate the Summertime with Beauty
Summertime in the northern hemisphere is decorated by some of the most beautiful flowers you've seen.