We see and hear words all the time. These spoken or written forms of communication have power. They can make you smile or scream, laugh or cry. Sometimes, they can make you think. At th every least, the right words can change your day. Whether you’re having a good or a bad one, these inspirational quotes can offer you a bit of perspective, sure to put a smile on your face. |
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
Audrey Hepburn - 16 Quotes on Love, Happiness and Optimism
Audrey Hepburn was one of the most beloved film stars and fashion icons of the 20th century. These quotes highlight her great heart, wisdom, and humility.
Remember These 8 Quotes and You'll Be Better For It
These 8 quotes taught us a lot, and we hope that they will do the same for you.
11 of Eleanor Roosevelt's Most Inspiring Musings
Eleanor Roosevelt was an empowered woman with many wise words to share with the world. Here are 11 of her most inspiring quotes.
14 Inspirational Quotes About Attaining Happiness in Life
All of us want to be happy, but maybe the trick is to stop wanting and simply choosing to be happy?
8 Smart Quotes That Will Teach You Life's Lessons
Here are 8 pieces of advice that have really helped me throughout me life.
The Change Begins From Within: 8 Illusions Keeping You from Life
The great illusions of life serve as "excuses" that prevent us from reaching happiness and success, here is how to see beyond them...
Famous Quotes and Sayings That Are Grossly Misunderstood
The quotes we list in this article are really famous, but most people don't use them right. Learn about the real meaning of these quotes here!
This is What Mother Teresa Had to Say to the World
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to others and she learnt an awful lot throughout her long time on earth. Here are some of her words of wisdom.
This Grandmother's Wise Words Will Change Your Perception
In times of adversity, do you allow the situation to make you soft, hard, or do you learn to adapt?
The Words of This German Spiritualist Are Fascinating...
Quotes from spiritual mentor Eckhart Tolle will lead you on the path to happiness, peace, and love.
The 15 MOST Memorable Quotes by Sean Connery
Let’s remember and reflect on Sir Sean Connery as an actor and as a person by looking at 15 of the most iconic quotes ever uttered by the late actor.
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
Share This Message with Someone Who Needs to Hear It
So many ways to describe love, allow me to try...
How to Reframe Your Negative Thinking for a Better Life
In this video, we will learn to process our negative emotions in a way that won't destroy our lives and our happiness.
Learn All About the 7 Ancient Greek Types of Love
We all crave a romantic type of love. But which type of love do you have?
I'd Like to Say a Few Beautiful Words About Friendship...
Here are some famous quotes on friendship that will say it best to the friends you care about
Did You Know the Origin of These 10 Superstitions?
Discover the interesting reasons behind why you're afraid of walking under ladders, seeing a black cat, breaking a mirror, and many others!
8 Ways to Avoid the Negative Loop of Rumination
we’re here to help you break free from rumination and negative thoughts with 8 words of advice.
This Is One Story of Forgiveness I Will Never Forget!
This fascinating story about two brothers and the escalation of a foolish argument they had between them teaches us about life and what forgiveness is all about!
WATCH: Stop, Take a Minute, and Remember...
If you're going through a rough patch, remember to take a second, breathe and reminisce...
There is a Lot to Learn From the Soul of a Dog...
This beautiful video makes it clear why we love dogs so much.
15 Inspiring Quotes by Great Minds to Spark Courage in You
To help you reclaim your bravery, here are 15 inspiring and thought provoking quotes by world renowned thinkers of the past and present
Love Yourself: 12 Inspiring Quotes for Happiness
Self love an acceptence are important but don't always come easy. We hope these quotes will inspire you and remind you to be a little kinder to yourslef.
This Girl Surprised All When She Was Asked About 7 Wonders
When a little girl is asked in her class about what she thinks the true 7 wonders of the world are, her answer surprises and inspires everyone...
50 Pieces of Advice That'll Help You Age Gracefully
50 fantastic pieces of advice that will you age with grace and dignity. You'd do well to remember these tips.
You are Amazing: Can You Allow Yourself to Believe This?
Make someone realize that they are great and that they never stop being so, today.
The Gem Knows: Pick a Gem and We'll Tell You Why You Did!
You may be surprised what your pick of gems says about who you are.
Inspiring! This is What Christmas is Really About
To celebrate the festivities here are some inspiring quotes that will get you in the Christmas-cheer mood.
6 Sure Signs You Are a Truly Moral Person
It turns out that how you communicate with others and how you react in difficult life situations says a lot about your moral stance.
I Know the Recipe for Happiness: Practice These Habits!
Perhaps the best way to learn happiness is to study the habits of the happiest people. Here are 8 things they can teach all of us.
14 Inspiring Lessons That Can Be Found in Children's Books
These are the life lessons that will be passed on from generation to generation. Do you remember any of them?
15 Quotes on Yoga That Will Bring You Some Inner Peace
Yoga is a practice through which you can attain inner peace and find balance in your life. Here are some inspiring yoga quotes to motivate you.
The 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language
Words have power! How do you use ten of the most powerful words in the English language?
If You've Known Love, This Song Will Move You...
Contemporary pop songs don't manage to convey the emotion of love like the songs of the past, but this wonderful piece does so in a charming and moving way...
Better Sleep Starts Here: Feng Shui Bedroom Guide
Improve your sleep with these amazing Feng Shui bedroom hacks.
Find Your Inner Peace By Taking 10 Easy Steps
Achieving inner peace isn't as hard as it seems at first glance. This guide will help you find it by taking just 10 easy steps.
Viking Wisdom: Life Lessons from the Norse Legends
Find inspiration in these wise and powerful Viking quotes.
Inspiring! Change the World by Making Your Bed
We are sure you will be motivated after listening to what this man has to say!
What Cirque Du Soleil Dancers Teach Us About Trust...
This unique video offers a beautiful performance as well as deep thoughts about the sublime act of trust.
This Story of Father and Son Touched My Heart...
A beautiful way to demonstrate the circle of caring and love between parent and child.
5 Zen Parables With Profound Life Lessons
Read these enlightening short Zen stories that have profound life lessons.
The Priceless Stone: A Father’s Touching Lesson
When a little boy wanted to know exactly what his value in the world was, his father had a creative way of showing him...
These Quotes Will Inspire You to Be Who You Want to Be
A little motivation goes a long way. Let these quotes inspire you!
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
Don't Make Life So Complicated! Live by These 3 Rules
We make our lives out to be more complicated than they need to be. Listen to these inspiring words.
A Beautiful Poem About What REALLY Matters in Life
Overcome self-doubt with this touching poem about the essence of who we are...