OK so you broke something. Don't feel bad, it happens to us all sooner or later. But should that mean the object is now useless to you? The answer is a resounding no. There are many things you can do with broken items, with a little creativity they can still serve you in a number of ways. Here are a few great ideas for reusing broken items around the house and garden: |
Use pottery pieces to mark plants in the garden. |
... Or to create a specially designed little pot. |
Use broken plates to mark your garden limits. |
Or plate pieces to make the bottom of pots. |
Use wine glasses with broken stems as garden candlesticks. |
Create a chandelier from broken or damaged jewellery. |
Glue precious stones and pearls fallen from jewelry to hair pins. |
...or glue them on a cloth bracelet. |
Make more colorful candlesticks from egg shells. Just paint them and pout hot wax into them. |
Use a broken globe as lamp shades. |
Or as a decorative bowl. |
Melt remnant of pastel or water colors and pour them into an empty glue or lipstick container, in order to reuse them later. |
Use old mattress springs as an old-style bulletin board. |
Glue CD pieces to a ball of Styrofoam to create a small mirror ball you can hang as decoration. |
Take out the support pole of a broken umbrella and create a play parachute for kids to play with. |
Use cloth leftovers from an old shirt to renew a torn flip flop. |
Create decorative candles from beer bottles. |
Make a hanger or tie rack from a broken chair back. |
... or a swing from a chair that lost its legs. |
Turn an old table to two wall-adjacent desks. |
... or turn two old chairs into a french bench. |
Use a drum from an old laundry machine as an industrial-looking nightstand. |
Use a bicycle wheel as a baby mobile. |
Or as a pan holder. |
Or make a nifty dream catcher. |
Use an old book case as an organizer. |
Make a bird bath from a cracked china set. |
One That Really Feels Like the Real Deal: DIY Potato Chips
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